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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. A tiny 14 week old pup in a public offleash park? Nope, I'd not do it.
  2. These days they call it "idiopathic aggression" At least some study results refute the idea of "cocker rage". I quote. Just because an owner doesn't understand why a dog becomes aggressive doesn't mean there ain't a reason.
  3. "A" for intention "F" for execution. A lot of fallacies in that article sadly.
  4. I've got a bag from the manufacturer for the sides of my big gazebo, an equestrian gear bag for a lot of show junk and a smaller sports bag for my junk. What I'd still like is a bag for my prayer mat (3 x 3 plastic mat that goes under the gazebo), one for the sides and wall of my Oztrail Compact and one for my aluminium shade cloth tarp.
  5. I'd be finding a way to separate the dogs when they are outside unsupervised and giving the pup access outside. Newspaper is slippery, has ink that gives off fumes and confinement to the laundry will not assist the pup's physical development. A pup shouldn't be forced to sleep where it eliminates - you're setting yourself up for toilet training issues down the track. How will an "inside only" dog get access to the 1 hour of unfiltered sunlight it needs for optimum Vitamin D absorbtion. Sorry, but an active young pup needs more space than is currently being provided and IMO the best place for that space is outside. Maybe its time to fix the fencing and build a run for the other dog?
  6. Rysup: My point was if vets think Coprice is such good stuff, why wouldn't they be selling it to clients?
  7. If he's checked for both, I'd not be repeating the scrapings but I have to say that the hair loss in such a young dog would be concerning me. Dietary changes may assist. Heavy metals can be in the soil, in products used around the house (eg old paint) and in some forms of pottery. Is the other dog unaffected? If so, then there's something specific happening to the pup.
  8. How many vets do you know that sell it? I can't name one. No rice based food is going to be optimal for a carnivore, no matter what you add to it. Only trial and error will tell you what your dog does best on but the general consensus is that there are way better products than Supercoat out there. You can also supplement a kibble diet with raw meaty bones and some decent EFA oil to improve the diet.
  9. Yikes! Did the vet check for both kinds of mange? (Sarcoptic and Demodectic)? I would suggest you discontinue the "pet mince". Its usually laden with preservatives. Something like chicken wings would be a better option.
  10. Things to eliminate would be mange (need a skin scraping for that and it doesn't sound like it), allergies and any genetic causes. If your pup had been blue I'd have looked at dilute colour alopecia but as she is red, that's ruled out. As a first step, I'd be looking to supplement the diet with some decent oil (fish or flaxseed) and changing up to a premium kibble. ETA: Heavy metal poisoning would be a remote possibility. Lead poisoning can lead to hair loss. That would require a blood test. However if other littermates are losing hair and are on different diets, you're looking more at a genetic component.
  11. I don't recall "paws of death" being a dressage move???
  12. Did you notice the two dogs in harness are in perfect step.
  13. Why? Ignorance and fear among the general public wrt dog attacks Irresponsiblity by certain dog owners A desire for a knee jerk quick fix by politicians. Add a media frenzy that sees a "pitbull attack" as selling as many newspapers as a shark attack and you've got the answer.
  14. Gorgeous!!!! One of those is cheating though - and it looks like a boy. I do love the 'zoi. :p
  15. Poodles! John Suter successfully completed several Iditarods with his team of Standard Poodles before non-tradtitional sledding breeds were banned from the event.
  16. Here's a thread I've been dying to see.. so folk can post unusual photos of dogs sledding. I know Idigadog has a few to share. I'll start: Corgis!
  17. Ibiza is a breeder prefix. The breeder specialises in solid coloured dogs and does breed blacks. His website is www.blackwhippet.com
  18. Anyone with a bitch that can whelp 3 times a year best give me a call at Deshonko. I can always use some of those. Cheque book's ready to go. ;)
  19. Umbrella.. you hold it. Seriously, I've done it..
  20. Unless the dogs are kept in pretty bad conditions, there is nothing that can be done. It's not illegal to breed in this manner. Where's your Mum's Whippet coming from???
  21. Hee hee. That issue was a subject of not just one but two threads! http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=199043&hl= http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?show...=199133&hl= I think the end conclusion was 'part teddy bear' I even responded in one. I wouldn't like to hazard a guess as to breed make up - so no help there.
  22. Just out of interest, do you know what breed/s are in your pup's background. Some breeds are less tolerant than others and some have lower bite thresholds and inhibition than others. Some idea of what sort of dog you're dealing with may help.
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