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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. I can recall an agility dog dying of Coronavirus and some parvo cases after different Spring Fairs at Erkky Park. I think its entirely possible to bring a dog incubating an infectious disease onto showgrounds without realising it - dogs can be asymptomatic. To bring a clearly unwell dog onto a show ground is to disregard the health of that dog and the safety of all others. Personally I'd like to see a few more exhibitors kicked into touch for it. Some will hunt points at all costs. Perhaps a few suspensions might make folk reflect on that attitude.
  2. perhaps a male addition would better suit then. x 2 I'd be going with a baby puppy too.
  3. And they leave the show fancy wide open to claims of animal abuse - which IMO some of their behaviour IS.
  4. Who do you consider the dominant one of the pair?
  5. What are the ages and sexes of your current dogs?
  6. Damn - Santa was here and I missed him.
  7. Dog grabs with mouth but doesn't bite down - bite inhibition at work. Good boy Swanee - you gave a warning that you were not happy. Had the judge persisted rather than sending you from the ring, you might well have been facing a life ban for a PROPER bite. What part of a 50kg dog (or any dog) grabbing a judges arm in its mouth do you find acceptable klink? The fact that other people care to risk the health of their dogs and their fellow exhibitors dogs with potentially infectious illnesses hardly makes what this person did appropriate. It is also a clear breach of CC rules that, by the way, the exhibitor appears to have escaped unscathed from. As this judgement contains clear evidence of this breach, IMO the exhibitor should count his blessings he's not suspended as well. The next case certainly won't involve me because: * I would never show a dog that had had the runs for several days. From the judgement: So this is Day 3 of this condition and the dog is still in the ring. Wonderful NOT. My dog would be visiting a vet, not a dog show. This wasn't a case of a dog ill on the day but for three days. The poor bugger had had two Imodium tablets that morning. Exhibitor should probably thank his lucky stars the dog didnt' collapse from dehydration or heat stress. * I know how to get a tablet down a dog's throat without having to forcefully hold its muzzle to get it to swallow. * If my dog grabbed a judges arm in its mouth, I'd be counting my blessings that it wasn't banned for longer and accepting the suspension. Don't own a Rottie named Swanee do you klink?
  8. Buy a crate for the car and leave it in there.
  9. Your dog will not require registration with the CC in Tasmania to be shown. If the pup is on ANKC Main Register and you have the ANKC registration number, she can be shown now provided YOU are a registered member of the Tasmanian CC (whatever its called). Has the breeder registered the pup in joint names? You really need to know this now. Its the breeder you need to talk to.
  10. So very sorry to hear of this setback. I hope they can find the cause of the problem. Don't beat yourself up about the treat - I'd say this falls into the realm of "freak accident". Millions of dogs scoff millions of treats without this happening.
  11. PF said: Just wanted to post a very public to Delphine of Rock Lily cottages who's providing a full refund minus a small handling fee. See you next year Delphine (I hope).
  12. You going then? Sure am I'll be there. I will make the trip each day from Canberra now. God help me. Thats brave I'll be staying with my breeder At least that's on the the right side of the mountains.
  13. You going then? Sure am I'll be there. I will make the trip each day from Canberra now. God help me.
  14. CW its actually against CC rules to show a dog with an illness. The dog really shouldn't have been on the grounds.
  15. Actually all dog show committee folk and CC reps would do well to read that judgement - holes in the process of conducting the inquiry on the day were identified.
  16. Just got sent this - its part of an email from the Show Secretary. That's UP the mountains folks. Pity about the late notice. If I'd known a week ago I wouldn't be paying a cancellation fee for the accommodation I booked 3 months ago. I know some folk who'd have entered if they'd known too. On a happier note - those of us living on this side of the mountains won't have to tick treat our dogs.
  17. The matter has been heard and decided. For those interested, a copy of the decision is here, Score one for Dogs NSW. Exhibitor shouldn't have had a dog with the runs in the ring in the first place IMO.
  18. For pity's sake - did you read the next sentence? It was a question. However, I'll take my nasty self off elsewhere. Best of luck with your pup.
  19. He would have a tiny stomach.. hopefully a toy breed breeder/owner will be able to advise on what's considered an appropriate meal for such a pup. However, if he's gaining weight, growing and doesn't look like a toast rack, I expect he's getting enough.
  20. None of us are. Damn difficult to give advice without asking clarifying questions. In the title of your thread you asked for advice, not sympathy. I wanted to probe how you are feeling about this pup. As I said, whatever.
  21. That sounds a lot like resentment. Is it possible that a pup is just too much work right now? I came here for advice not criticism. You can't hear the tone of my keyboard so don't assume my mood please. Didn't you read the LOL as in I was having a joke about it not being resentful Perhaps you've assumed my motives for asking that question. Whatever.
  22. While pup and kids are so young, some management is required. Keep the pup on lead around the kids and separate them when you can't supervise. Teaching a 'sit' can help but the kids must learn not to rev the pup up and you can use the lead to GENTLY make the pup get off them. Reward any behaviour you want to encourage. The kids are too young to train the pup. That job must fall to you.
  23. SG88: That sounds a lot like resentment. Is it possible that a pup is just too much work right now?
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