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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Gorgeous - Whippets are one of the dog world's best kept secrets I reckon. Wonderful dogs and so much more than most folk imagine them to be. ;)
  2. Most of the agility dogs I know were bred by Spinifex.
  3. My Whippet book says to leave all dogs at home if you are serious - rabbits can sense the dogs and go even deeper. Anyone who thinks killing a rabbit driven out of its warren by a ferret is cruel has clearly never seen a rabbit suffering from myxo. :
  4. Doesn't sound to me like your younger girl enjoys going there and given their size, they ARE at risk if a larger dog squashes or attacks them. Why not just walk them on lead?
  5. Group 4 Friday: Best in Group: Whippet - â—¦Aust Ch Taejaan Birdon Awire :p I think that gave Lexie her GR CH RUIG: Deerhound - Aust Gr Ch Bhealaich Gotta Luv Me Can't give you any classes but Intermediate which went to the Foxhound.
  6. I have to say that low points in a CC and the merit of the dog don't always have to match up. A dog belonging to a friend of mine beat 24 out of 25 dogs in the breed on the day to get ... zero. RUBOB to dog of same sex. His CH was mostly small CCs. Howie's beaten a Royal Show BOB winner (over 60 dogs entered) under an International breed specialist to get .. his class. His title is all small CCs. You have to take the small victories when you get 'em I suppose. I think dog showing is one hobby where you'd sure as hell better enjoy the outing because the results can be pretty variable. Mind you if the same dogs won all the time, most of us wouldn't enter.
  7. I'm of the opinion that they come cheaply as well. I like the changes to the Grand Me too. The idea of that a dog could become a GR CH without beating others really cheapened the title IMO. If it means that not all of us can achieve it with our dogs so be it.
  8. That is sad that you can't enjoy them. There are groups of small dogs that meet up for play dates regularly around here and then the big dog groups. It's a shame that some owners ruin it for the owners of smaller dogs I don't kid myself that the owners of some smaller dogs don't ruin it for others too. You know the "its up to you to stop your dog from hurting Muffin" brigade.. when Muffin is hanging of your dog's head.
  9. If I had larger, non-reactive dogs I might try them. But the likely consquences for a small dog of being squashed or attacked are worse.
  10. Vet. NOW!!! Have you inadvertently missed a Proban tablet or has he thrown up one? It sure sounds like a tick to me.
  11. Two possible solutions: 1. Don't put clothes on the line when you're not home. 2. Fence off the puppy from the clothesline. If you're providing a bungee cord type toy for puppy to play with, you're actually encouraging him to grab clothes. Dogs aren't great discriminators - if he's allowed to grab one thing and swing off it why not all?
  12. Well they are obviously aggressive and if other dogs want to play like that then they should be allowed to play with any dog they want. * as told to me by someone on a dog beach* Honestly what kind of moron thinks a 6kg poodle is going to enjoy being rumbled by a 35kg Labrador.
  13. There is a certain kind of dog that Susanne Clothier describes as "obnoxiously submissive". A friend of mine has one of these.. rushes into another dog's space grovelling and pawing.. but still space invades. Megan nailed it - it really depends on both dogs. My reactive boy can handle calm approaches and displays all the body language to warn the other dog to keep some distance. If ignored he roars and snaps. Never bitten a dog yet and I intend to keep it that way.
  14. Jessie this might seem like a strange question but what lesson did you learn??
  15. The sooner folk with "bouncy friendly" dogs realise that their dogs behaviour can be interpreted as "rude" the easier it will be for everyone else. I own a dog who is friendly to a fault. I keep him away from other dogs unless invited for both his safety and theirs. The fact that many dogs don't appreciate his behaviour doesn't make them "aggressive". Some folk go to off lead parks to run their dogs off lead - NOT to have their dogs socialise with strange dogs. If all park users stuck to the guidelines for use of these places, the needs of most dog owners could be met. As things currently stand the ignorant and the irresponsible owners of all kinds of dogs ruin it for some, make it dangerous for others and see to it that a lot of people whose dog registrations and rates help fund such parks can't use them. How fair is that? :
  16. I voted no but I've honestly not been confronted with either scenario.
  17. Do you think they will let the owner debark now? Of course not Steve. Its croool - having your owner assaulted or being baited is better than having a quieter bark.
  18. At least they took it out on each other, not the dog.
  19. The dog didn't behave aggressively. What is there to report?
  20. Standard pro-raw stuff and much of it not without truth. A few issues though: 1. No one ever seems to link the increase in diagnosis of cancer, joint issues etc in dogs to the enhanced veterinary care we now give dogs. You need to be able to scientifically link commercial diets to these issues when there are a myriad of potential causes and the increased dianostic tools available to factor in. Dogs are also living longer - more geriatric dogs equals more of these issues around. 2. All commercial dog food is not equal. There are foods around that aren't full of byproduct or non-digestible fillers. 3. Epilepsy in Border Collies is hardly unknown. Indeed, its noted on most BC health pages as an issue. If anyone suggests for a moment that that epilepsy can be controlled through diet alone I'll have to disagree. I know raw fed dogs that fit. I also know raw fed and raised dogs with HD, PRA and a range of other conditions. Diet is only one factor in dog health and anyone who suggests otherwise better back their assertion with data.
  21. PM: I can safely and reliably call my dogs away from others and can control greetings - that's all the control required to keep the incidents from happening IF other owners can do the same. Sadly, its rare to see.
  22. The irony of dog parks is that you're supposed to have good offlead control but many folk who have NO CONTROL take their dogs their to run within the fences. When you spot a dog hauling its owner on lead to the gate, that's a signal to leave. Perhaps a threshold question is to ask yourself if your dogs really need to socialise with strange dogs? Dogs are pack animals - many dogs don't care whether they do or not. I walk my dogs in bush (where a person who can't recall their dog isn't going to go) and go to the dog club with friends. However, even at the dog club, I'm careful about what dogs mine run with.
  23. I'll try. No one's got an issue with what Aussiedog did or did not do. Some people tried to explain that the rude person may have exaggerated his dogs aggression to keep her away. I tell you this much Chellz. If you take your baby Labrador puppy to any offleash dog area populated by unknown dogs, you'll be setting yourself up for trouble. After the first few times a couple of large dogs jump all over your pup, you may start to see the point about 'effective control' that I've been trying to make. It takes TWO DOGS to make an aggression incident. The responsibility for preventing those incidents lies with TWO OWNERS. Its all well and good to point out (correctly) that dogs with a history of serious aggresion (read the article for more on that) shouldn't be in dog parks but the fact remains that if all dog owners controlled and read their dogs well, incidents in such places would plummet.
  24. I always wonder how people who don't own the dog and only see it when they're in the back yard can figure out precisely what the character of the dog was. My guess is Chopper (first indicator that the dog was bought to be 'tough') was undesexed. Gee I wish someone with a background in dog behaviour would interview owners and victims of dog attacks to gather facts. Folk can learn from these disasters - and learn a lot more than "x breed is nasty".
  25. What does she want done? Many groomers will simply clip the dog off. If she wants "proper" grooming it will be more expensive if its possible to do it.
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