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Cleo's Corgwyn

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Everything posted by Cleo's Corgwyn

  1. yes, Goldrag, I didn't realise it had escalated to that! We had a great time; nothing overly new, but lots of good ideas for teaching classes. And for me, it was worth it for the socialisation for my Cardi Corgi baby, Zim. He had a wonderful time meeting all the friendly dogs and people. And of course, my older girl had a blast! She was quite sick and miserable last year, so I really enjoyed seeing her have so much fun in the games.
  2. Oh Elise, trust me, I'm taking my very naughty and adorable 4 month old Cardi Pup, so Hudson will have plenty of competition for the naughtiest! :laugh:
  3. OK, interesting exercise to sort through, for each of the different sports, and what is achievable Shandy: DWD Heelwork to Music Novice(1 pass down, 2 to go) DWD Freestyle Novice (only one pass to go) Work up Intermediate routines and start competing that, with passes in at least one Rally Rally E (one pass down) Have a go at some RAE Obedience Slowly work on getting on getting her confidence back with the dumb bell (after her jaw issues) Maintain the rest of her open work Some CDX passes, if the above comes together Start on some scent discrimination for amusement Zimri (currently 14 weeks!) Move through Obedience levels at club, with an aim to entering Rally at least before the end of the year Plenty of trick and rear end awareness, with the aim of at least a Starters DWD Freestyle routine before the end of the year.
  4. I'm going- heading up from Canberra, and considering that my older Cardi girl (6yo) has a autoimmune condition that effects her jaw muscles, so she doesn't play tug anymore, and my new baby Cardi boy will only be 4 months old, I emailed the organiser, Colleen, who was lovely and actually emailed Ian Dunbar for his input on which dog to bring! So I'll be there with a Brindle and White Cardigan Corgi if you want to come and say hi!
  5. Corgis are masters at the 'Corgi Mind Bore' - those ears are not just decorative, they serve as amplifying dishes for the corgi will. They'll sit there and stare at you, ears twitching for maximum power, and the occasional head tilt, for added cuteness. Shandy also taught my Dad to feed her liver treats at will when we visited last. She would sit with her back to him, studiously ignoring him, until he snapped pieces of liver treat in half, then she'd come running. She also taught my husband to pick her up by wedging her head against the side of his neck when he bent down to give her cuddles, then lifting all her paws off the ground until he's forced to hold her.
  6. My friend's GSD was almost 6 1/2kgs at 8 weeks, but she's going to be a big, rangy girl.
  7. There's someone at my dog obedience club who had her dog accredited through Mind Dog. We're in Canberra, and I know she goes up to Sydney for meetings with them. Her dog has been certified to travel on planes with her and such, so they must have some clout. I don't know much more, but I'm pretty sure I've seen a link to their website. Let me know if you'd like me to ask her more.
  8. Thanks everyone, he's a little chunky monkey, and a right handful, but we love him! Zenith looking forward to hearing all about your new baby once they've arrived! Oh and good luck Jules. It's been a very long time (like 20 years!) since I had a puppy, having adopted Shandy as an adult, so I know all about that particular excitement!
  9. Since I've now had my pup for two weeks, I thought I'd better add him to this thread as well (there's more pics in the corgi thread) Here is Zimri (Llandwyn Crescent Moon); and with his big sister (actually second cousins, or something), Shandy;
  10. The adorable Zimri should be cleared to socialise from 15 Dec. Is anyone still up for a get together before or after Christmas?
  11. Aidan is exactly right; most modern studies suggest that dogs have evolved in their relationships with humans and don't actually subscribe to pack theory (and the study that theory was based on is pretty dodgy anyway!) Dogs have things that they care about, and things that they don't. For example, a dog that is ball mad may try and keep other dogs away from that ball, but may not care about them being near food.
  12. My girl has been on pretty heavy doses of pred for an auto-immune disease, and she was certainly drinking very high amounts of water, and had her one and only accident inside while on pred. I took the blame for that, as she was drinking huge amounts, and we weren't used to how much she needed to out, but it was certainly linked to the pred.
