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Everything posted by Staffyluv

  1. Just checking on you Erny... Hope you are coping OK... Hugs Jodie
  2. We went walking this morning for nearly an hour - he was so happy... Seeing him so happy is like sunshine in my heart... Still no food vomiting but he is bringing up some of the water he is drinking (he drinks about 3 litres a day)... But dare I say it - all is good on the home front... Jodie
  3. We have had a whole day with NO vomiting
  4. Thanks all, I have been an emotional wreck the last week - the ups and downs will continue, I know... I must stay strong for Ollie, that is my main priority for now... Jodie
  5. He is still bringing up water every time he drinks and is being very selective about what he eats... He looks great (not as active or bouncy), his coat is shiny and his eyes are clear. We have had some wonderful news that I would like to share (just hope I don't jinx us again)... His buffy coat test came back with no active Mast cells runnig around his blood - this is great news and means that the cancer is not active at the moment :D (bout bloody time we had some great news)... He is sleeping inside at the moment, curled up on the lounge under a blanket... It is freezing here today (well it is cold in my office)... I have all the fingers and toes crossed that we have a smooth ride for a while - I am exhausted at the moment and just want some peace and quite for him... Cheers all and thanks Jodie and Ollie
  6. He is home... He spent 2 days in hospital on a drip and he had some Vit C intraveneously before he came home. He is much better but is taking a lot of my time at the moment... The very high temp was due to histamine release and his blood test showed he had an infection as well. The vomiting has subsided for now but it is obvious that he is still feels sick sometimes. He is sleeping a lot at the moment and I am letting him. His temp has gone back to normal for the moment... He ate his dinner last night so I think his appetite is slowly returning... Will update when I can but I am spending most of my time with him... He was so sick when he went to hospital that I was afraid that I would not be bringing him home this time... Thankyou all so much for the well wishes and positive and healing thoughts sent to us again - what would we do without you all... I believe in the power of positive thought and I know that you have all helped in bringing him home to me... Thanks so much Jodie and Ollie dog
  7. Just a quick update: Ollie is still in hospital... The vet called this afternoon and said he is not well enough to come home yet... I miss my little guy so much... I have my sister and neice here at the moment, so they are helping to take my mind off it all a bit (not much)... I am thankful for any distraction at the moment... Hopefully he can come home in the morning (I hope so his nanna is coming)... Will let you all know what is going on as soon as I hear something Many thanks for all the well wishes and support Jodie
  8. Ollie went to hospital this morning. He has a high temp and he cannot hold anything down again (not even water)... Vet thinks it is a combination of an infection and the follow on effects of the chemo he has a week ago. Poor angel has not been well for a couple of days now... Vet is going to give antibiotics and fluid to rehydrate him, then some Vit C intravenously (sp??) to make him feel better... I have to call them later this afternoon but probably will not be able to bring him home until tomorrow ;) I miss him so much already and he has only been there for about an hour. Fingers crossed he is bounces back quickly and can come home soon... Jodie
  9. Oh honey, I am so so sorry... Kal was such a special precious girl... Hugs Jodie
  10. Big hugs to you and Kal... You two are in my thoughts and heart, especially today... Jodie
  11. I woke up this morning on a mattress on the lounge room floor with a stafford peering into my face from about 10cm away. The moment I opened my eyes was obviously a sign that I needed a big sloppy kiss (NOT!) I put down a half a cup of mixed veges and a little bit of chicken for him last night and this morning it is all gone... He is not really interested in anything this morning but I will try him again later... Maybe he knows if he holds out long enough the kids will give him all the good stuff... He is a lot happier this morning, not so mopey. Must have been the visit and cuddle from Mooper last night... Cheers J
  12. Hugs to your and the adorable Kal, Erny... Have been thinking of you a lot... Jodie
  13. Thanks for the update... I know and understand completely why you panic when Lucinda is not well - it is so alarming... Glad to hear Margali has her bark back... Oscar is a true fighter, bless him... Give them all a big hug from us... Hugs Jodie and Ollie dog
  14. Staffyluv

