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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Yes, I think its possible. Some dogs clearly have different levels of self control to others. Susanne Clothier believes self control and dealing with frustration are skills dogs need to be taught. I agree. I also think certain types of training can reinforce any potential that exists for it.
  2. I don't think there's such a thing as "average" dog owner - first time or not. You've got to consider the owner's personality, life style, commitment and a range of other factors. One persons's "easy" dog is another's infuriating one.
  3. Right now its alternating between soggy and bucketting. You'll be pushing any tent pegs in with your hands. Seriously, check for road closures - we've had a ton of rain. This was the situation yesterday. We had suburban flooding and road closures. My bus buddies this morning spoke of garage flooding, ceiling collapses and rivers running down the street. Check out the black bit of the BOM radar. All is well at Casa Del Poodlefan.
  4. Offend away Kiesha.. I don't agree with my brother's views and unsurprisingly, I told him so. And yes, it pisses me off too.
  5. When I had horses I recall the owner of a very promising dressage horse selling him because her husband had given her the "it's me or the horse" choice. A few months later he left her anyway. My dogs are not "just dogs" to me - they are my hobby, my passion and my companions. Anyone who doesn't "get" that is not someone I'd be wanting to share my life with. Fewer dogs in time I can understand but no wholesale changes to their lives or mine. People who love you don't ask you to change who you are IMO. My dogs are a significant part of who I am.
  6. My brother is a 'no dogs inside' kind of person. He thinks my dogs are "spoilt". He keeps inviting me to visit with my dogs. Apparently they'd be allowed as far as the back deck. He gets a flat "no". My dogs wouldn't cope with their sudden exclusion and frankly neither would I.
  7. Some cakes you have to eat on your own. I was never that good at compromise - not on things that really matter to me anyway.
  8. Dawwwww I love a happy ending (or beginning depending on how you look at it)
  9. I don't have an OH. That's possibly because I'd never put up with one that wouldn't allow my dogs in the house.
  10. What do I want to buy? 1. Quality products. Collars and leashes with decent quality fittings that won't snap. Decent treats that aren't going to fill my dogs full of shite. Brushes, combs and grooming stuff that works and is not choc full of horrid cheap scent. 2. Food that isn't full of fillers. 3. TOYS!! I'd rarely walk out of a pet shop empty handed if it had decent qualilty plush dog toys. 4. Good quality fish food, especially frozen brine shrimp etc. What do I not want to buy: 1. Dog clothes or other items aimed at turning my dogs into fur children. They ain't. 2. Nasty dried leather dog treats in weird arsed colours 3. Puppies or kittens. The stuff I'd buy from a pet shop would be stuff that needs to be fitted to my dogs (eg. collars or coats) or that is too bulky to post. Most other stuff I buy online now. If a local store had decent service and decent prices, I'd buy more in person.
  11. Right now I'm worried about how they'll evaluate gait on swimming dogs. ;) If it heats up, look for the pink and purple palace.
  12. Maybe you should order in from Oz Becks - talk about sending coal to Newcastle :D probably be quicker! last time I bought from them was at a show, after waiting ages in line to pay, it still took over 10 minutes from initially taking my items from me to cash up to being asked for payment and I still had to remind them for a receipt twice. Newcastle could probably use the coal as it is buried in a couple of feet of snow atm! lol The Aussie suppliers of Groomers have great service - we're very lucky. Lots of folk on a UK based Whippet forum have been posting pics of their dogs in the snow. We're just drowning here.. so much rain!!
  13. Could be issues relating to an elongated soft palate.. not usually any big drama. Or is she snoring?
  14. X-Trails are hot on the ground at dog shows in this area too. I had one for a week when my Magna was off the road (hit up the bum by a friend who was following me ) I really liked it. A diesel one is on the short list for next car for me. :D
  15. Personally I find it useful for posters to tell me what breed/crossbreed of dog they have. A factual description of the dog is hardly "promotion". Some behaviours are more likely in certain breeds or crossbreeds - that's a significant reason for why we developed breeds in the first place!
  16. Maybe you should order in from Oz Becks - talk about sending coal to Newcastle
  17. I feel your pain. Lily the Toy Poodle considers peeing outside optional when it rains. I suppose I should be grateful she ain't a Great Dane.
  18. Don't overdo the walking Shorty. - very short ones only for a growing pup.
  19. Old conveyer belts would be good if you can get them - long lengths of wide black rubber.
  20. You're preaching to the converted where I"m concerned. What matters more (and what a lot of buyers can't seem to grasp) is temperament and construction. The colour of the coat is a nice to have if you have a preference but far too many folk make it their first priority and there are breeders prepared to fleece them to oblige.
  21. A high price to pay for trying to save a dog's life. The ironic (and unfortunate) part is that her actions have pretty much signed the dog's death warrant.
  22. They're definitely a casualty department's best friend. :D
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