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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Since when has breeding to the recognised breed standard been identical to "breeding for show"? :D Since when has it been considered "not the done thing" for ethical breeders and exhibitors to love their dogs? Many show dogs ARE pets most of the time. Most ethically bred registered pups will spend their entire lives as pets. That doesn't mean that their breeders wanted to take short cuts to make some money on the side. I really don't understand your logic asal. :D Why should "pet" buyers have to settle for shoddily bred dogs anyway?
  2. My guess is that the idea of producing pups for their colour alone would be an anathema to those breeders. The time, effort, cost and potential heartbreak of breeding means that decent breeders are more interested in producing quality dogs of any colour than ensuring that today's public can satisfy their uneducated colour choice for the flavour of the month. They'd probably also be interested in avoiding the health issues associated with producing dilutes - I call that ethical breeding. :D exactly and so the weimariner breeders would have been facing court today.. actually if that comment that is now illegal has been passed doesnt that mean they now will be? Weimarner breeders didn't go to Court in the good old days - they WERE the law. :D Breeding should be lawful (and ethical) if they DNA test for anything they can, hip and elbow score and don't breed dogs with known health issues IMO.
  3. My guess is that the idea of producing pups for their colour alone would be an anathema to those breeders. The time, effort, cost and potential heartbreak of breeding means that decent breeders are more interested in producing quality dogs of any colour than ensuring that today's public can satisfy their uneducated colour choice for the flavour of the month. They'd probably also be interested in avoiding the health issues associated with producing dilutes - I call that ethical breeding. :D
  4. Try a whiteing shampoo? Or spray chalk? I :D the Ring 5 stuff for feet and legs. I do presoap and use a whitening shampoo too.
  5. I haven't forgotten. Others who don't give a damn about how breed standards were shaped by the dogs' original function have. To suggest that breeds developed for hunting should be bred with no concern for their original function is a perfect example of that. The ONLY people giving any recognition to Parson Russell's ideal are those breeding working Parsons and those breeding registered ones. You have only to look at what's become of the JRT in the hands of those who don't give a toss about breed standards to see a dog that wouldn't have a hope in hell of running with hounds.. flat feet, weak pasterns, east west fronts, luxating patellas. Next person to tell me that JRTs just 'skip' may well get a swift slap up the back of the head. Yes, they wanted to recreate the dog in the picture. They offered the prize for that at a dog show. Where you got the idea that it was for any reason other than the pleasure of the person who offered the prize money for doing it escapes me. How much snake avoidance would the lap dog of English royalty and the aristocracy require do you think? The breed wasnt' developed in a country renowned for its venomous snakes. It certainly wasn't developed to live outdoors in this climate.
  6. Actually I think it is. Type may vary according to "fashion" but faults and disqualifying faults don't. How any ethical breeder could DELIBERATELY breed dogs outside the standard defies logic. For a start, its a potential genetic dead end. Of course if you have a huge set up, lots of breeding dogs and don't give a toss about ethics "breeding to the tastes of the market" is a piece of cake. Its not like you'd actually show your dogs now is it?
  7. RSG, we may have been separated at birth (and by quite a few years :D ) Celtic Hound collars for your drooling pleasure They do 1.5 inch ones for the Whippedos. :D
  8. Soon as that distracting GSP gets promoted :raspberry: That aint going to happen anytime soon Maybe you need to work on training with distractions Polo is tested every week, he seems to be the loose dog attractor Well you can relax then because Howie normally is a loose dog magnet.
  9. I'll sort out the jumps drive before heading to class I think. It will give that distracting GSP time to get promoted.
  10. I didnt ask if I could take candids of you at a show, Poodie. I seem to recall getting some beauties of you and that sexy little beast called Howie ;) I would ask before plasting them up, though. There is one in particular that I just love and when I look at it I remember exactly what I was thinking when I took it. You were thinking how hot Howie was of course.. unless it was a shot with me showing Krakka.
  11. If my dog's at a show or trialling I don't mind if they don't ask. I think that kind of goes with the territory and I like to see those photos too. Otherwise, I'd prefer they did.
  12. Depends on the dog. My boy was so placid that it was done without sedation. The vet remarked on his temperament - people can do pretty much anything with him.
  13. Jacqui: That's debatable. Personally I think the Weim is still emerging from the curse of being a popular dog in the 70's The American Cocker Spaniel (in the USA) was described in one veterinary health book I've read as "a walking congenital disaster area". At the time the book was written, it would have been the most popular and probably most BYB or milled breed in that country. There are many breed fanciers who dread their preferred breed ever becoming popular and attracting the kinds of fly by night, breed what's hot, types you see pick up and drop breeds like last year's fashion. If you want to see a breed develop a raft of health issues, that's how to do it. ;) And that has more to do with the breeders than the dogs.
