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Everything posted by Staffyluv
A Couple Of Issues With Border Collie
Staffyluv replied to whitka's topic in Training / Obedience / Dog Sports
LAT is Look at that. It has worked wonders for Zig and I. I started by using his squeaky tennis ball and holding it out to the left and say 'look at that', when he looks he is rewarded with his ball (he is ball focused not food focused - works the same with treats). Then I hold the ball near my knee and say 'look at that' - he gets the ball when he looks at what I want him to look at. We don't need the ball to play anymore - I can say look at that and point and he looks in that direction or at whatever I am pointing at. Then he gets a big rough up and pat when he does well.. It is a good distraction method for dogs that focus on things they shouldn't.. You get their attention on something else. ETA - we also do 'look at me'. When he looks at me and stays focused on me, he gets a treat or his ball. The ball works better for us. I have also taught him wait - this means he focuses on me and waits for the next thing I ask him to do.. -
Random Person Taking The Dogs Photo
Staffyluv replied to Staffyluv's topic in General Dog Discussion
They are awesome down here.. When Ollie died and we went in to pick up our little foster kelpie, the kid asked if they had any staffies - they directed us to him and said, he is really scared in here but we think he will be awesome out.. The rest as they say is history... I took him back up to see them when I picked Pippa up as another foster and they couldn't believe the change in him. The council workers in the park are awesome to, so I really don't think I will have any trouble.. This is about the 3rd time he has been labelled a PB by someone though.. To me he is just a generic brindle BYB staffy cross (crossed with god knows what he is a gorgeous 27kg lap dog).. -
Yep this is what I found worked and the cost is minimal.. When we had Pippa here, her pee was killing the grass but once I started with the ACV, it stopped pretty quickly. Zig tends to pee on a tree near my office and sometimes when the sun hits it, you can smell dog pee - I use a water spray bottle and just spray around the base of the tree and there is no more smell..
Random Person Taking The Dogs Photo
Staffyluv replied to Staffyluv's topic in General Dog Discussion
It's all good - I will just have to make sure I do the right thing from now on.. -
Random Person Taking The Dogs Photo
Staffyluv replied to Staffyluv's topic in General Dog Discussion
I figure if I don't let him off lead down there again, I am not doing anything wrong anymore - so there can't be any issue. I am sure she didn't even see him off lead as where she was was no where near where we were chasing the ball. She also never mentioned anything about being off lead, so I am thinking she is just a silly old lady with nothing better to do.. He had just come out from having a swim (on lead).. We often meet up with another couple who walk their older SBT and him and Zig get on like a house on fire - I might ask them if they have ever seen her before or had an issue with her. I don't like that she took our picture to 'show the ranger I was walking him without a muzzle'.. But there isn't anything I can do about it.. Hopefully it was a one off and that will be the end of it.. I am confident that Zig is a nice enough boy temperament wise to pass any test they throw at him.. -
Random Person Taking The Dogs Photo
Staffyluv replied to Staffyluv's topic in General Dog Discussion
Thanks Snook. Sheena I might just do that next time I see her. She has not seen him off lead as far as I know and she never mentioned anything about him being off lead. She jus said he is supposed to wear a muzzle if he is in public. I honestly didn't bother to explain that they had to be deemed a dangerous dog for that to happen. I think she was somewhat odd. Takes all kinds I guess. I won't take the chance with him off lead there any more. His safety is more important to me than him having a leash free run. -
Random Person Taking The Dogs Photo
Staffyluv replied to Staffyluv's topic in General Dog Discussion
I know I shouldn't have him off lead there - lucky our fines are only $150 for off lead.. I imagine if he got excited and run at someone that could turn into a lot more though. I guess having her confront me this morning was a bit of a wake up call. The workers there have never had an issue as it is so early but again, I know better. The dog park here in Quangers is terrible, no trees for shade and not much grass - it is mainly a wasteland with dirt and rocks, with a couple of taps for water. Lucky for us there are 2 sides to play in, so if one side is getting a bit unruly, we can always go into the other side and chase ball with the gentler dogs (mind you Zig can play rough or soft - I just don't like the full on roughness, he gets to excited and loses focus on me. If I keep the play to a certain level, his recall and everything is great). Thanks all. -
Random Person Taking The Dogs Photo
Staffyluv replied to Staffyluv's topic in General Dog Discussion
After this morning, I don't think I will do it again.. All off lead will be at the dog park - might have to go at 5am so we don't get to many dogs at once. Most times we go it is OK as we seem to hook up with the same group of 4 to 6 dogs. -
Random Person Taking The Dogs Photo
Staffyluv replied to Staffyluv's topic in General Dog Discussion
Thanks Pav. I know the rangers through rescue and one of them knows Zig - he actually directed us towards him when we were looking for another dog. I doubt they will bother but I guess if she makes a complaint, then they have to ask questions.. I can't see her following me (but then I had never noticed her before and she said she has seen us before). I thought she was a bit of a loop but was just curious if she could take our pic in public.. I know being chipped as a cross is no protection from BSL - that is the reason I work so hard on him to make sure his behaviour is really good, more so in public.. I don't want the issue on my doorstep.. -
