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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Awesome Deshonko!!! Can I order 6 please so that I can have a full team for next sledding season? They would be perfect for my 4 year old son to take out all by himself Not a problem. Its a hell of a lot easier to transport one of these teams to an event.
  2. And especially for you Miss BR: A Teacup Rhodesian Ridgeback.. bet Erny will want one too:
  3. But wait, there's more. Always wanted a sledding breed but just don't have the time for a big dog? Deshonko has solved your problem with the Teacup Alaskan Malamute.. all the charm in a pint size package
  4. Howdy punters I'm pleased to announce that Deshonko Kennels, in collaboration with our breeding partner Shonkypaws are gearing up for our favourite time of the year - Christmas!! Lets face it, a pup is the gift that keeps on giving and this year we've got some new dogs in our catalogue. Here's a sample. First up, for the Pug Lover who just wants more we bring you - the Giant Pug!! Its available in all your favourite colours and, with new gene splicing technology developed by the Ponds Institute in ... wait for it.. Brindle!! No other Pug breeder has ever pulled that one off. Brindle is the new black now!! Imagine a Pug that can cuddle on your lap and give burglars brown pants... this is the ultimate pet!! More new breeds soon to follow! Get your orders in now folks. All credit cards accepted.
  5. A horse toy would probably be best. There are a range to choose from at Aussie Dog The Dobbin Dragger and Mini Horse ball look good!!
  6. What's that old saying: "Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten". When you explain to puppy buyers about genetic health testing, hip and elbow scoring and responsible puppy raising to the age of 8 weeks, they pretty quickly grasp the concept of why a pup from a responsible breeder might cost more than one out of the Trading Post. Sometimes you simply get what you pay for.
  7. I am sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved boy in such circumstances. Tell her the truth. She's probably doesn't quite understand what she saw but it would have been traumatic for her.
  8. Some of the smaller breeds reach maximum height well before 12 months. I still think its wise to wait for full physical maturity before desexing but you have to balance that against the risk of unwanted litters.
  9. It can affect any breed. Of course the larger and longer the growth, the more potential there is to impact on the dog.
  10. MSOM: Then I strongly recommend you send those puppies out with pet insurance in place and suggest that the owners keep paying it. A good vet bill makes the purchase price of a puppy look like chicken feed.
  11. ETA: And I'm way ahead of ya, here's the first meeting for our first cross of the Toy Pug and Standard Pug. Have your people call my people.. I'll take the whole litter off your hands. I love the smell of hybrid vinegar in the morning
  12. What led you to conclude that the more expensive puppies are the ones in the greatest demand?? Some breeds will always be more expensive - reasons include: * high stud fees * delivery by caesarian * small gene pool leading to higher use of imports and imported semen.
  13. You don't have to be Sherlock Holmes to figure out who the likely offender is. I'd be watching the owner like a hawk.
  14. I don't think anyone should be charging $3000+ for a handbag. But if there are buyers happy to pay that for the very one they want, who am I to stand in their way. That doesn't mean all the other handbag makers should lower their prices to make handbags affordable for everyone.
  15. Malsrock: I think you left some words out: The next one the media publishes will be reported as a Bull breed, wait and see. As we all know, if its smooth coated, taller than a Toy Poodle and particularly if red or brindle ITS A PITBULL Most journalists wouldn't know a bull breed if they fell over one and frankly neither would most of the general public. From now on I think we should refer to Bullmastiffs as "Standard Pugs" and Mastiffs as "Giant Pugs". Believe me, at Deshonko we will.
  16. I hope you're getting a female GR Kwirky - far less chance of conflict between them.
  17. A balanced raw diet is mostly meat on bones that can be chewed up and digested by the dog. Most folk feed chicken joints and/or carcasses, lamb ribs and necks and smaller beef bones. Rabbit is great too! This diet often includes vegetables pulped and fed with mix. If you google BARF diet and prey model diet (or search for them on here) you'll get the idea. Personally I'm not a fan of a prey model diet for pups but others will dispute that. Don't let the Vet sells you Hills Science Diet - its overpriced and not great quality. I'd suggest you head over to the Golden Retriever thread and ask other owners/breeders what they feed.
  18. The best diet for a GR pup will be one that ensures slow growth and lean body mass. A fat pup is an invitation to joint issues. With all due respect to your vet, there are many ways of ensuring a good diet for a growing pup and kibble is only one of them. You can feed raw or a combination of raw and kibble. But consider for a moment how a growing pups is supposed to exercise jaw muscles UNLESS it gets fed some food that really works the jaw. That means bones. The person I'd be taking my advice from would be the pup's breeder assuming you're buying a registered pup from a responsible person that's health tested its parents. IMO canned food is a very expensive way to buy water and to put foul smelling poo in your back yard. :D My personal choice would be to feed a premium kibble supplemented by raw meaty bones. An all raw diet that has been carefully researched is an excellent diet and many breeders raise pups that way.
  19. Love the T-shirt!! Judging by the way Howard panhandles for treats, he seems keen to perpetuate that image. He scored a whole hot dog at a show recently.
  20. Always a favourite of mine. :D
  21. A bottle of Chardy and a block of Lindt chocolate will help. You did good. You did instinctively what the dog experts tell folk to do. The dog sounded downright predatory to me.
  22. Good. I hope his cell mate is a 6'4" Hells Angel with anger managemet issues and Chihuahua named Muffy at home.
  23. I honestly couldn't give a toss what BYBers and petshops charge for their pups. I'm happy to pay what's considered a reasonable price for that particular breed or more for a dog from an import. I find it bewildering that people will happily fork out more for a plasma TV or family holiday than for a dog that will spend a longer period of time in their home. Pet puppies cost the same to raise as show prospects. Why should they be cheaper?? I think breeders deserve to recoup expenses and/or make a profit regardless of the intended use of the pup. And I'd NEVER buy a pup of any breed desexed as a baby.
  24. Dawwwwww There's something very special about a golden oldie. ;)
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