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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. You've changed the boundaries and her sleeping spot. I'd say the anxiety might well stem from that. Where is she sleeping now and why did you make the change? I'd no more expect a vet to advise on behavioural issues than I'd expect a GP to give me psychiatric counselling. You may want to think about getting some experienced help if this continues.
  2. The "Your Purebred Puppy" website describes terrier traits as follows: Of course not all terrier breeds are like that, nor are all individuals within breeds going to fit that profile. But gee quite a few do!! I think the biggest issue with the smaller terriers is created by people who buy them on looks and have no idea of their breed origin or what they are getting. A terrier in the right hands is a great dog. In the wrong hands.. not so great. They share that with other breeds who find themselves in homes unsuitable for them. If you remember the original job each Terrier was bred to do, you do both yourself and the dog a favour.
  3. I can't speak for the NT, but in the case of the ACT, don't bank on that.
  4. None of the ANKC recognised sighthounds is noted for Ivermectin sensitivity. The only two 'breeds' that are noted for it are the Longhaired Whippet and the Silken Windhound, both of which are known or suspected to have Shetland Sheepdog or Collie Rough in their makeup.
  5. I'd be wanting that made explicit. It wouldnt' worry me paying for the cremation but I'd want Pets at Peace to be able to pick the body up OK.
  6. Most dog walks break down into 3 pieces. It will fit on a box trailer - on top of a rack is ideal if the trailer has sides or a rack.
  7. If other dogs could benefit from my dogs body then yes, I probably would. However, I'd want the body cremated and the ashes back afterwards. ETA: I"m sorry to hear its spreading CW.
  8. Report it. Don't take balls to crowded dog parks either. It's asking for trouble. If your friend wants to use a ball, she needs to find a quieter place.
  9. KB: How are you encouraging him to run? You've got yourself a working breed mix. He's only going to need more mental and physical stimulation as he grows. It's great that you're going to go to training. As has already been suggested, taxing him mentally will tire him out faster than any amount of running. Bear in mind he's a baby and you have to be careful not to overtax his growing bones. Teach him tricks, give him toys he has to work to gain reward from and keep the training going.
  10. I think its safe to say there's always parvo in Sydney and Melbourne. Recent threads here have mentioned cases in both cities.
  11. Old dogs and pups can not or should not do these jumps. Hefting a 20kg + aging Standard Poodle into cars, baths etc may be something worth thinking about. I'd suggest you spend some time around the big guys.
  12. Plenty of errors in that report. Nice to see The Australian completely ignore the puppy farm issue and the fact that most of these DDs are F1s and most do shed. The last breed to be developed and recognised here is the Tenterfield Terrier from memory. It wasn't that long ago either. Clearly they didnt' ask the right people.
  13. Your opinion of the human race is clearly higher than mine LP. Someone who'd allow a dog to starve to death has an emotional deficit that no amount of experience will overcome IMO. This kind of lack of empathy is the stuff of budding sociopaths IMO.
  14. Most prison dog assistance programs I've heard of won't allow prisoners convicted of violent crimes, cruelty or abuse anywhere near dogs. You don't need to do an education program to know you're meant to feed a dog. You merely need to give one iota of thought to the animal. This was not a matter of lack of knowledge but callous indifference to the suffering of an animal entirely at his mercy. No amount of education would fix this.
  15. I agree... But, I reckon he should've got a much longer sentence and been made to work in a prison that trained assistance dogs for people. Maybe that way he may learn some love and compassion for animals and how to treat them the right way. I wouldn't let him anywhere near assistance dogs. He's demonstrated a complete lack of empathy or care. Why give him another chance to be cruel?
  16. Good. Lots of dog lovers in prison.
  17. Chrisjc: They didn't fly low enough to be banned from import to the country or ownership in most states. If they haven't made the media perhaps its due to those who have them them keeping them out of the hands of irresponsible knobs. If that is the case then good luck to their fanciers and I hope they continue to exercise the same discretion in who they sell to.
  18. Average mini height is probably 13-15 inches at the shoulder. Standards? Haven't seen one below about 23 inches in a long time and the boys get a lot bigger.
  19. Unless they have a huge Kelpie like mine who has to jump 600 I've seen more Minis than Standards in agility. Could be because they are more popular generally? If litter regos are anything to go buy, the Mini is the least popular of the three sizes. Buggered if I know why.
  20. Talk to some standard owners/breeders but SP's stay "puppies" for a fair length of time. Most standards would be in the 600 (ie jumping 600mm) class and the Kelpies and BCs are often a class below. When all heights compete, the faster working dogs are hard to beat but they dont' win all the time. If you have a back back and neck, also consider lifting a larger pup/dog into the car, the tub and walking a stronger dog on lead. You'd probably do that more often than you'll do obedience training.
  21. Is that Postive Feedback from the Judge??? That would be great but seems to be a rare thing, Iguess they are too busy to say much at the time, and perhaps it's not the done thing? Although I've been bouyed by encouraging comments from Judges such as "promising puppy", "what a lovely line up of beautiful bitches I have here today" and "nice job". But I think comments are rare, apart from a few 'niceities'. I do get alot of postive feedback (and constructive critism) from my fellow competitors which I value greatly. And it's not about the 10c ribbon or a piece of carboard, when I started this post I was very thrilled and happy to have been chosen for a RC, it was my first, and as the days have gone by my initial euphoria has wained somewhat. Some of your comments have made me feel that perhaps it really is no big deal. But it did give me some encouragement for a short while there to keep trying when at times I've felt like giving up, not because I don't think my dog is up to it, I know she is, her biggest handicap is me, but I've been trying hard and learning alot and felt that it was finally starting to come together. From the judge (rare I agree but results count), from other judges or breeders I respect and from my fellow Houndees. Nice to hear when you've shown your dog to advantage.
  22. I think you'd probably get a better result using a horse dandy brush followed by a warm wet cloth to wipe him down and then towelling him off. If he smells, wash him. Plush Puppy Wonder Wash is a spray on, wipe off cleaner that's very good but I'd not use it all over a dog. I'd be worried about allergic responses to any powder left in the dog's coat.
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