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Everything posted by Staffyluv

  1. So sorry for your mum... RIP Winter
  2. Hope the little one is OK... Perhaps it was a seizure instead of a stroke and it just took her a while to come around... J
  3. It could be from her injections or: a haematoma a lipoma a tumour (benign or malignant) or a number of other things... Not something I would wait to see - IMO, lumps should be checked and checked as soon as they show up... Hoping it is nothing at all Jodie
  4. I am starting to believe that the holistic medicines are what makes Ollie so bright sometimes... It is definitely the chemo that brings him down... Just treasure every minute you have together... Thinking of you Jodie
  5. Yep the lad is doing well - dare I say it... He was bouncing off the back of the lounge last night trying desperately to get OH beany off his head - it is a game he has played since he was tiny... So funny to watch - a grown man and a stafford fighting over a beany... He is doing the 'look at me, I am starving' thing again all the time... I had his T4 checked with the bloods this time and they were fine, so perhaps he is just being cheeky... Still need to make time to call the girls from all natural vet care and chat about the slippery elm for his tummy... Have been horribly sick this week myself, so have not been able to do much of anything - except lay in bed and check on DOL... Such good news about Lucinda and Oscar - fingers crossed it all keeps going well... Have not had a chance to check on Kal's thread but will do later on... Hoping all is going OK for her and Erny... Cheers Jodie
  6. Great news and more great news... Just what we want to hear... Thanks for the update Helen, give them both a big smooch from us... Jodie and Ollie dog
  7. So sorry for your loss... What a sweetheart... RIP Saba Jodie
  8. Yesterday's blood work came back great, so he had his chemo this afternoon... ;) He just had dinner (half HSD/UD and half chicken and veges) and ate it all in a matter of seconds - he just swallows it without chewing some nights... Ollie is very bouncy and happy this week and it makes me so happy when he is like this - I secretly wish it was like this everyday... Our vet informed me today that there are only two more intravenous and one more oral chemo sessions left in his protocol... Once this is completed, I don't know if I should put him through another one... My thoughts are quite confused over this decision sometimes and quite clear at other times... I guess the decision will be made when the time comes to decide - no point in planning ahead when you have a dog with a terminal illness. Just living day to day is the most precious thing to do... Cheers for now Jodie and Ollie dog
  9. Fingers all crossed here that Oscar improves more each day... Glad to hear Lucinda is well... And cheeky... We have not heard from the vet yet if Ollie can have his chemo again - the waiting game... Give the pooches a hug Jodie
  10. Karen, We are so sorry for your loss... RIP Wags (no more pain boy) Hugs Jodie and Ollie dog
  11. Just wanted you to know that you and the furkids are in our thoughts... Hoping and praying that it is not too serious for poor Oscar... Sending smooches for Lucinda... Jodie and Ollie dog
  12. DBS and I both use Barbara and Sue at All Natural Vet Care in Sydney... I really cannot speak highly enough of the ladies there. They are wonderful practioners and support when you need it most... Jodie
  13. I was smiling broadly when I first started to read your post, only to be brought to tears for what you and Kal have been through... We are sending heaps of good vibes your way and hoping that Kal is feeling better... The roller coasters ride can get a bit hairy sometimes Jodie
  14. Helen, I do hope you get good news for Oscar... We will keep you and the pooches in our thoughts and prayers... We are OK, every now and then I just do the head banging thing to get the frustration out of my system... Most of the time, you would never even know Ollie was ill.. He still loves all his usual things... Sending lots of good thoughts to Oscar and the lovely Lucinda... Jodie
  15. Thanks guys... I get so frustrated with the ups and downs sometimes... I am not going to continue the chemo once this protocol finishes (if it ever does)... He has had enough of blood test and all the other stuff that goes with the chemo treatments... And so have I to be honest. I really don't think it has made any difference to how the cancer is progressing - the same tumours are still there and yes they do go up and down but that is pretty standard for the type of cancer he has... Thanks for listening to me all the time... Jodie ETA: I think I get so frustrated because he looks and acts so well 90% of the time - it is like he is not really sick...
  16. Argh.... Blood cell count way too low to do chemo again... We have to wait until at least Friday for another blood test to check levels... So now chemo will be a least a week late again... He is fine - munching on half a scotch finger biscuit on the lounge (he is so spoilt )... But worth more than all the lounge covers in the world ;) Jodie
  17. I check his poo all the time in case there is anything sinister going on (the things we do )... You are a mind reader, my OH and I were discussing the ulcers he can get and he said, 'ask your friend on line'... Thankyou, I will call Sue today and see if it would be OK for him... Jodie
  18. Ah music to my ears Helen... Give her a hug for me... Jodie
  19. Ahhh life with an ill dog - one step forward and two steps back... We are all here for you and Kal... Hugs Jodie
  20. Wolf girl, this is Ollie's 2nd thread - we have had more than our fair share of bumps in the road... But most of the time I am really positive, thanks to the wonderful DOLers that I have for support - you know who you are... The lad is trying to sit on OH lap at the moment... He is a bit sooky... But fine, he just had dinner and is trying really hard to get OH's dinner... Helen, the vet checks his throat all the time and he can do some other test to check further down but I have arrived at the stage where I think enough is enough - the fewer invasive tests the better... I spent a bit of time on the phone today with the girls from All Natural Vet Care and we have ordered some more holistic stuff... I will call Sue again in a week or so when we have the latest blood work back... I am thinking about taking him off the chemo and the macrolone. Just using the antihistamines and the holistic stuff... Well that is how I feel this week - it is so up and down sometimes Jodie
  21. IMO unless you are a registered (ethical) breeder or have the relevant documentation and want to show your lad, then he should be desexed... I doubt desexing at 1.5 years old will make any difference to his personality. It may save him from testicular cancer later in life though... Cheers Jodie
  22. How is the beautiful girl this week? I hope she is doing well... Jodie and Ollie dog
  23. Thanks for the well wishes... OK back from the vet: Paw is OK, just a very small cut... Ollie was a bit low yesterday and I put it down to the cut. Well he has runny poo and the vet checked him out and thinks he may have a light dose of food poisoning... So chemo will not go ahead until his tummy is OK... Don't know how that happened because he only gets HSD and fresh food that I cook - nobody else feeds him... So he is off the macrolone and back on antibiotics again... Waiting again Jodie
  24. Ollie cut his back paw pad at the park yesterday and it is really sore... There goes this weeks chemo again... Our vet won't do anything if he thinks that Ollie has any chance of getting an infection and as his paw is a small open wound, I really don't think we will be having the chemo... Every time he misses the chemo it gives the cancer more of a hold on his body... Ollie was supposed to be on a 22 week chemo protocol and he has missed so much of it that we are now at 36 weeks an he still has not completed it... It is no wonder that the tumours come back so often... He was not his well self last night... He has terrible wind and I don't know what has caused it... We are off to the vet today for blood testing to make sure his blood cell counts are OK... I will ask the vet about his tummy when we go up... Now that is off my chest - I hope that this week will be as great as the last couple with Ollie... Fingers crossed Jodie
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