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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Blame helps no one, least of all the dog. This isn't about a "bad" dog, a "bad" owner or a "bad" houseguest. This about an identified problem and providing advice that might help the OP find ways to resolve it.
  2. Down the track you may end up thanking Dupree for bringing this issue into the open. I'd rather deal with what's going on in a 10 month old dog than a more mature animal. You've identified the issue early and without a serious incident. Count your blessings.
  3. I was about to post: Until you wake up with a Whippet wrapped around your head or with its bum in your face.
  4. MM: Please tell me you're joking. What part of muzzle punching, biting and attempting to get a guest in the house on the ground is acceptable behaviour from a dog? Are you suggesting that a dog gets to determine who is welcome in the house and who isn't? The OP is well aware she needs to resolve Kuma's behaviour. That's why she started this thread. How is this acceptable??
  5. I'd be more worried about the unregistered ones.
  6. Miss T is Tiana's young daughter How scary Kristie, I hope you're ok Fark. I hope Council hunt that dog down and soon.
  7. Shite. That gave me goosebumps and not in a good way. I'm guessing Miss T is a child, not a dog??
  8. Whilst I do not deny that my dog has this rank issue, I need to question that "big dog, not good" thing. If he was a poodle, do you think it would be acceptable, just because it is a little dog? I put a lot of time and effort into training my dog because he is a big dog and have to face the prejudice associated with owning a giant breed. Ok, so a SWF would do less damage if aggression turned viscious, but that would not excuse the behaviour. I've had a great chat to K9Pro (thanks Steve!) and will be starting to implement a few new rules. I also spoke to OH earlier and the tribe has spoken - it's time to, Dupree. Of course not. However a poodle is far less likely to see Dupree in intensive care should things take a turn for the worst. Size does matter when it comes to aggression - that's reality not prejudice. NO aggression is acceptable. Dupree.
  9. What's scarey is at least that your dog might have reacted quite differently and your son would have been right in the firing line. You found out it wasn't "all out aggression" by taking the dog on. Some dogs are more than prepared to defend their perceived higher rank. I'm bloody glad your dog wasn't one of them. And its very scarey that you'd take your success based on one dog and transfer your method to another dog that you've never laid eyes on. The OP's dog isn't pushing around a 9 year old. He's doing it to a grown man.
  10. Your instructor needs to learn a bit more about dog behaviour IMO. Its about power not play. Don't feel guilty about the GSD. Winston clearly gives off a vibe that lets alpha wannabes think they have a good chance of dominating him.
  11. K9: well you could do that but often this type of aggression is increased by barriers and restraint. From my understanding of owning akitas it is a dominance issue and the owner stated there is now teeth baring it's just nipping and it is exactly what mine used to do with my nine year old son after a few times me back tying him then my son started to do it while highly supervised and me next to him with another lead conected to a prong collar to correct unwanted nipping the problem was solved in no time. That's probably about the scariest thing I've read here for many months.
  12. Poor dog. Gee but I'd love to know if it was bought from a pet shop. Let Mr Perkins spin his way out of that.
  13. dog door won't help, since she sleeps in a playpen so unless she can pick a lock or tunnels underneath she doesnt have access to the door :D How about you give her access to outside via a dog door?
  14. Rappie can confirm but the veterinary research I've read suggests that a minimum level of 15% protein and a maximum of about 32% is OK. The QUALITY of the protein matters more. It isn't generally the level of protein (within reason) that creates growth issues but excess calcium or imbalances of calcium and phosphorus. The research I've read here suggests that a giant breed puppies diet should not exceed 50% RMBs.
  15. Get some one on one training with an experienced professional. In the meantime put some distance between you and other dogs, KEEP MOVING and reward any focus on you. Its hard for a dog to be pork chop when its handler is moving confidently away at a reasonable pace.
  16. You can't heighten what isn't already present. Most Akita breed reviews note the breed has issues with strangers and dominance. IMO you dealing with hard wired behaviour that needs to be carefully managed to stop it becoming a serious issue. If you wanted a dog that viewed house guests as new friends, you got the wrong breed. This is why you need to rein this in now and restrict Kuma in the house while Dupree remains. Longer term management will require professional advice but Kuma sounds like a fairly typical example of his breed.
  17. My guess is that your opinions are more widely held than you might think Whippets. We all know what goes up and it takes patience and belief in your dog to show anything else. Not so long ago I was at a show. BOB was awarded in my breed. As we left the area a fellow hound exhibitor asked "are Whippets supposed to have a flat back?". I told her about the breed standard requiring "Broad, well muscled back, firm, somewhat long, showing graceful arch over the loin but not humped" (or words to that effect). "So why did the BOB have a flat back" she asked. "You tell me" was my response. Personally I think the "all breeds judge" system fuels awarding high profile dogs and putting up type that comes through to General Specials. Its challenging for anyone to know type inside out in so many breeds. Judges can tell me but I guess they form a picture of what they think type is and colour becomes an important part of that. I think the push to gain credentials for Groups, not individual breeds, fuels this. Then there is "exception" judging - promoting the existance of a single characteristic or putting down the existance of a single fault without weighing type in the balance. I know size in an issue in Whippets today but when you see a dog go through that's a good size but the moves like a harness pony you really have to shake your head. I'm a novice in this breed but for a dog developed to run, incorrect movement is the greater fault IMO. Then there is the issue of too much muscle bulk (commented on by Editha Newton when she judged here as a problem with some dogs she judged). They're Whippets, not SBTs but gee some dogs look damn chunky. Excess muscle bulk holds too much heat - hardly an asset for a sprinter. How many chunky cheetahs do you see?
  18. KA: The difference between this person and all your visitors is that this person is now part of the household. He isn't coming and going. He lives there. I would ring and book an appointment with Dr Sandra Hassett at the Animal Medical Centre at Phillip. She's the closest thing to a behaviorist locally. If you're prepared to travel, go see K9Pro in Sydney ASAP. If Dupree reacts the wrong way to all of this, I don't like what might happen. Kuma isn't warning Dupree - he means business IMO. I would not be giving this dog free rein in the house AT ALL. Crate him for Dupree's safety whenever both are inside. Or close some doors.
  19. Get a dog door. No dog wants to poo where it sleeps.
  20. I'm sorry to tell you this but its entirely possible that desexing Max will make absolutley no change whatsoever to this behaviour. This is about dominance and it sounds like Max has decided that Winston can be pushed around. I'd have a long line on him rather than have him offlead and I would be totally on top of any moves towards Winston. I'm sure that will make Winston's owner very happy. It might also prevent a fight.
  21. All dog issues aside, sounds like its time Dupree found another place to stay. On a dog side, this sounds like territorial dominance... potentially quite dangerous. Get rid of your houseguest or get in a behaviourist. This has the potential to escalate to serious aggression. The muzzle tapping in particular is not a good sign. If you dont' have a crate, I think you should invest in one today.
  22. She might well be a hairless dog but I"d want skin scraping to be sure. That could also be a really bad case of dermodex mange left untreated. Dermo dogs get 'elephant skin'.
  23. ive PMed you, i dont think Im aloud to name names on here No worries. I meant was it your usual vet or the new one?
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