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Posts posted by poodlefan

  1. I have heard from owners that whippets and greyhounds are fragile and break their bones if they jump off something as simple as a bed? Is this a individual thing or a breed thing?

    I have never heard of either breed doing this. Are you sure you're not talking about Italian Greyhounds?

    Don't let that slender frame mislead you, dogs bred to course hares at speeds in excess of 50kph are not fragile.. they do get skin tears but in pets, bone issues are not common.

  2. If you can't find the predicability and suitability in a breed, then you certainly aren't going to find it in a cross.

    You might find what you are looking for in a dog from a pound, but then again you are taking your chances on health and temperament.

    One breed that comes to mind, is the Whippet. They are as a whole a healthy and robust breed. They will give a warning bark, they will go for a walk and they are certainly happy to lay around and keep someone company. They are not overly demanding and are a reasonable size.

    They have a pretty decent bark too.

    x 2 on a Whippet but only if it will be allowed inside. A dog with very little body fat will not cope well in SA's heat and neither do they cope well with cold.

    Will the dog be allowed inside? Will you take it to training?

  3. Great result Jacqui..

    I'd be doing a handout about the importance of warming up and cooling down your dogs and not coursing unfit or fat ones.

    Will you expect all dogs to race muzzled. A lot of folk do it as a precaution.

    You might also like to scratch your head about liability issues. My guess is the course owner won't be keen on accepting any for pet dogs coursing on his track.

  4. Very angry at a friend but nothing more I can do.

    A friend of mine has recently told me they are getting another spoodle  this puppy will be from a well-known puppy farm.

    I tried to tell her everything, sent her links, pictures, stories, everything explained it in full detail y she should not be supporting this breeder only to be left with the response of

    “ don’t tell me that stuff, it makes me so sad”

    She went to the breeders on the weekend to look at the dog - she came home so excited, telling me they were on a lovely farm and there were at least 50 dogs there playing and the cutest puppies ever and blah freaking blah!

    I had another rant at her and her response was “ well at least im saving her from that life by buying her”FFS! When will people learn

    Sorry, had to rant!

    And condemning the pup's parents to more of the same.

    If she even hints that she's rescuing the dog I'd be correcting that pretty fiercely. However she's a lost cause - clearly she can justify the decision. At least she actually visited the place.

  5. I did do dog club and also the local oval as well :) Often our walks were - 5 minutes walk to oval - 10 minutes play/training - then 5 minutes home again. Or 5 minutes to local shops - sit for 10 minutes watching people - 5 minutes home. I guess it remains to be seen how her joints will go, she's nearly 2 years old now.

    Edit: And she's still an energiser bunny

    Well, you will own working breeds!! :laugh:

  6. I wasn't able to wear my puppy out with free play (small yard) or training... she just went and went and went like an energiser bunny. I did roughly 5 minutes of structured exercise per month of age. On leash walks helped with her energy levels a lot. To this day, on leash walks tire her out more than off leash exercise...

    Wuffles, I took mine to the dog club and walked the paddock... puppy could do as much or as little as it pleased.

  7. Yup i wouldnt leash walk for ages on pavement at all a half hr for a pup is excessive and running yoyr dog next to a bike at 5 months is just stupid

    You know it, I know it.. but it's not apparent to some folk and that pup had a lot of energy.. :(

    Given that you have a retriever and an interest in obedience Mason, you could have the basics of a retrieve trained by 6 months. :)

  8. James, I would feed the kibble separate to other foods. Your pup would already be big enough to tackle chicken wings and could do frames too when he grows. Other bones like lamb necks, ribs etc are good too.

    As for kibble? It might pay to ask in the Golden Retriever thread as folk knowledgeable about the breed may have some views. The only Golden Retriever breeder I know well feeds Advance.

    I feed Royal Canin (to my Whippet and poodles) but there are plenty of good quality kibbles out there.

  9. I disagree with no onlead walking, if the dog does not get any gentle exercise like walking they will have heaps more energy which leads to crazy zoomies and jumping around which is worse imo

    Off lead exercise like play is fine. No exercise works on a growing pup like appropriate offlead playing. You can play with your dog and you can let him romp around and practice your recall. Leash training for a few minutes is fine. Just don't pavement pound for half an hour or more everyday and bear in mind that exercise on sand stresses joints even more than solid ground. The beach is not a softer option. Being pounded by larger dogs in the dog park isn't either.

    A lot of puppy energy can be dissapated with training. 5 minutes of brain work is worth a lot of pavement pounding.

    Your dogs, your choice. I know a lot of folk that practice the "no on lead exercise before 6 months" guideline. I know a few that haven't and can think of at least 3 OCD issues resulting. One dog was gaiting off a bike aged 5 months :eek:

    If you want a veterinary back up, talk to Dr Billinghurst or Dr Zink. Growning joints don't cope well with unnatural stresses. Long periods of leash exercise are "unnatural".

    They'll also tell you that the fast track to joint issues is a fat puppy. Keep them lean folks.. enough to be a wee bit ribby.

  10. I don't think all labradoodles are ugly. I have seen some really nice ones. There us a really nice one training at my dog club presently. I was quite impressed with him.

    I know it is not encouraged on this website, but I would like to see them progress to the point where they could ultimately become a recognized breed. I also think that would help to improve the general standard of breeding. As was said earlier, so many of them are still just straight crossbreeds and because of that there is way too much variation.

    I do think there are some very nice purebreeds that could fill this space for people eg the lagotto or PWD. But they are not easy to get presently are they?

    What's wrong with the Labrador and the Standard Poodle?

    Oh, I know. Lab pups arent' fluffy and .SPs got "poodle" in its name. ;)

    Makes me wonder how many large oodle buyers have ever heard of the Curly Coated Retriever.

