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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. I hope you mean you'll take her to the classes. In order to have a well mannered dog, you as the owners need to learn how to train her. You can train her partly by showing her what to do (and rewarding it), partly by showing her what not to do (and discplining her) or a combination of both. Dogs learn fastest by being giving boundaries (don't do these things) and within those boundaries being rewarded for the manners we want them to have. What you need to focus on is that you've got a pup that's going to grow into a powerful giant dog and that you need to be starting to get that training happening NOW. Every week a behaviour is or is not trained is another week of things you're going to have to undo. I would be starting NOW, by reading the training section of this website and by both setting aside a couple of short periods a day for formal training (sit, walk on loose lead, come etc) and then formulating ways to deal with normal puppy antics like mouthing. Do the hard yards now and you'll be rewarded with a dog that's a pleasure to have around. Don't get hung up about "dominance". Not everything a baby puppy does that you don't like is a about ruling the household. Reward what you want, don't reward or discourage what you don't want and remember that she won't know any better than what you teach her to do and not to do. This is going to be a dog that you will not be able to physically dominate so start as you mean to go on.. work on a theory of cooperation and leadership with you as the guide and controller of all good things. ETA: I would not be having her loose while you are holding the baby. You can only concentrate on one baby at at time. If you have not considered crate training her, I'd strongly recommend it.l
  2. This one's a bit out of my league.. is the behaviour protective/defensive or more predatory to you think?? I know with some dogs, being stationary increases their feeling of vulnerability and therefore their aggressive responses. Perhaps being with someone else might have produced a similar response?? Sounds like Howie the Stable Pony best come on the next one.
  3. I'd suggest you find a permanent method of separating her from the car as soon as possible. It's a disaster waiting to happen.
  4. I wouldn't give a joint supplement to a growing pup. A balanced diet is what they need. I use Joint Guard for my older dogs.
  5. Sounds like an ordinary puppy looking for a nice dark den. Why dont' you give her one? Buy her a metal crate, cover it with a blanket and she'll have a nice place to take the chew treats (growing pups need to work their jaws) you give her and you'll have a place she can be secured when you can't supervise her. Have a search on the term "crate training" here. Its kept many a puppy owner sane.
  6. Whippets is correct that the whitening shampoos don't remove stains any better than ordinary ones. What that purple does is neutralise any yellowing, giving an appearance of white. I love using spray chalk on white legs but its only good for smooth coated dogs. I've never used that spray chalk on the day of the show. Might give it a whirl. Is it messy? I looked at it a month back and envisaged having white crud all over the grooming table from the spray. Put a towel on the table or you'll have little paw print stencils on the top. Kind of like Whippet rock art. Be sparing with it - a little goes a fair way. Shake the can well too. I had a Bulldog person do Howie's legs with it at a show after I asked about it. I'm definitely a convert. Once it's dry it stays put. I spray it on, brush any off the toenails and the 20 seconds later, just smooth the coat with a goat hair brush. Hides those little pink knuckles a treat. It's brilliant covering stains. I'd recommend it for legs only. A friend tried it on her Whippet's chest and says it makes the coat a bit coarse. I use the Ring 5 stuff. Haven't tried any other brand but I'd say the Chris Christensen would probably be good. Peperone have it at a VERY competitive price. That's where I"ll get my next can. Oh, and be sure to be UPWIND of the spray
  7. The last GSD I saw "leash corrected" for aggressing towards a small dog (mine) took a healthy chunk out of its owner's arm. DO NOT listen to internet advice from people who aren't professionals and who have never seen your dog. Ask for recommendations for someone who has had success dealing with this issue and come up with the money to see them. Otherwise, keep this dog an only dog and never ever walk it unmuzzled. The day it breaks a leash and attacks a small dog is the day its death warrant is signed.
  8. Sure By any crossbred pup and you're buying a mystery pup anyway! Who knows what you'll get when it grows up.
  9. Whippets is correct that the whitening shampoos don't remove stains any better than ordinary ones. What that purple does is neutralise any yellowing, giving an appearance of white. I love using spray chalk on white legs but its only good for smooth coated dogs.
  10. :laugh: Hey Shonks - looks like we've got another business partner I'll have my people call your people Assemblyline!!!
  11. Oh my god!! What is this little guy really??? Apart from super cute?? *cough* sable Pomeranian *cough*
  12. x 2 I also use soap first to massage into the stain. Using a protective spray like Show Sheen or Ice on Ice can also protect the hair by preventing the urine penetrating to some degree. Get the urine off ASAP if he pees on himself. Baby wipes are useful in this regard. :D
  13. In case anyone's wondering, every dog pic I've used so far is of a recognised breed. Back to the fun...
  14. "Rare" blue Sorry. How about a Giant Blue Dumbo Eared Staffy?? Very reliable blue producers in this GBDES line.
  15. Maybe you need to go a size down to an Egg Cup Wireless Wire Haired Fox Terrier
  16. I have several breeds in development. Lots of Whippety types. Let's see We have the Teacup Greyhound Giant Italian Greyhound Longhaired Giant Whippet Giant Wooly Whippet Persian Whippet (these only come in cream SSM) Haggis Whippet and last but by no means least the Celtic Godzilla Whippet Next Hound Show I'm going to be
  17. Dogs of the impeccable bloodlines that Deshonko represent are a bargain anyway Cashew. (but give me a call after Christmas)
  18. And a price tag to match my puppies. Of course my pups represent VALUE.
  19. I do trade ins on entire dogs only. How about some of these TCPCS's
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