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Everything posted by Staffyluv

  1. Chicken carcass or turkey neck for breaky. Roo or beef for dinner. He always has about half a cup of eukanuba or nutro kibble in a bowl but that usually gets put into a kong with some cottage cheese or peanut butter as a treat a couple of nights a week. He also eats fruit, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin and other veg or salad stuff.. On hot days, he can have a chook stock frozen iceblock with sardines or chicken necks frozen into it. He gets an egg a week and a can or two of sardines in oil as well.. Training we seem to use dried liver and or cheese - seems to be the only thing that he is interested in. I used to use barf patties of a night but he just stopped eating them. I am not sure why but the smell seemed to change and he won't touch them anymore. Why? Because that is what seems to work for him.. He seems to have a sensitive tummy and to much fatty meat makes him sick. So we stick to lower fat stuff and have removed all big bones with marrow in them now as the last time he had one, he was sick again..
  2. I am not a breeder bit I would be very happy at $12 a day.. :)
  3. I like that Ping, it looks very refreshing... :D
  4. Maybe some rescue remedy might help as well.. I agree that a crate might be a good idea, dogs often feel more secure in their crates.
  5. 5/100 5 of 100 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr 6/100 6 of 100 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr
  6. Zig has a bungee toy that attaches to the deck and he can swing off the ball. He is also getting a selection of tuff toys from Frenzied1 (DOLer).. We have them already and he has one of the toys in the pack. They are just awesome. I will also get him some new squeaky tennis balls because he is absolutely nuts for tennis balls but the ones that squeak are even better..
  7. You need a good behaviourist to assess the situation and dogs. For the safety of all your dogs, I would highly recommend keeping them separated until you get it worked out. It does sound like the younger bitch is challenging the older girl but it could be for any number of reasons... Food, pecking order, illness, attention from the humans... It is I possible to tell from this. Where are you located (sorry if you have said, I am on the iPad and can't see while I am posting), maybe the good people of DOL can recommend a behaviourist for you... As said above, they don't call them bitches for no reason... Please keep them apart for their own safety..
  8. What happens if you squeak the ball before you are about to leave? This kind of thing is dog dependent. For some dogs it's a sign that they are getting the idea and are in the process of exchanging one behaviour for another. For other dogs it means they have figured out screaming results in squeaky balls. ;) Depends how clever your dog is. Trust me, dumb dogs are better! Anyway, regardless of which one it is, squeaking the ball before the screaming starts should go a long way to making sure you're both on the right track. You can't reward a behaviour that never occurs. OK, I think I might try squeaking the ball before we leave and see how that goes. Usually I just say lets go and start to walk. He walks but then turns back tot the other dog and carries on. He wants his ball all the time, but only gets it when he is compliant and he relaxes a bit.. I think I am using the squeak at the wrong time.. I need tomame it more of a lets go so you get the ball, instead of a lets go, you can have the ball when you chill out... If you know what I mean.. Tassie, you are right, it's just like one massive tanty, little turd.. I love this thread, it and our trainer have made such a huge difference to mine and Zig's relationship. It is still very much a work in progress but it is usually a joyful thing..
  9. We have a new issue that has developed over the last week. Walking at the park (on lead) and he sees another dog: He usually stops and wants to look (no matter how far away it is) and I have allowed that for a few seconds and then I say 'lets go'. A few times of late, we have actually met the other dogs. He is over the moon to say hello and that is all good - it is when we go to leave that it starts. Now I have had staffords most of my life - I have heard all sorts of noises come out of them and staffy crosses like Zig. But he is screaming when we leave the dogs - so loud that we have had comments the last 2 days.. It sounds like a little kid actually screaming in tantrum.. (Which I am sort of thinking that is exactly what this is because he doesn't want to leave). His time at leash free parks is very limited and he hasn't been for a few weeks now because we have been working more on lead (he is a puller and needs lots more work where this is concerned).. So, I always take the squeaky tennis ball - one squeak and he looks directly at me. He gets to say hi to the other dog, gets very excited and it is time for us to go (I don't like him getting like this as it escalates to me losing his attention).. When we leave, he is always trying to go back to the other dog. Then the screaming starts. I squeak the ball to get his attention and when he sits for it and waits a few seconds, once he seems calmer, he gets his ball. Am I rewarding the bad behaviour giving him the ball - because he did it this morning and immediately sat for the ball after screaming??? I don't want this screaming thing to continue - it is new and it is not nice.. Suggestions would be most welcome, thanks in advance.