  11. Poodlefan, your comments re put up or shut up in relation to face judging have been spoken by many people over many years and I have not heard of any judges retiring or being stood down for lack of entries.many of these judges continue to roll along judging continually spoiling the showing adventures of many a new exhibitors.

    I have seen Show Secretaries blanch when told that the reason that entries are down is because of the judging panel.

    Target the people who book judges - show committees. They're interested in running financially viable shows. If they know that certain judges won't pull a decent entry, I'm pretty confident they won't book them.

  12. Ughh! How awful! I'd hardly call it aggression though. Honestly I think dogs would eat their owners if they dies or passed out for long enough to get the dog hungry . Perhaps the dog was trying to rouse the owner???

    Some sort of obsessive/panic behaviour would have been my bet.. egged on by no reaction from the owner. Dogs also frantically scratch in such circumstances.

  13. Melachuja- The problem I have is the breeding practices used to create all these dogs. Have you ever been to the Oscars Law or wheredopuppiescomefrom.com.au websites?

    Absolutely, I'm just as passionate about Ocsars Law as the next, like I said I don't support the actions of these people or anything about what they do. I personally think it's disgusting, and I would never support a puppy farm, in anyway.

    But the initial post was about Big Brands cashing in on todays trend of DD. People like DD, I like DD, most of them are adorable. But I would never buy from a Pet Shop or Puppy Farm, only from a person that I know has put in as much work as the next breeder to make sure they produce quality healthy puppies. But it's unfortunate that most people don't realise this. And don't realise what their supporting by buying their DD from a pet store. That's what I believe we need to fix.

    DD breeding is a genetic dead end for any purebred dog involved. Sorry, but I won't support something contributing to the decline of breeds I love.

  14. Klink - Is it so hard to believe that some of these 'faces' might actually have some truely fantastic dogs on the end of their leads and it is infact the dogs that are winning?

    Bjelkier, I agree with your comment re good quality dogs' and I appreciate that not all judges do the wrong or corrupt thing , but a regular glance through the various state magazines will leave you in no doubt of the payback system that amongst certain judges is rife. The sadest part about this state of affairs is that it continues unashamedly and without any actions from the various bodies to try the address the problem. In my opinion the reason is as obivious as a boyle on your nose, check out your boards of directors on the canine bodies. I personally feel that our canine bodies need to be managed by business people not dog people, and hopefully this would eliminate all the conflicts of interest. When all said and done the dog world is a business, and as such should be administered by professional business people not dog judges etc who are a product of the system that has been in serious decline under their stewardship.

    Given that "business people" will have profit as the bottom line, how much are you prepared to see memberships, show entries, litter registrations etc raised to fund such an organisation?

    As far as I'm concerned people need to either put up or shut up on face judging. Don't give facey judges your entries.. they'll get the hint soon enough.

  15. I don't understand what the problem is here either!!!!!!!! I think we all need to move with the times, designer dogs are what some people are after, like it or not, love your breed, think there is no reason to cross two perfectly appropiate breeds?? Doesn't matter. People want designer dogs, poodle x's seem to be the fav. I think the only way the fight is ever going to be "won" is by breeding healthy dogs to create healthy designer dogs. Otherwise the fight will be lost. Sorry I think it's now a fact, like it or not................

    People want designer dogs because they think they can have all the good points of both breeds and none of the bad of either. It's a myth. Genes don't work like that.

    Non-shedding coat is a case in point. Most oodles shed and most buyers have no idea of that.

    You also can't shove your head in the sand about the fact the most of these pups are bred in situations that spell misery for the parent dogs. As a poodle fancier that distresses me greatly. I've no interest in supporting designer dogs if other dogs suffer to produce them.

  16. Also, listen to quality Lab breeders, like Zenchel, and ignore Poodlefan, who seems to knock Labradors in a high fraction of her posts. Not walking on lead until six months is poor advice. Of course, you need to do things in moderation . . . no different with a Lab than any other breed. Labs do have a propensity to eat too much . . . and moderation in feeding is especially important.

    Seriously Sandgrubber, get a grip. It's flattering to have a stalker but I do not spend my time here waiting for opportunities to take cheap shots at your breed of choice. The OP is batting two for two on HD affected Labs.. quoting stats isn't going to help them avoid heartbreak for a third time- that was what motivated my post. How about you take time out from proving your theory that I hate Labs and focus on helping them.

    The "no onlead exercise until 6 months" is a common precaution taken by folk with many breeds, and with larger breeds in particular. If you're going to stalk me with accusations, you might at least do a thorough job and note that I've made that recommendation many times, about many breeds and that many folk here agree with it.

  17. my hands are very much a part of my living.

    *imagining what poodlefan does for a living....*

    I type a lot megan... not a hand model or an Auslan interpreter.

    Computer based work without two fully functioning hands is frustrating.. I learned that when I had a broken wrist and a cast on my hand.

  18. Not me. I would grab the back legs of the attacking dog and wheelbarrow him off. I watched a video on how to break up dog fights.

    This does not work when one dog pretty much fits in the other dog's mouth.

    Go the boot people. I'd happily lose a leg to save one of my dogs.. my hands are very much a part of my living.

  19. The RSPCA forum on Facebook is spitting chips about her spoodle. People are already making signs about it to take to the rally on the weekend. Apparently she "researched spoodles on the internet".

    Our prime minister did what thousands of Australian families with little knowledge of dogs do and researched her potential dog on the internet.. believing what she read.

    I'd even hazard a guess at which particular hell hole this dog is coming from.. Big one on the Vic border that pumps out a lot of these crosses for the local market. :(

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