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Everything posted by poodlefan

  1. Yep Vizslas are definitely velcro dogs. FHRP's Flynn demands lap time when he stays and he'll squash the Toy Poodle to get it.
  2. This one. She'd get under my skin if she could. She loves to be on you. She'd have that Mal whipped into line in no time too.
  3. I'm guessing he had no papers. If he'd been registered, he'd have been safe from all of this and with you still. Are you sure it was the RSPCA that seized him? Generally only rangers have those powers. What state are you in? Qld?
  4. Same here. I think the Victorian one got 15,000 entries. Hope Qld can top that.
  5. I do like Brett.. I like a lot of bully breeds and the big smooshers. I like the larrikins, the gentle giants and 'steady' dogs. I like Rotties and Dogues. I love the utility gundogs. But knowing me, I'm not sure I'm the right owner for any of them. So I like that my friends have lots of different dogs that I get to enjoy - but send home with them. Mind you, FHRP reckons I can turn any dog into a sooky la la so maybe I could get a Rottie. Although I'd really love a Bracco or a Spinone before I shuffle off.
  6. No need. I can loan you a copy. You'll not see me with a terrier.. but I've probably got the most people focussed of the sighthounds.
  7. You can't legislate to force people to act with common sense. Leaving at the last minute, trying to catch terrified pets etc.. this happens and most of it can be prevented. What they can do is educate people to PLAN for these events and be prepared. Owning a crate for every animal you have, having room or a plan to transport your human and animal family and sounding out friends and rellies as to places to bolt to are all sensible precautions. Then advising well ahead that evacuation centres WILL take pets can encourage folk to leave early. Forcing people to leave animals behind exacerbates trauma and creates issues for emergency services/disaster relief folk down the track.
  8. Stanley Cohen's book Why We Love the Dogs We Do is an interesting perspective on this. I am another who finds the intensity of working dogs a little claustraphobic. I like a balance between a people focussed dog and one that doesn't need a 'job' to make it happy. I don't want a dog tossing a ball at my feet or looking for a game 24/7 I like a dog with some spunk but not one who constantly needs boundaries reinforced. I like 'smart' dogs. I don't like passive breeds.. I like interaction. I dont want a dog to 'protect' me.. I'm happy to take care of that. I also like dogs that other people arent' scared of. I think Cohen is right that certain personalities will gravitate towards certain types of canine temperament. The independent breeds that some folk admiringly shake their heads about cause me to grit my teeth. I think some acknowledgement of your personality on a basic level does help pick a dog that 'fits' with you. I'm pretty calm, don't get easily cheesed off or provoked to yelling. Poodles and a whippet fit well with that. If you expect your dogs to cope with tantrums, rough handling and aversive training methods, choose other breeds. They are sensitive dogs.. probably not your cup of tea Corvus.
  9. Dogs Qld will assist members only. Some will own associates but the majority will own purebreds.
  10. Copied from Sway's thread: From the CCCQ website They have an account set up with the Commonwealth Bank Name - BSB - 064 000 Account No - 11832323 A virtual dog show (similar to the one held in Victoria after the bushfires) will be held check the CCCQ website in a couple of days to see how you can assist. ETA http://www.cccq.org.au/News.aspx?id=272
  11. Unless your boy is into full body contact play, a Whippet would be fine. They are a hell of a lot tougher than they look. What ever you pick, if you can get to a dog show for some breed tyre kicking its probably a good idea. You could have a standard poodle in a simple clip if you wanted one.
  12. The Qld (and now NSW) floods will clearly rival or surpass the Victorian bushfires in terms of natural disaster and impact on communities. I think the scale of this disaster can only be described as biblical. I'd like to donate but prefer to target my funds/goods towards pets and pet owners (specifically dogs) If people know of relief efforts that require dog stuff or that will target dog owners can they post info on them here. I'm hoping Dogs Qld do as Dogs VIC did and collect and provide information on members affected but if they are also underwater that will be pretty difficult.
  13. Whippet!!! Be warned though, they're like Tim Tams - very hard to stop at one.
  14. If all else fails, consider surgical debarking. It's clearly the last resort, not the first but it does work. You'd have to tick all the boxes with noise complaints etc to get a vet to do it but sounds like you've got what you need. Some dogs are triggered to bark so easily. You could consider setting up a webcam to see what's going on - it could be roaming cats, birds, anything.
  15. IMO once the chase is over, its not prey drive that sees a dog fight to keep prey but resource guarding or sheer social dominance. Lets not confuse the two.
  16. Has your course introduced you to the concept of back chaining? I'd be teaching the drop into a bin or basket with the carton in the dog's mouth. Then I'd be encouraging the dog to take the carton and work on getting the dog to take the carton off the ground. No point in putting the behaviour on cue until its reliably established.
  17. Why can't the showgrounds ones use pavillions and stables?? It simply isn't good enough. ;):
  18. I note that the evacuation centre available in Brisbane doesn't take pets. Wonderful. NOT ;)
  19. Bracken: Sleeping outside or not, I would never recommend this. Kennel your dog or take it with you. Dogs left in these circumstances often bark their heads off, go crazy from lack of company and exercise and escape or go missing. It can take some time to notice too.
  20. Yep, I'd like to see that Happens in most other forms of competition involving animals. I'd love to see it in the dog performance sports. I'd add nerve blockers and steroids to the list too. I must be living under a rock :D Do you think that happens much??? Much? I'd hate to hazard a guess but I'm sure it happens. Never underestimate what some folk will do to win. We could probably add hormones to the list too. I'm rapidly coming to the conclusion that some judges couldn't tell sound/good movement if they fell over it. My breed (Whippets) is a case in point. They aren't meant to single track or go round with their knees up under their chins but I've seen it awarded. And yes, I've seen clearly lame dogs awarded too in a range of breeds. Must be looking at the handlers gait
  21. Yep, I'd like to see that :D Happens in most other forms of competition involving animals. I'd love to see it in the dog performance sports. I'd add nerve blockers and steroids to the list too.
  22. Personally I'd rather see random drug testing introduced for stimulants, sedatives and pain killers. Vet opinion v breed standard is a road going nowhere. Better to amend breed standards first IMO.
  23. Speaking from experience, it can be very difficult to get enough food into some dogs in set meal times.. they simply don't eat enough. For a single dog in this situation, free feeding is an option. I'd not suggest it be a good idea for multiple dogs generally.
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