Random Person Taking The Dogs Photo
Staffyluv replied to Staffyluv's topic in General Dog Discussion
No but we go to that park every day.. Apart from walking the streets with Zig, there really isn't that many places nice to take him around town.. We can go to Canberra, they have nicer dog parks if we have to. But I like to go about 6am as it is cooler for him then and he doesn't do well in the heat. There are 3 council workers who work in the park and they see us there all the time. They often stop for a chat and a pat.. I guess if she reported me for having what she thinks is a dangerous dog or whatever the ranger could always come to the park (I have seen them come to the park early of a morning before). If they stopped me to ask questions, I would have to give them my contact details I guess and it would go from there. I might send one of the photographers on here a message and ask them - I guess they would know if she can do that. -
This morning Zig and I were walking around at the park - I take his tennis ball and he catches it and sits for it etc on our walk. We usually go down to the pond and he goes for swim (on lead). This is our usual morning routine. Sometimes (and we didn't this morning) I will let him off lead in a fenced area (usually about 6am and the council workers there know and don't worry about him being off lead chasing a ball so early with very few other people around). His recall is really good now but still not 100%, hence hanging in the fenced area. I make sure he toilets before ever going in there as kids play there and I although I pick up the poop, I can't pick up a wee and I don't want him peeing where kids play. So this morning, this woman is sitting on the seats at the park as we are walking past and she pulls out a phone and takes our photo. I asked her if she did and she said yes and that she is going to report me for having a pitbull.. I ask her to delete the photo and she says no.. That the she knows what he is and he is supposed to wear a muzzle all the time and she has seen me here with him before and he never wears a muzzle.. I explain to her that he is just a staffy cross and a very friendly guy (all the while, Zig is sitting waiting for his ball in my hand).. He is a staffy cross and is chipped as one. He has an awesome temperament so I am not worried about anything but just wanted to know - can a random just take your photo in public? I thought you had to have permission to do so? I take photos in public all the time but do my best to not include people in the photos as I don't want to intrude on them (but never really thought of the legal aspect of it)...
So sorry KB, they leave a big hole when they pass. RIP Sunny, lots of DOL doggies waiting at the bridge for you.
Oh Sheridan, I am so sorry - I have only just seen this (I tend not to come in here to often for emotional reasons).. RIP Grumpy, there are lots of DOL angels at the bridge to play with..
I know Zig's nose can be wet and cool one minute and warm and dry the next. This can change a dozen times a day depending on what we are doing. I guess if it was a prolonged thing, I would get it checked but I don't think it is anything to really worry about. I would be concerned if the nose stayed hot and dry for a long time or was cracked, changed colour or had sores or something..
Thanks CC. I have put it off for a bit as I have so much going on in my life, I just can't commit to it 100% and I would hate to pay all that money and end up having to pull out. It is definitely a goal to do something like that next year.
I agree with Sandra.. I have a pound pup at the moment but mostly have only had Staffords because they have everything I am looking for in a dog/companion. If you wanted to get a pound/rescue dog, then I would always suggest going through a reputable rescue. What about a Collie from a rescue? There are a lot of dogs in rescue (and pounds) through no fault of their own. Relationship breakdowns, moving to a place that they can't take the animal, having a baby (a personal fave of mine), etc - there are as many excuses for animals being in the pound or in rescue as there are animals.. However a rescue will temp test a dog so you know if it is OK with kids/cats/other dogs, if it is a jumper or escape artists, leash puller etc.. Or what about fostering, while you are waiting for your pup??
Zig was very spoilt.. IMG_1167 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr IMG_1186 by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr He also got a bungee rope with a ball attached - will upload pics once we get it up and him playing on it.. Merry Christmas all..
Warts are usually just that - a wart. But if I ever see one in a pic on here, I encourage the owners to seek a fine needle aspirate to make sure. Like teebs said, don't panic just go to the vet and get it checked after the Christmas festivities..
Please get a vet to look at that and ask for a fine needle aspirate.. It looks the same as the MCT that was on my dogs foot.. MCT can vary in appearance from wart like to pea like lumps under the skin.. Hopefully it is something easy to remedy..
Look What They Have Done To Our Dogs.
Staffyluv replied to Sandy46's topic in General Dog Discussion
Agree with pers - it was interesting. -
What's Wrong With My Girl?
Staffyluv replied to White Shepherd mom's topic in General Dog Discussion
I am so very sorry WSM.. Rip angel, running at the bridge with so many other DOL angels.. -
I couldn't watch it all.. Poor bloody dog.
What's Wrong With My Girl?
Staffyluv replied to White Shepherd mom's topic in General Dog Discussion
Oh poor girl. Hopefully it is an infection and she will improve. You have every right to be angry - I would be furious over the way you were fobbed off. I thought that chemo just bombarded the whole system, killing any fast growing cells whereas radiation was a targeted treatment, aimed directly at the tumour site.. -
When the mud puddle dries up, so he has to resort to just rolling in dirt..