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Everything posted by Staffyluv

  1. Tomatoes are fine - just not the green ones.. Zig got into our cherry tomato vine last Christmas and all the vet was worried about was if he ate the green ones. He did and we had to make him vomit.. But the vet said the red ones are fine. Zig also steals the strawberries (when we have them), the spinach and perpetual lettuce that I usually grow in a pot. He raids the fruit bowl regularly, knocking off kiwi fruit and apples - seem to be the flavour of the month..
  2. Ollie dog died 3 weeks after my husband, their ashes are in a cupboard (glass doors) in the lounge room (in separate urns).. I will keep Ollie here but my husbands ashes are going to be moved to the cemetery as soon as I have the time and funds to do so.
  3. I like it.. They take some getting used to, don't they.. I am loving mine and using it more than others at the moment. I can't wait for my Christmas break so I can spend more time taking pictures..
  4. I have been slack and not had a lot of time to pull the camera out but here are some.. Taken the other day, playing with water and food colouring and the macro lens 11/100 IMG_1017 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr 12/100 IMG_1013 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr 13/100 dinner, haloumi and lemon IMG_1027 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr 14/100 Not the macro but taken today - Zig after a big play in the back yard IMG_1036 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr
  5. We were always told if anything was going to happen (temp and infection) it would be between 3-5 days after treatment. Good luck with the vet visit, I hope she feels better soon. Cool fluids (chicken stock iceblocks) are a great idea when they don't feel well.
  6. It is the heartbreaking truth that so many animals are put down because they grew up, dug holes, barked at the postman, we had kids etc etc - the excuses are as continuous as the animals being put down.. I have always had purebred dogs and honestly thought I always would. I will have another stafford one day, I know I will. Zig is some form of staffy cross - one of the hundreds that came through the many pounds this year.. I am blessed to have met him. He has been and I dare say will continue to be a challenge - he has some of the great stafford traits I am used to but he has others that I am not used to - he is a learning curve. I despise the save don't buy posts.. Don't breed while others die, is another one that really gets on my goat... In an ideal world, there would only be purebred dogs, all wanted and loved in homes that were matched perfectly to them by the breeders. While anyone is allowed to breed we will always have dogs needing rescue in pounds and other shelters.
  7. Our vet and oncologist told me the same thing but in all honesty, Ollie lived more than 5 years longer than they said he would. I do believe the chemo is what gave him that longevity but I also believe that the supplements are what helped him stay well during the treatments. What you have her on sounds fine but I would suggest at least talking to an holistic vet and discussing her chemo protocol as they might have even better suggestions for you. Ollie's cancer was also systemic and found in his lymph nodes away from the main tumour site. There is always hope.. I agree with pers - the eye thing could be a brain issue so back to the vets asap. Our vet used to call us for a few days after each treatment to see how he was going. He even resorted to giving me his mobile number once (bet he wishes he didn't do that) and said to call anytime if Ollie goes downhill over night..
  8. We spent 6 months doing chemo for Ollie and there were ups and downs and plateaus. Did they test her white blood cell count the day before doing the chemo? Our vet used to test the day before chemo and if all was well, chemo went ahead - if not, we missed a session until his cell count was at a suitable level for treatment. Are you supplementing her with anything or is she just doing the chemo protocol? We saw a holistic vet at the same time a the oncologist. Ollie had a few supplements that helped him cope with the rigors of chemo. If in doubt, call the vet - waste no time. You know her better than the vets, if she doesn't seem right, don't wait.. I hope she feels better.
  9. Zig went to it a couple of times and after I told him to leave it, he is fine. No longer even really looks at it. He checks out new presents as they went under but again, told to leave it and he does.. So far so good..
  10. Very old thread - for the record, no I wasn't interested in purchasing one.. Might be an idea to remove that link though..:)
  11. That is exactly what I was thinking when I was reading it Pav.. The livestock suffer more at the hands of humans than they do being round up by working dogs..
  12. There was a member who posted about some collars that looked like Ruthless Collars but a lot cheaper and she was happy with what she got.. I also think they were from overseas.. so you would have to factor in postage as well.. I think it was Karma Collars.. Also there is K9 Pro - check their website, as they have some really amazing stuff and it is so much cheaper than the shops. If your dog is still growing, then I would go for a medium collar.. If your dog isn't still growing and it was mine, I would probably spend the bucks and get one custom made to fit - the good leather collars will last the life of the dog. My old stafford had his leather collar from about 12 months old and was still wearing it the day he passed away at 14.5 years old.. It was so soft..
  13. They are as different as we are - what works for one, may not work for another. Training is an ongoing thing and sometimes small changes need to be made to get the end result. My old stafford was so easy. My new staffy cross is a nightmare a lot of the time but he is a really nice dog (he just has some issues).. You would think both being some sort of staffy (one pure the other a cross) that they would be similar to train - that couldn't be further from the truth. Zig challenges me at every opportunity. Give him an inch and he takes the whole mile every time. Hang in there, we all have days (or weeks) where we wonder why it isn't working like we think it should..
  14. He has stopped scratching now. The vet gave him an injection to help with the itchiness and he has had one dose of the revolution and he has completely stopped scratching.
  15. Lovely photos. I have been slack but will catch up tomorrow..
  16. Oh, I am sorry to hear that.. I can't offer any advice on kidney failure and what you can and can't do but I am sure someone with knowledge in that area will see this and offer advice. Good luck
  17. I just bought the canon L series 100mm macro and I have been playing with it every day in the 100 days of summer thread.. I love it but still have heaps to learn from it. Awesome portrait lens and it makes teeny tiny things look so big... My speedlight was stolen in August last year and I haven't looked at replacing it yet.
  18. You could always do 89 days of summer :)
  19. Back from the vet and as his diet hasn't changed at all, the vet is pretty confident it is a contact allergy of some kind.. As the only thing different was the mucky mud hole, it is possible but you can never be sure. He has some revolution for parasite treatment (just to stay on top of it as h throws the tablets up) and he has some tablets for a few days just to help with the itch. If it continues or gets worse, we will start eliminating stuff - first environmental then diet. In typical Ziggy form, he was fine by the time we got to the vets and not scratching at all.. But you could still see where he had scratched himself red under his front legs and neck.
  20. Lovely Ping. I love the black and whites.. It is interesting to see how we all see things down a lens - some seem to like cooler or warmer tones in editing etc.. I had a play with some water and food colouring earlier - still have to load them (I will choose one for my today picture I guess, as I haven't done anything else).. I am enjoying using the macro lens - it is so different to the other lenses I have.
  21. I called the vet and asked for some cream but I think he wanted an excuse to see him (because we haven't been for ages), so we have an appointment.. I swear, after Ollie's chemo and everything else that dog went through, I should own shares in that practice.
  22. No I didn't, I am not taking my good camera anywhere near him when he is like that.. or near water.. He was such a mess - everyone else thought he was so funny, digging and laying in it, putting his head right under the water. Bugger of a thing, the more people laugh the more he digs...
  23. I have heard that the QV is better and I bought it for him ages ago but just used the aloveen as it was fine last time we used it. I am sort of hoping it might have been something in the manky mud hole he was having so much fun in. He was covered in mud (nose to toes) for about an hour before it was washed off).. I used polarmine for years with Ollie and it worked fine but they are all different, will see what the vet says. I hate it when you can't help them..
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