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Everything posted by Staffyluv

  1. Sure but it's actually a cancer care forum. Nothing wrong with that but it does mean anyone else tends to get ignored. I should add before anyone jumps down my throat that I don't expect people who have no experience with things like kidney disease to post advice but support, as was pointed out by shepherds, does go a long way. I realise you what you mean about support and advice and I think it is a given that we would only offer advice if we knew what we were talking about - but the support aspect of the forum is awesome. Speaking just for myself and everything I went through with Ollie, having other dog minded people (especially those that had been through it and offered advice) to offer support was nothing short of amazing. The amount of DOLers who just propped me up when he was really sick a few times and I was doubting his treatment, my ability to make the right decisions etc, made all the difference in the world to how I felt about what we were going through. My family couldn't believe I was spending 'that much money on a dog that was going to die anyway'.. I suppose it is more of a cancer care forum than other diseases - but maybe that is because cancer seems to be so much more prevalent these days than it used to be (or maybe it just wasn't discussed??). Maybe the two forums (aged care and palliative)could be merged into one because from personal experience, I think there are some very important threads in there :) I still think it would be a shame to lose all that helpful advice and experience to the archives and have them get lost in the health section as a whole.
  2. That is interesting HW, thanks. I have only ever been to a chiro when I needed to go, so just figured it would be the same for a dog.. That is what I love about DOL, I am still learning.
  3. I still check the palliative care and aged sections because I have experience in both areas with Ollie dog, so feel I can offer advice - I tend not to respond to those threads where I cannot offer advice and that is what they are asking for. However if they are just wanting to vent or ask for support, I am happy to do that. Sometimes that is all that can be offered - to listen and be supportive. Palliative care is very different to general health and I think there is a place for that forum here.
  4. Thanks guys. WW he has never been to a chiro - curious, why would he benefit if he doesn't need to see one? I thought the first point of call would be the vet. Don't get me wrong, if there is a reason it would be beneficial I am more than happy to do so. HW he does seem to be just nursing it (better description than mine - thanks).
  5. Thanks Diva, I usually take him up to Hamish at West Queanbeyan vets. I will ask if he thinks Zig will benefit from a chiro - if he thinks so, I will give her a call. There was another one recommended to me out at Hall years ago but honestly, I didn't get a good feeling about her at all and didn't go back after the first visit. It's nice to know there is another one close by (especially with an active dog)
  6. Zig gets raw meaty bones, roo meat, some Eukanuba kibble (a small bag last a couple of months), cottage cheese, eggs, sardines, a carrot/apple or something similar now and then.. I picked up a bag of beef and lamb ribs/flaps from the local butcher yesterday for $3 - that should last a week or so. His roo costs about $10 a week and then the other bits and pieces. He is not an expensive dog to look after (unlike our beloved Ollie dog was)..
  7. A few days ago I noticed Zig was favouring one of his back legs when he runs. He doesn't seem to put it down as much as the other one. When he was about 8 months old we had a foster girl here and she grabbed him by the leg as he went to jump up on a chair and when he fell down (cause he didn't make it to the chair) he yelped and didn't put the leg down for a few minutes.. He seemed fine and I had him checked out. The vet said he had full range of movement of his leg and it seemed fine. This is the same leg. I haven't seen him hurt it - he just carries it, without putting it on the ground when he runs. He also holds it up when he turns while running. I will make a vet appointment for him on Monday but anyone have any ideas? It doesn't seem to be sore to touch or move up and down but he is licking the 'knee' area and he was actually chewing it last night. I rubbed it a bit for him and he seems fine today - just still carrying it when he runs or turns while running..
  8. Staffyluv


    Sorry I missed this Lisa.. RIP Sam
  9. I am so sorry Cassie. Run free big boy
  10. It varies depending on how long the dog has been in there. In some pounds, it also depends on how many times an animal has been impounded. Our stafford many years ago, Louis, managed to escape 3 times in one week and the local pounds charged us $90 the third time - where as it had been much less before that. A bit more incentive to fix the fence properly so he didn't escape again. Some pounds will also insist on microchipping before the dog leaves as well. If it isn't the owner springing the dog, then the pound will sell the animal but the price usually includes a desexing coupon (if the animal isn't already desexed).
  11. Shared on FB as I have a few friends up that way - hope Boss comes home soon
  12. Quite possibly, yes. I know my experiences with staffy types is that they can tend to start play really nicely and appropriately and the more excited they get the more boisterous they get and the less they pay attention to the other dog. They tend to get intense and skip the natural breaks other dogs take during play to let themselves calm down a bit and keep everything nice and safe. It probably was fun for him to a point, but that's how staffies get in trouble at dog parks. They don't mean to upset other dogs, but don't notice when they do because their arousal is up. There is a theory that fighting breeds are not as attentive to social signals as other dogs. Hey everyone, check out Erik's new tricks: Reactive dogs have the most fun. ;) That makes a lot of sense - If I don't pull him out on that high, it used to be so easy for him to just go over the top and stop listening to me. We leave now before it gets to that. Most times that we go, he gets about half an hour in of nice play and then you can just see him start to get overly excited. Or if a new dog arrives, he is very stimulated by meeting new dogs..
