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Everything posted by jaznmont

  1. jaznmont


    Thanx 4 the reply. i no its hard to resist a pet shop puppy. this story is about a dog that has been taken to a vet to be put to sleep because his owner just diddnt hav time for him enymore because he got a new puppy. this is wat i think usualey happens to pet shop puppys but i might be wrong.
  2. ohhhh its alway sad when a pet dies even if it is't ur own. RIP Ziggy
  3. jaznmont


    I dont no if this is the right place but this is a story i created about a dog. ~BEWARE tear jerker~ Why? I was born in a cage so small with my mum, my brother and sisters, at first I could not see but I could fell and smell, I could fell prickly stuff and I could smell mum’s milk and some other smell I could not describe. Six weeks went by and I could finally see my bother and sister but I could no longer see my mum, she was in another box with a male, the last time I saw her I was suckling but that’s when it stopped and we were forced to eat biscuits, why did they do that? One day later I was put in a van and then put in another box, why? My brother and sisters where in the same box, we would play and sleep and eat. A nice lady would come and talk to us and say “why?” A week went by and only my sister and me were left, people would come and see us every day, the lady would still talk to us but would look very sad, why did she looks sad? Later that day I was alone, then you walked in the store and stared happily at me as I showed off then you walked over to the nice lady at the counter, the lady walk away and you came back over and said “why are you alone little fella?” We waited for a while and then the lady comes back with smaller box and picks me up, she kissed me and I licked her back, then she handed me to you, and you put me in the box and you walk off with me, why? On the car ride home I got a bit sick but when we got home you didn’t get mad, you opened the box and lifted me out, at first I was a bit scared but then you gave me something round I didn’t know what to do, but then you threw it and it started rolling, the temptation to chase it was to strong I had to chase it, as I did I found it very fun and you were very playful like my brother and sisters were I asked my self with a bark “why did they go away?” The years pasted as I came to the name of Lucky and you let me sleep on your bed and let me watch the TV, and the temptation to chase the ball didn’t die down, but later on a new member came into he family, it was a puppy at first I was very exited and wanted to play and we did it was fun at first but as the days went by I felt like you weren’t paying as much attention to me as usual, I felt rejected, why weren’t you paying attention to me? One day you got my lead and called my name so I came as I always did and you put me in the car at the time I thought “YAY we’re going for a car ride” so exited I sat down in the back of the car strait away. Finally the car stopped and I got out of the car and we walked into a big building, we waited for a bit but finally it was our turn to be served, I looked up at the person at the counter, it was a the nice lady that sold me to you, I tilted my head in surprise and she looked in my eyes then she looked at you and said “and why are you here?” you said something that I couldn’t make out, then for some reason she looked at me with the sad look she gave me when I was a puppy, then she looked at you with the same look and said with a sigh “well if you give him to me I’ll take him to the adoption pens” you gave her the leash and as you became further and further away I began to worry I started barking and pulling at the leash I didn’t see one tear in your eye I started to calm down and think that you’re coming back for me. So once again im in a box with a sign saying: Type: dog Breed: German Shepherd Dog Age: 2 People go past for six days I show off, like I did to you when I was a puppy, do you remember that? Do you remember when we’d play ball, what about when you loved me, do you remember that. So its my last day in the cage and the nice lady comes and takes me to a room with a table, the lady puts me on it and gets a sharp thing and with a tear in her eye she says “why?” and puts the sharp thing in my arm and she kissed me, with the strength I had left I got up and kissed her back like I did when I was a puppy, then slowly I went to sleep. And now finally it comes to this, every day I ask my self “why?” and wondering if you will do the same to your new puppy, but I will still be waiting for you forever at the rainbow bridge, because I wont leave you like you left me.
  4. Here we go leopuppy04 C:\Documents and Settings\admin\My Documents\My Pictures\Kodak Pictures\edited\leopuppy04 dog edit by me.bmp I dont have Photoshop i just did this with MSPaint. Hope you dont mind
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