  14. Jacqui: That's debatable. Personally I think the Weim is still emerging from the curse of being a popular dog in the 70's The American Cocker Spaniel (in the USA) was described in one veterinary health book I've read as "a walking congenital disaster area". At the time the book was written, it would have been the most popular and probably most BYB or milled breed in that country. There are many breed fanciers who dread their preferred breed ever becoming popular and attracting the kinds of fly by night, breed what's hot, types you see pick up and drop breeds like last year's fashion. If you want to see a breed develop a raft of health issues, that's how to do it. ;) And that has more to do with the breeders than the dogs.
  15. With a one in four chance of producing dilute colour alopecia in some breeds Sandra, I'd suggest its illegal in Victoria NOW!
  16. So that would see those blue SBT breeders homing pups with a risk of inherited health issues - even breeding those pups is now against the law in Victoria. Breeding without that health testing might see a few Victorians end up on the wrong side of that legislation and with the Vic consumer affairs people knocking on the door too. There's a wake up call if anyone needed one. Dogs VIC should be taking a pretty hard look at registering ANY pup from a breeder that fails to health test for known heritable conditions. I doubt the other states will be too far behind on this sort of legislation. I hope they come up with a DNA test for dilute colour alopecia really soon.
  17. Not in my book. If the creators of the Wei set out today, to create a great working dog and it just so happened that the best examples of their working dog were dilutes I personally wouldn't have an issue with it. Others no doubt think differently but if you are breeding dogs which are good at their intended function, healthy and have the correct temperament then what colour it is is irrelevant to me. It's when the colour comes first in this equation that it's unethical IMO. Well, my understanding is that colour was a key factor in the development of the Weim... They selectively bred for a recessive colour to distinguish the dogs as well as aiming for a superior hunting dog - Weim's were reserved for royalty and the rich and famous for some time after their development and could not be owned merely as a pet, however, unlike other hunting breeds, they were kept inside the house at night because they were so valuable. There were enormous constraints on which dogs could be used for breeding, primarily proof of their working ability, but the unique colour was deliberate and actively maintained, not because these animals were initially the superior hunting dogs, but because they were distinguishable, which was as important to the royals and wealthy who developed them as their hunting ability... And I bet they culled each and every dog that developed health problems, just like they'd have culled dogs that failed to be superior hunters. Times have changed and we don't tend to knock dogs on the head at the first sign of issues these days.
  18. One of the things that people keep saying about oodles is that you don't know how they're going to turn out because they're a crossbreed. It therefore follows that not every oodle is going to have a fleece coat. But apparently fleece is one of the most desirable "types". Who says? Oodle breeders and buyers. They want that "hypoallergenic" coat.
  19. Are you serious??? You'd have cheered your dog on for an aggressive response to a human? That's just plain frightening. Did she hit your dog or try to hit it - you've said both in here. No, dogs do not just "turn". The fact that people can't read canine body language and at times don't want to admit responsibility for triggering behaviour has led to the development of that myth. She had every right not to have her dog chased by yours and to protect it if she felt the need. Next time if its obvious the owner isn't appreciating the "game" call your dog off. He won't get hit by anyone then. Had your dog chased one of my small dogs and you failed to control him, he'd have worn my boot. You what you consider to be "playful" probably looks a hell of a lot like a dog in prey drive to some dog owners.
  20. Saxonpup: Thanks SP for encapulating so neatlyl why purebred dogs were developed in the first place - for increased predictability of the traits they would possess as adults. I've met plenty of nice oodles - have said so many times. Given that conditions that they are bred and raised in its testament to process by which their purebred parents were developed that they turn out so well. But it is NOT a myth that many crossbred poodle coats are extremely challenging to maintain. As I said, talk to the people who have to groom them. Ask yourselves why Guide Dogs did not persist with their oodle program. One of the reasons was that they couldnl't stabilise coat type.
  21. Clip the feet top and bottom. Poodle people have been it doing for centuries for a reason. I can't- they like the "shaggy dog" look. she is getting a hot spot on one of the legs though, so i will have to clip that area. I can see why poodles have their feet clipped now! You could still clip out the underside of the foot. Less dirt, less mud, and less chance of fungal infections due to dampness. You could tell them the dog doesn't need have cullotes - clipping to the top of the knuckle is far enough. Its all well and good to like the "shaggy dog" look but on some coats that look comes with a high maintenance bill. They've got a choice as I see it. Either keep the coat free of matts or clip it off.
  22. Organic material like wood won't show up on x-ray. A big vet will have the option of checking for blockages or tears using an optic fibre. That's how one of my tribe had his punctured soft palate checked out.
  23. And one in Tasmania also. There will an ACT Whippet one day in the not too distant future.
  24. Clip the feet top and bottom. Poodle people have been it doing for centuries for a reason.
  25. Seasonal allergies/asthma and the dog is there 365 days of the year? Another vote for allergy testing from me.
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