  13. While my club prefers members use flat collars or martingales, we will actually help to fit harnesses for those who need them. Our end goal is still to help with training so they can get back to a flat collar, but we'd rather see a large enthusiastic dog still getting to class and both handler and dog enjoying themselves than be rigid about flat collars as the only acceptable equipment.
  14. I'm still undecided about the December comp in Sydney; I've got a new baby Cardi coming home at the end of November, and I'll need to decide whether I can bear to leave him for the day, since he won't be fully vaccinated! Shandy has a new freestyle routine, and I'd like to finish her Novice titles. I just try to come up with cues that make sense to me; I use a mix of obedience and things that work for us; heel still for left, right for right. Head and Tail for backwards heel positions. I use 'leg' for weaves, since she already knew 'weave' from agility, etc
  15. Would love to come, but my attendance will be dependent on the new puppy, who should be coming home the last week of November. So by mid December, he should be fully vaccinated and OK to meet other dogs. Before that, it will be quick visits with Shandy, while her baby brother stays at home.
  16. Exciting about your little girl- where are the pictures? Only the Cardigan Corgi comes in brindle, and they also come in Blue Merle Thanks SG, we should set up a local playdate after he arrives!Only 6 weeks and a day or two to go!
  17. I can finally join in, since the litter I'm hoping to get a pup from was born on Monday. I'll be adding another Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) to my little pack. It will be a boy, and either a black and white (with brindle points) or a brindle and white. My current girl is brindle and white, so I'm hoping for something different, but temperament is the most vital point, as he will be another performance dog, competing in a variety of dog sports, so a strong interest in people and toys is essential. Only 7 weeks to go now!
  18. Do you mean limited? This is normal :) There is no such thing as an unlimited register, just Limited and Main. and Limited Register just means that your puppy isn't registered to be shown or bred from. Congratulations on the new member of your family! I'm waiting to hear whether there might be a puppy in a litter I'm interested in- they're not even born yet!
  19. I grew up in a family that bred and showed Rhodesian Ridgebacks. We had the occasional other breed as well and there were a few other breeds I adored when I met them. I also discovered obedience, and knew that was something I wanted to get into one day. I then went for years without a dog, until I was finally settled enough to own a dog. I did lots of research, starting with online quizzes, and reading up on every recommended breed that reasonably appealed to me. My prime criteria was a medium sized dog, easy going temperament and an aptitude for training. Once I narrowed my list down to less than six breeds, I dragged my husband along to a few dogs shows, as he needed to live with the dog as well. In the end, it was actually easy, as we both fell for the Cardigan Welsh Corgis we met, and we adopted an 18 month old ex show dog from a breeder we met. She's an absolute sweet heart, and great fun to train (she now has titles in 3 different dog sports) and our next dog will be a Cardi as well. In short, do lots of research, meet plenty of adults of the breed (not puppies, they're sucker bait, in any breed) and think clearly about what your prime requirements in a dog are.
  20. I'm assuming that you mean the Gladstone in Central Queensland, and not the one in Northern NSW? If so, I'd actually recommend some places just south of Gladstone, check out Agnes Waters and the town of 1770, and maybe Turkey beach? Th Holidaying With Dogs site has a few Caravan parks listed on the coast - the one at Yeppoon might be a nice option for you. Holidays with dogs
  21. That's very exciting! We have our first Rally- Excellent next weekend, and we're having a lot of fun with it, so it's lovely to hear of other dogs doing so well.
  22. Oh, poor Bailey! Fingers and paws crossed from his distant corgi relatives for a good recovery
  23. I've been taking Shandy to a very good animal physio in Canberra, and I'm happy to pass on their details if you'd like to PM me. They gave me some very good exercises and stretches.
  24. I'm so sorry to hear that you lost Atlas, Teebs. Lots of good suggestions here, and I'd definitely start with some DAP, and maybe try some rescue remedy, or similar, to see if that helps. I know your situation is compounded by your health, but keeping her distracted with training and mental exercise should help as well. Does she interact with your cats at all?
  25. Wow, that's a pretty impressive achievement for you and Violet! Congratulations after all your hard work.
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