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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. If you had watched the show you would have understood why this story was deemed important. It was an important warning for pet owners to be cautious when feeding pet food from overseas given the addition of melamine which has caused thousands of deaths. http://au.todaytonight.yahoo.com/video# Of course you are aware that Australia imported gluten from the same Chinese producers? I bet those paragons of journalistic excellence at TT missed that. From the FSANZ website. The best protection you can offer your pet is to feed human grade products ONLY to your pet, whether they be processed or raw.
  2. I can understand why people would get upset about their dogs being called a mongrel. But I know plenty of people who refer to their dogs as mongrels lovingly - both crossbreds and pures But are you telling me that we are no longer allowed to call our female dogs bitches? All in the name of political correctness, because "someone" might get offended :D Its a bit of a joke isn't it. They're DOGS people, not furry children or fur people. Treat them like dogs and call them by their species correct gender names. Calling a female dog a bitch is no more offensive than calling a female horse a mare.
  3. I suggest you read everything here and think about crate training both your dogs. Any dog that's not reliably toilet trained by about 5 months old has had something go wrong in the training process. Personally, I'm not fan of paper training puppies if your eventual aim is to have the dog toilet outdoors.
  4. Those who advocate putting strong irritants like Dencorub or Vicks on their pup's leads would do well to try some in their own mouths first. The adverse effects of this stuff on your dog will last long after it has associated the taste with mouthing the lead or another object. If its at mouth level, its at eye and nose level.. and that's a pretty strong aversive to have waving around your pup's face while trying to teach leashed walking. It's not only pretty damn cruel, its ineffective training. Use a deterrant designed for the job, not something that will cause a lot of pain to sensitive mucus membranes inside the mouth for quite some time. Pomchi, have you attended any training with your pup yet? Marley's Mum, put the kitchen stool away for a few months or lock Marley out of the kitchen when you aren't there. This phase doesn't last forever.
  5. Here we go. Owner has no idea of the breed but calls for ban on the obvious. Poll done and comment made.
  6. My guess is this pup won't come with papers either. dwilds has had plenty of warnings about this breeder.
  7. Proban can be used with Advantix. Personally I think they'd probably be better off using Advantix and a regular Permoxin rinse or spray. Proban is an organophosphate - probably a bit hard on the liver for an oldie.
  8. R&L: My vet says when a dog's that big, getting weight off fast is a good thing. I'd give him what you consider to be a normal meal for a dog that size until you talk to the vet. But if he's THAT hungry, and at that size, I'd suggest you run a thyroid panel on him.
  9. You will not build muscle on a dog unless you WORK the dog. Roadwork is usually the key to getting a dog fit and muscular. Mixed with a couple of good offlead runs week should see the dog in optimum condition. Walk your dog a minimum of 5km a day, switch to a better grade of kibble (a performance one would be ideal but ONLY if the dog is getting a lot of exercise) and add some whey powder to his diet and you should see results. A terrier should be a lean, fit, agile animal, not a tub of lard or a muscle bound, no necked lump. Its like comparing heavy weight boxers to body builders. Bigger is NOT better for a dog that should be able to sprint, dodge and turn with the best of them. Go to a SBT speciality and you'll see what the breed is supposed to look like. Or look at SBT123's dogs - they get roadwork daily.
  10. How much exercise and training does this dog get? One of the reasons these dogs tend to be champion yappers is that they're often bored witless through lack of physical and mental stimulation. A lot of them don't have many boundaries or manners either because they get treated like dolls, not dogs. No terrier at all in that cross.
  11. I buy through them. No complaints from me! Delivery is very quick.
  12. I have wondered how different the human stuff is? Well good news I just tried the goats milk, literally it's quite yummy!! And Cooper thought so too It was touch and go he took a slurp and then walked away but I coaxed him back and he drank it all it was only about 1/4 of a cup full, and he was licking the bottom of the bowl for more so I think we may have found a winner. He is really weird at times he will look at something but not have a bar of it but if I put a bit of it in his mouth and he gets a taste of it, then he will eat it I did try that with the fish for dogs but no way and I ended up with a big sticky stinky fishy . Mine like it even better warmed up :p
  13. For yourself or on the pooch? Me, although I understand folk do wash dogs with it.
  14. I'd be guessing Intervertebral Disk Disease (IVDD) or some other form of compression on her spinal cord rather than arthritis but you never know. A quick Google search shows CCs as a breed that may be prone to IVDD. Sorry to hear about her dramas. :D
  15. The short answer for me is that my dogs like both but tolerate goats milk better. Here's some stuff on the differences. Goat Milk vs Cow Milk · Nutrient content of goat milk is slightly less than cow milk but goat milk is more digestible because the fat molecules are one-fifth the size of those from cow milk -- making it easily tolerated by those with compromised digestive systems. · It is one-third richer than cows milk but more nourishing and easier to digest. · Goat milk has no cream separation because of smaller fat molecules. · Goat milk contains pre-formed Vitamin A in the milk fat that allows it to be readily available for use by the body. · Goats milk contains a more highly-evolved cholesterol than cows milk, making it more available for absorption to the brain and body. (Cholesterol is essential to the health of the myelin sheaths "white matter" of the nerves in the brain.) · Goat milk has an alkaline reaction. Cow milk has an acid reaction · Goat milk does not form mucous (phlegm). · Goat milk contains more chlorine, fluorine and silicon than any other domestic livestock. Chlorine and fluorine are natural germicides and fluorine assists in preventing diabetes. · Goat milk contains 2% curd, which precipitates in the stomach. Cows milk is 10% curd. · Goats milk is tolerated by a compromised /damaged liver because of the smaller fat molecules and it's naturally homogenized. · Goats milk has the ability to "sweeten" the intestinal tract and assist with constipation. · Goats milk contains a higher evolved carotene (pro-Vitamin A). Researchers have found this to have cancer preventing properties. Getting RIGHT off topic, I'm a huge fan of goats milk soap too!
  16. I'd be hunting down a decent canine chiropractor TLC.
  17. Kidsafe has a lot of educational stuff about kids meeting dogs.. most of it online.
  18. One of my dogs will regurgitate cows milk almost as soon as she drinks it. That makes goats milk the preferred dog milk in this house!
  19. I suggest the thieves be sentenced to community service at the zoo. I'm thinking cleaning the big cat and bear enclosures.. Without locking the residents elsewhere. :D
  20. Can you just buy goats milk in the supermarket? Yep!! It tends to be with the "special milks". I think Paul's makes the one I buy. I've bought it for ages and have never tasted it either. I probably should.
  21. Methinks we spoil our dogs a bit CW EW. :D
  22. No, you can buy it online and even in Petbarn which charges $$$$$$ I've never tasted it ;) but none of my dogs have any issues slurping it down. :D
  23. Yes you need to worry. As has already been highlighted, getting another dog may not "improve" the one you have. You may end up with twice the issues in two dogs! Just out of interest, how often and for how long every week does your dog leave your home?
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