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Posts posted by poodlefan

  1. PF, with respect

    I really dont know why you bother wasting your time with the alterego calling himself Mathew B.

    let him or her or it think what they like.

    They are inconsequential.

    You can't saw sawdust.

    Even you, PF :)

    I agree. I even said as much.. but its hard to watch people making arguments that are illogical and claims that are unjustified.

    I tell myself everytime this subject comes up to stay away.... but it suckers me every time. :o

  2. I was presuming that the OP meant that dry food was all they were fed each day. Of course the amount would need to be modified in balance with other food intake. I do mean three quarters of a cup - just realized it might look like I meant 3-4 cups ;)

    So was I. It's still more than what I feed my dogs weighing twice that much.

    My Whippet only gets a bit more than that.

  3. Finally - a sane voice of reason!


    The dog's described are not fighting dogs, have an inate desire to please and ARE NOT IN THIS COUNTRY.

    The author makes the point that its humans that determine whether or not a relationship with a dog will be a success.

    That's hardly in agreeance with your :kill all the fighting dogs: proposition Matthew. :confused:

  4. Moosepup i think we will probably be more upset than the dogs too. :cry:I went to the vet this morning and he thought my dog has anxiety issues and that by getting them off our bed and into there own would help. We are also having a few other issues with them which just stems from lack of leadership by us. I just read an article on the net that sleeping together doesnt affect the pack leadership relationship. What does everyone else think? :confused:


    I wonder how he arrived at that diagnosis and how he decided that disrupting their normal sleeping arrangements would help.

    Can I politely suggest that you find a behaviourist or trainer you are happy with, get them to come and talk to you about your dogs and stick to what they (and only they) suggest for you and your dogs. Otherwise I think both you and your dogs are going to end up very confused about how to resolve the current issues you have. Asking for advice on an internet forum will only compound the problem.

  5. She runs around the backyard like a loon everyday plus I walk her generally about 30 mins, currently every 3rd day or so, but thats now going to be a daily routine. We need to get this in check, for own health and well being.

    Is it ok to bulk up her food with a bit of grated carrot? Its about the only veggie she will eat willingly.

    Carrot is OK. Baked or mashed pumpkin is probably more filling and more fibre.

  6. Definitely thebookdepository.co.uk

    Often have sales on their books and do free shipping worldwide. I have bought over ten books from them now and have never had any issues - and they have all arrived within the two week mark. Only thing is if you are buying multiple books you might receive them separately over a few days, as that is how they work out their free shipping.

    The most evil website in the world.... :rofl:

  7. I've given up attempting to convince MatthewB that his proposal to end serious dog attacks wont't work.

    The AVA, the RSPCA, all the canine researchers.. they don't agree with MatthewB's proposal. The projects that have proven that you can reduce attacks without banning breeds.. pffft. MatthewB knows better.

    Save your energy folks.. you are flagellating a deceased equine here. No amount of logic or reason is going to change his opinion.

    That's interesting, especially considering I've never submitted a proposal to the AVA, RSPCA or any canine researchers...

    You sure as hell have made it plain here though. I believe I might accurately summarise it as "kill them all". ;) And the organisations I've quoted don't agree with you in either the method or its efficacy. But hey, what would they know. :shrug:

  8. I've given up attempting to convince MatthewB that his proposal to end serious dog attacks wont't work.

    The AVA, the RSPCA, all the canine researchers.. they don't agree with MatthewB's proposal. The projects that have proven that you can reduce attacks without banning breeds.. pffft. MatthewB knows better.

    Save your energy folks.. you are flagellating a deceased equine here. No amount of logic or reason is going to change his opinion.

  9. Why is that Poodlefan? I have also been considering the necessity of worming every month as opposed to every three months and applying Frontline every month. What are considered "tick prone" areas - local parks or is bushland more likely to harbour ticks?

    On the heartworm? Because there have been far too many adverse side effects IMO to justify the convenience when a perfectly suitable and potentially less harmful alternative exists.

    A vet for whom I have great respect gave very succinct advice about the injections.. "don't". That was enough for me.

    Tick prone areas to me are any regions were paralysis ticks are found. Fortunately for me, the ACT is not one of them.

  10. Much of my frustration with the show is with Dr B's failure to grasp great opportunities for educating his viewers.

    Lets take the 12 month old pug for example.. what's a dog of that age doing in whelp?? No vet I know would recommend it but do we hear anything about it? Nope.

    It's one thing to court the ratings by avoiding hard issues but another to see opportunities to educate for the welfare of dogs go begging.

    I'd not take my dogs to him either - I honestly don't think he's that good. Maybe if he spent less time "saving" reptiles and big cats under qualified professional care and more time working up his small domestic animal skills, he'd be a more knowledgeable vet.

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