Hi ... Belinda here from Mornington Lodge Pet Resort replying to your query on a legal course of action.
Under the Act, a boarding kennel owns the dog it cares for until it has been paid for services provided. A boarding kennel is legally allowed to sell a dog in its care should the owner not claim the dog and pay board fees due.
So .. the first step is to send a letter by registered mail to the address of the owner of the dog. State in the letter that the dog was due to be collected on a certain date (see if you can include some form of proof of that, ie a contract form signed by the owner when they dropped the dog off?), and that you have been led to believe by 'B' that the owner is not going to do this. You can outline in your letter the steps you have taken to track the owner down, and any conversations you have had with 'B'. Note in the letter he sum of $550 is now owing, and the owner has 7 days in which to contact you. If you do not hear by x date, you will be rehoming the dog.
You then wait for that date to arrive, if no word from the owner, you are then legally allowed to rehome or sell the dog to recoup expenses.
Hope that helps.