    Pitt Bull

    He/she already has the puppy... Here
  15. His appetite is obviously returning... Youngest son was having a warm milo and a couple of monte carlo biscuits and offered the boofer the last one and he took it... I have some carrot. pumpkin, zucchini cooked up in chook stock for him for dinner - I will try and feed him before Mooper comes to pick me up to go to the Chefs Toolbox party over a kaywomans house... Hubby is on pooch sitting duties while I am out... Ollie is still sleepy and clingy - he goes where ever I do... Thanks all Jodie and Ollie dog
  16. The vet called this morning and it is pretty good news as there is nothing in the blood test to suggest anything other than he has what he has. No sign of infection to speak of. The buffy coat test is not back yet and he will call as soon as he has those results... He went to sleep last night at about 8pm and did not wake up until 8.30am this morning - must have needed the sleep. The lad is still quite flat this morning and his temp is still high and he is not interested in food at all. I have tried everything from peanut butter to a continental pasta and sauce and everything in between... I put some yoghurt in his bowl this morning but it is still there. I will just offer different things from time to time and see what takes his fancy... Thanks for all the well wishes, they really mean a lot to us... I feel a lot better today in myself after a pretty good nights sleep (on a mattress on the floor next to the lounge that he was on, so I could keep an eye on him)... I am so glad I have an understanding hubby, I know that some men just would not understand their wife sleeping with the family dog... Sometimes though, the reality that he is in fact dying is more than I want to deal with... I am still so afraid of saying goodbye to my lad I am planning on spending the day on the lounge with the lad, so I will probably be on DOL most of the day because I have set my laptop up in the lounge and taken over the XBox adsl cable... Thanks again Jodie and Ollie dog
  17. Staffyluv


    Sorry Rozzie... Rest sweetly tiny girl
  18. So sorry for your loss... We would not be who we are if we did not get so attached to them - they help make us who we are... RIP Jesse
  19. Thanks so much everyone... I have been dreading the vets call all afternoon... As he has not called yet and it is nearly 7pm, I am hoping that he won't call until tomorrow - I am too emotional at the moment to deal with any news that may not be good... I am so afraid of bad news... Just gave the boofer a couple of pieces of dry nutrigrain cereal and he ate that, so that has to be a good sign... Hopefully we can get some sleep tonight, I have been up with him since the wee hours of this morning and I really don't think that helps the emotional state... But it is so hard to go to sleep, as I worry about him and listen to make sure he is snoring... If he isn't I get up and check that his chest is raising and falling... I know I must pull myself out of this mindset for him and I will, it has just been a very hard day... J
  20. Vet is doing full blood work and I have not heard back yet, will let you all know as soon as I hear anything... They are doing another buffy coat test to see how many mast cells are in his blood... Vet gave him antihisthamine, antibiotic and anti nausea injections up there this morning. He is still pretty flat and not eating at the moment. He is hungry because he keeps going to his bowl. I offered him a quarter of a cooked chicken breast chopped up and he would not eat it, just sniffed it... Poor darlin' will only sleep if I am with him, as soon as I get up to do anything he is up and around and you can see it is hard for him. He walks very slowly with his head hanging down... I have decided to let the lads cook dinner tonight and I am just staying here on the lounge with him. He is back on antibiotics, so if it is an infection they should knock it around... Thanks for thinking of us. Jodie
  21. Ollie has gone downhill overnight... He cannot hold anything down again... I woke up at 3am this morning, he wasn't in his bed, I found him under the table... His temp was 40.5 and he was panting and shaking... I have kept him warm and will call the vet at 7am. I have his mobile number but I really don't like to do that to him (especially this early)... Ollie keeps getting up and walking around (very slowly, almost like he is tip toeing)... Will update after we have seen the vet... Jodie
  22. Ollie has been prescribed 1000mg per day by his holistic vet... Hope that helps Jodie
  23. Wishing you all the best for a great outcome with the salve... Jodie
  24. A quick update... We got the all clear in his blood work, so he had his second last chemo session yesterday afternoon. Came home and woofed down his dinner... And did not bring any of it up We went for a 3km walk this morning (and yesterday) - touch wood, he is doing really well again... Cheers Jodie and Ollie dog
  25. So sorry... I know that gutted feeling so well... My lad has grade 2 mast cell cancer without clean margins on the second tumour site. It has also spread to his lymph system. We had the surgery, then a second to try and get clean margins on the large tumour site. They still could not guarantee it. Ollie is currently having chemo and being treated holistically. Both have been of benefit to Ollie. Ollie takes 500mg of Vitamin C twice a day as well as some other holistic meds and he takes macrolone which is not a nice drug but has really slowed the growth of the tumours down. Wishing you all the best with your pooch... If you would like to chat, PM or email me. Dogsbesotted is a wealth of information about mast cell as her girl Lucinda has been fighting this horrible disease for about 4 years now. Jodie ETA: We have only done 2 surgeries. One to remove a small wart like tumour on his toe (no clear margins) and to remove the big tumour on his rump (both done in the same surgery). Then we went back to try and get clear margins on the rump - but it was not meant to be. As it is in his lymph system and moving around his body, there is no need for further surgery - it is pointless... That is not to say that all surgery will lead to more and more. If they do it and get clear margins, then all you need do is monitor for more lumps. Your vet may suggest that there is no point in the surgery if it has already spread - but don't lose heart with this, remember that dogsbesotted's girl has lived for 4 years (and is still going) using holistic therapy...
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