  13. I have always sort of regretted sending Pippa (aka Pippy long stockings cause of her long legs) to her new home - but they were great people and really fell in love with her. I still remember crying like a baby all the way home after I dropped her off last year. I don't know what makes a foster a failure - I guess it is like anything in life, some things/people/animals just touch our hearts more than others.. I have recently been asked to take her back as her family are moving and can't take her with them - so I am looking forward to seeing her again. Not the camera again by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr Her and Zig together - she was such a character Pups trying to concentrate on training by Jodie Moore Photos, on Flickr
  14. Would this be why Zig can get overly boisterous at the dog park if let go? I watch him and don't let his excitement levels get like that anymore but I used to think that he was just having fun - but if I tried to recall him once he got to a point, I had no chance of him coming to me. We only hang with the same group who all play well together but I can still see how excited Zig gets when a new dog comes into the mix. He is definitely more aroused by a new dog than the others.
  15. I had a little chuckle at that, Staffyluv. She's coming "home" . When is this happening. I haven't heard anymore.. Which is sad because I would have like to have helped one of the guys in DAS this week but didn't want to do so as I had promised to take back Pippy...
  16. I agree with Tassie, I think BC Crazy handled the situation with Stella fine. The boxers owner probably doesn't use a lead because she knows her dog is submissive and won't be a problem - not that I think that is right but some people just think funny. My sister has a very submissive and friendly stafford and she never has a lead on him - again, I don't agree with it but it isn't my dog and I have no say. All we can do is the best thing by our dogs. Tassie it isn't just BCs that read the poor old Boxer's wrong - I know plenty of dogs of different breeds that react the same way. We have an adorable boxer in our obedience class and half the class snip at him and he is the most adorable boy, not pushy at all. Zig adores him and they play really well together. Lots of dogs don't like the way staffords come in all confident and rough house either. It is funny isn't it.. But then I guess as humans we don't like everyone we meet, so why should we expect our dogs to.
  17. After what I have just been through a will is just a piece of paper so the government don't get the estate.. Any one who has a claim can make one and bugger what the deceased actually wanted..
  18. When we let Ollie dog go it was very peaceful. I put him up on the table, he was happy to see the vet and got to say goodbye to quite a few of the wonderful vet staff that had helped him over the years. He was ill and had enough. So we made the decision with the vet that it was time (and I just knew).. He was given an anaesthetic (due to the condition of his veins from chemo) and then once he was asleep he was given the final injection. As sad as it was for us, he seemed quite fine with everything that was going on around him.
  19. I always said if anything happened to me that Ollie would stay with OH and/or the boys.. He has gone now and I have Zig.. Zig would be easy to rehome, he is young and healthy, mostly obedience trained and is extremely friendly. He isn't scared of storms or fire crackers. He likes the cat at the vet but hasn't been tested with any others, so I won't say he is bomb proof with cats. As Zig is so young, if anything happened to me now, I would hope that my youngest would take care of him (but I can't be certain that would happen) - so I guess I should make some arrangements for him to go to someone somewhere. I wouldn't want him PTS, he has so much life in him, that option just wouldn't be fair to him. Guess I better find a backup in case the kid can't look after him.
  20. That is great news BB.. I wish Zig's had worked out - I have spent a small fortune on 'training aids' with him and all it took was time and persistence in the end.
  21. Zig is mainly raw - I think I already posted it but he gets people meat from the butcher + chook necks, wings, carcasses + turkey necks + lamb rib flaps and some brisket bones (as long as they are not too fatty). He gets whole eggs, cottage cheese, sardines in oil, fresh fish (salmon, tuna etc). He gets some devon and cheese as training treats (only at obedience, not just at home or at the park training - here he trains for a tennis ball only). I also give him about 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of kibble (Eukanuba) a week in a kong with some cottage cheese - if I have to go out, this keeps him busy for ages. We have just discovered pigs ears as well - he loves them but I am not a big lover of retrieving half chewed ones from his throat. I personally think the best diet for your dog is what they do well on.
  22. I agree with the others that say raw and dry are fine.. I also agree with those feeding whole eggs.. You should see the look on Zig's face when I unpack an egg carton from the shopping and he sees all those eggs.. He only gets one a week, sometimes two but usually one. He gets the whole thing in the shell - I think it is his favourite thing of all.
  23. He wanted the blue ribbon from the moment they stuck it in his collar for the photo.. I put it on the floor in front of him and told him to leave it. He has been back to check on it (sitting on the kitchen bench) at least half a dozen times since this photo was taken..
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