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Everything posted by Doggrooma

  1. It sounds easy doent it? NO its not. I'd let someone that knows what they are doing clip him. Also the price you were quoted is way underpriced, so i'd be VERY careful as you may end up with a SKUN dog. Most groomers I know of wont do longer clips at all, so make sure you and the groomer agree on what it is you want and also what you can have.
  2. What is it that you want advice on exactly? They look like they have ok clips for now.
  3. OMG a 40# is a SURGICAL Blade, and on a cat!! Im suprised she didnt tear it to shreads. A cats skin is like tissue paper. :rolleyes: But yes I do a few that like a 10# on their fluffies. They look bloody awful though. Mind you they are once a yearers so you can immagine the state of them when I get them
  4. You need to try before you buy, so to speak. Everyone has their favourites. To start out id go with the Wahls, they are a good all round scissor. The longer they are, the harder to master, wait till you are confident in scissoring before you go into the longer scissor. IMO. Just remember you could go out and spend $200 on a really top pair, and drop them cos your not used to them. Then they are buggered. Trust me its easy to do :rolleyes:
  5. If it were me, Id be going straight to a dog Chiropractor!!.
  6. A couple I am MADE to clip are that thick from being clipped every year have to be done with 10#. There is no getting under that matted undercoat any other way. Ive tried. I would never clip a BC if it were up to me.
  7. Furminators work really well on short coated breeds. You will wonder where that much hair could possibly come from!!
  8. Ive read that putting ACV in your dogs drinking water can help with Protien stains on beards, such as Schnauzers.??
  9. Without even thinking I would always pick a force dryer. Less time for a start. Yes they are noisy but id rather dry a dog in a couple of minutes in some cases than half an hour of cage drying, not to mention trying to dry a double coated large breed!! Never used the brands you are looking at, heard they are good though, the oldfield I have tested (Not on a dog) and I found it wasnt overly powerful to what I'd previously used. If you are wanting a force dryer I'd suggest you buy a twin motor. I use a Liberty, and its so powerful and RELIABLE. Melbourne Dog Centre dryers are excellent for power, but too are noisy and have to be serviced alot!! There are pros and cons with them all but shop around and make sure you know whats on the market before you buy. Its better to spend a little bit more than that little bit less.
  10. I use both in the salon. Some coats the FURm is good but on others its impossible and time consuming. I like to use it on short and medium coated dogs. The mars is good on heavy double coated breeds, but as someone said i may not use it on show dog. The mars can cut coat, well both can really if your not careful. I find on borders and alike one of the best ways is just a GOOD rake. But you must bath and blowdry the dog prior to a complete going over. A clean coat is far easier to strip out!! You will acheive a much better result this way
  11. Thats right Jeffncel there are alot out there that have no idea about large dogs especially one that lets say have "issues" but thats ok you will find someone whom you like and that can handle your dog. I'd definatly leave when she is being done. They can be worse than children at times :cool:
  12. Dont do it!! I always try talk people out of clipping breeds like this if they havnt started. A double coated dog has the coat for a reason, but if you keep your dog bathed and BLOW DRIED regually, and well brushed you will keep that coat at bay. People seem to think they need to have their dog clipped because they are panting on a hot day?? Dogs pant, people sweat
  13. When Ive finished with a blade I brush out any hair in it and soak them in Kero and a dash of motor oil. Not for long. The guy who does my blades always laughs because by the time they need sharpening again, they still look just done. In other words the are well kept with this method. And If your blades getting hot you can dunk it in while the blades still running, and it will cool right down so you can continue using it.
  14. Funny you mention it I just went to the Osteo this morning. Go home to groom a couple of dogs including a Goldie Bath and Dry, except when this goldie turned up, it was the size of a Newfy I swear!! Now Im paying for it!!! There goes all the money I just spent
  15. Chocolate, when i said About the #10 Clip and bath thats just a towel dry, Ive always let them naturally dry cos there aint much left to dry anyway. #10 clip offs are done before a bath. The hair that close isnt dirty.But as for a dryer I use a Liberty Twin motor force dryer. I always rough clip before a bath as it cuts down drying time. The initial outlay of the double k's is expensive, and they take some getting used to as they are cable driven, not just a HOT little motor. If you have a good sharener you'll get heaps of use from your blades, I only get mine done every few months. Also comes down to care of them. As for getting out the mats, why? If they cant be bothered brushing the dog why would you try attempt a long clip. I leave that priveledge to owners that actually brush their pets. If they come in matted they get a (Shear magic) #5(whisker shorther and goes under more mats than oster and Wahl) or a #7 or worst case #10. I too NicoleL learnt the long Scissor this that and the other, then I learnt how to really make the most of my clippers. Never looked back! The best way to better yourself is on your own, but take in what others say.
  16. Im with you NicoleL Ive been grooming for years now and I can from start to finish do a malt/ shih x similar in about 45 too. Bath, perfect clip, all scissoring #10, under arms and groin area, and with leaving ears and tail to scissor up. I dont know what clippers you guys are using but I will only use Double Ks as they are far better IMO, and faster. And as for A straight clip off of a heavily matted dog, Thats even easier, I dont understand why some of you charge more. The worse the dog is the shorter it goes. If hes HAS to be taken down to a #10, in summer when im doing heaps of them and an Im travelling well I can do a full clip off with bath and scissoring in about 20 min. NEVER do I rush, People come to me because of my quality of work. I have people coming to pay me to fix their dog after another groomer has muffed it. I pride myself on my quality of work. I also work in a salon and have everything at my finger tips. A lager dog like a standard poodle takes me about 2 hrs, and to do a schnauzer as it would look entering the ring about 2hrs to, as more often than not they come in in an unbrushed for 3 months state.
  17. Absolutly, My Stafford sustained an unexplainable injury to his shoulder and pulled his back end out. I took him straight to my Chiro, who fixed him straight away but is pretty rough so I found someone else who is actually an Osteo, she combines her knowledge of both. I swear by mine. At the first sign of any discomfort or injury, no matter how small, he goes for a trip to see her, after all he is my no1 showdog!! P.S I dont know if anyone else notices this but if something happens its always just before a show!!
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