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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Maybe these dogs have attacked before. Or maybe it was a serious attack. It might not make all State news broadcasts.
  2. The reality is that there are no on the spot fixes. I get asked about dog training all the time too. In order for people to understand what calm assertive leadership is in dog terms they need a fair bit of information. Otherwise you just sound like you're Cesar Milan. My catchphrase is "dogs, like kids, need to go to school". That's not meaning to be smart but realistic. Recalls is the classic - "how to you get your dog to come"? I train for it is my response.
  3. I fully support the idea of owner licensing - targets the right end of the lead and ends the idea that anyone should have the right to own one. Don't agree that 6 weeks training is sufficient for any dog but that's a whole 'nuther issue. Sure beats none at all though.
  4. My source: Colour genetics in Whippets Some amazing coat colours (and rare) on that page by the way.
  5. This would be a choc tri BC. Not a recognised colour in Australia (is recognised in the rest of the world), but certainly not rare since it WILL be produced when 2 recognised colours are bred together. Unrecognised colours are becoming less & less rare in BC's as so many strive to breed them. Could be a red tri Aussie too. A friend of mine (you know her too Vickie) has a BC this colour. Very attractive colouring!
  6. I'd say most are purebred unless the colour is genetically impossible within the breed. A black and tan or solid liver Whippet would be examples of that.
  7. Brindle Lappie does NOT look happy! I hope a Sibe person posts up some of the more unusual sibe colourations - some very nice ones. We need Aziah to put up some of the Corgi ones too!
  8. YEs they are I used to groom one You can get phantoms from mating different solid coloured dogs - a black/apricot mating could produce that colouring. Its basically "terrier" markings
  9. Agree. A lot of folk also assume that any high prey drive dog will harm their kiddies too - not so. I tired of people (some with their own sighthounds) tell me that Whippets are somehow untrainable. That's rubbish. Sure they ain't Border Collies but they can be trained. Poodles - where do I start. They shed folks - into their coats and they felt and mat if you don't brush them. Nothing low maintenance about those coats despite what all the oodle breeders say. They're smart, they are very trainable and they are dogs. Treat them as such and they don't tend to need a lot of coddling either.
  10. Corvus: Why? I still have a voice. I don't have to reward each and every behaviour with a toy or a treat IF there are other dogs close by. I can praise. In which case you aren't creating the situation I warned about. That's about as logical as suggesting fat dogs don't resource guard food. I've heard a number of behaviourists comment that they see the behaviour MORE in obese dogs than in dogs that have actually been starved. Its about control, not the reward. If a dog is seriously intent on attack, waving food at it won't matter a damn. Sounds to me more that you're controlling the dogs focus more than their intent. You're shifting it from your dogs to you. Sure, people won't go to training. What makes you think that they'll actually take any notice of the advice you give them either? Many are looking for the miracle tip or tool and sadly that's how the media is shaping them to think. Training a dog takes time and effort. When people put in neither they get a fairly predictable result. I sincerely hope you manage to give training tips in simple non scientific terms Corvus. Even people who are interested in dog training can glaze over when you give them too much behavioural theory. :D
  11. Dont think so CAS - probably just the impact of clipping on the colouration.
  12. x 2 Your mother should also be doing the feeding, toilet training etc.
  13. Any particular reason for the colour being undesirable that you know of?
  14. Hopefully this will make your eyes feel better. I like the partis. :D
  15. I just wanted to start this thread for pics of breeds in colours outside the norm. I only found out this morning that Rhodesian Ridgebacks come in a range of disqualified colours that crop up from time to time. So I thought some pics might be interesting. I'll start with a brindle poodle. The standard in all three sizes allows for solid colours only. and add a Black and Tan Ridgeback (also a disqualifying colour)
  16. Pretty good, we're still in the luring phase but he is gaining independence and drive all the time. I am hoping he will single step...Since he seems to be able to jump over our fences, I think we will jump him at 600. What do you think? Have you tried guides - I find luring quite challenging for teaching weaving. 600 sounds OK but if you jump hiim at 500 Howie can be his pairs partner. :p He lubs kitties.
  17. Buy your mother a course of obedience training. If you don't have a clear idea of how to achieve this, you'll struggle to teach your Mother the same skills. I'd recommend she take the pup to pre-school and on to obedience for the longer term. She needs to learn how to teach and handle her dog herself.
  18. I would never offer food to my dog or any other in the presence of strange dogs. Its begging for a fight. Saw just such an incident at a gathering of Golden Retrievers - owners were in shock that their dogs could behave in such a manner. Its called resource guarding folks and lots of dogs do it. Maybe the mortified owner had a resource guarder - they aint' uncommon. Stupidist person I've seen with treats owned a resource guarder and wondered why his dog got aggro when he tried to feed others! :D Food, balls - any resource that can be fought over has no place in a pack of dogs. As for what I tell them - I tell them to take their dogs to training. If they want training advice, that's the best place to get it. Training on the fly is littered with misunderstandings and mishaps. You don't know what they don't know or what they think they know (but don't) so assuming anything can be hazardous.
  19. True...but the way I read the OP's post is that the bitch isn't even 6 months old yet if she is going to be 7 months old in 6 weeks time! ;) Yeah I just read that. It is impossible for the dog to have gotten a BOB then ETA I thought the dog was already 7 mths, hence the confusion. If it was the breeder's shorthand. BOB is also used for Baby of Breed. :D
  20. Call me cynical.. Oh said same thing too. He wouldn't be easy to hide though?? How far/hard do you think they'd look for this dog? He'd be safe an hour away from the pound I reckon. There was a news report earlier in the week where a dog owner was sentenced to some jail time for springing his dog from the pound. It was under a destruction order for livestock killing/dog aggression. He got it out, moved to WA and it attacked he later had it PTS. I can hazard a guess as to why. ETA: Here's the article. Sound familiar?
  21. Just checking - do you know she can't be desexed while she's being shown in the general conformation ring?
  22. At the completion of BIG, there will still be the class ribbon to give to the BIG winner (Judge wont' have done it) Around here folk generally haven't left ringside as classes in Group are still being judged. I have yet to have the privilege of a BIG but if/when the time comes I'll be lining up for the lap of honour FOR MY DOG. These dogs deserve to be recognised and the judge still has the award of Class in Group to make to them. That "honour" lap is usually loudly applauded in these parts. I know I always applaud. Maybe down south things are different.
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