  10. This is only a walking collar for Zig.. This is his flat collar for home IMG_0239 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr Personally, I would prefer if he didn't wear a collar at home but he will carry it around until you put it back on him if it is ever taken off for swimming and baths..
  11. Ollie used to get Ollie, Ollie Oxenfree, Chubby, Chappy, Wiggy, Old Baby.. Ziggy gets Bug (Ziggy Bug).. Or Zigga..
  12. Awe, I just love these happy ending story's.. Happy birthday to both your big babies..
  13. A few from the last few days.. IMG_0933 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr IMG_0935 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr IMG_0927 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr IMG_0922 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr
  14. OK, he was none to impressed that I stuck stuff on his head but half a block of cheese later: IMG_0943 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr IMG_0946 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr IMG_0948 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr
  15. OK, I am adding 1-4 today (it might be like this every few days due to time constraints) 1/100 IMG_0913 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr 2/100 IMG_0927 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr 3/100 IMG_0933 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr 4/100 IMG_0922 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr The macro themes looks like a nice one to have for summer.. So far, so good..
  16. Oh god, I hate seeing all the Facebook animals.. One last week had a rare blue English staffy pup (5 weeks old) for $1200.. Because they are so rare.. My biggest peeve is the we are having a baby. I had a woman start working for me once (when I was in retail) who asked at work if anyone wanted her husbands 8 year old dog because now she is working part time (she did 12 hours a week), has 2 kids that she just can't deal with the dog.. Some people are just a waste of oxygen..
  17. Glad he is home.. I think they recover better in their own beds (providing they are out of the woods)..
  18. I will take some more photos tomorrow and load them on the computer so you can see it. It is a combination of flat collar and check chain, that has a buckle so you can adjust it accordingly. Yep there is a D ring on the front, personally I wouldn't use the D ring on the front but aesthetically, it looks awesome. Have a look at The website for further info and lots more collars, leads and other goodies.. Thank you. Had a look. The buckle being at the throat when the lead is attached is unusual. I haven't seen that before. I don't like that. I am sure that Ruthless can make them without the buckle (just a flat collar and chain). I have seen a few of their custom pieces and they are as lovely as the stock pieces. We gave it a test run this morning and it didn't seem to bother him at all - he walked quite nicely on lead.
  19. I will take some more photos tomorrow and load them on the computer so you can see it. It is a combination of flat collar and check chain, that has a buckle so you can adjust it accordingly. Yep there is a D ring on the front, personally I wouldn't use the D ring on the front but aesthetically, it looks awesome. Have a look at The website for further info and lots more collars, leads and other goodies..
  20. Thanks guys, I am really happy with it.. They make the most amazing collars and leads.. Red would like nice on Zig with his dark coat... :D Maybe in a few years..
  21. It is so sad isn't it.. The oldies can become more work with forgetting themselves but they all the more precious to me because they need just that little bit more help. My old Stafford started to go a bit senile toward the end. He would stand in the middle of the room and bark like he was lost or something. So we would go to him, get in front of him, so he could see us (as he was deaf from ageing) and we would take him back to the lounge room with us... We used to have a giggle about it but it must have been a bit distressing for the little old man... He used to do the same thing on a walk in the park. Just stop and sort of glaze over, like he didn't know where he was.. So I would just get close to him and walk him on.. God I miss him..
  22. This x 10.. My home, my dog. He lives inside, sleeps on my bed and eats in the kitchen. If family and friends don't like it they can stay somewhere else or they just have to come to terms with it.. Their choice. One of my husbands friends came over with his toddler and he was harassing our old Stafford. I pulled him (dog) out from under the table and put him in our room to separate them. The man said, why don't I just put the dog outside.. I said because this is his home, why don't you put your child outside. My husband giggled and took his friend and his little lad out to the back deck to solve the problem. We always went to their place from then on, so they didn't visit us.
  23. That sounds perfect. I only have the 7D, 50mm, 15-85mm and 100mm macro lens.. I need to get another flash, as mine was knocked off last year. And a tripod..
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