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I think it just takes time. Our Lola was hopeless at 12 weeks, she planted her bum on the ground and we had to drag her around. We had a harness but it was useless as we were pulling her. Just practise more and more, I think its just time.
Thank you every one, I sure have learned alot. Ill be putting it into practice and will let you all know how we go. If I can train her not to jump she will be the perfect dog
She graduated from puppy school but maybe its time to look at another training centre if I cant teach her. I just dont want to lock her away every time someone comes over. Do you think its just a puppy thing that will subside or will she still be doing it as an adult dog if we cant nip it in the bud now?
Thank you all so much for your replies. I agree consistency is the key but I feel like we try something for a week or so and it doesnt work then we try something else. Im really fed up. She has been so easy to train in every other area but this so its very frustrating. Last night we had a b'day party and she was jumping on every single person that was here. She nearly knocked over my father-inlaw and thats when we had enough and locked her in the garage until everyone left. How are we meant to socialise her when she acts like that? Ive tried lifting my knee as the vet suggested, locking her away, not greeting her until we reach the back of the house, pushing her away and ignoring her. I havent tried the water spray but we used that on our bunny when he used to dig up my garden and it worked! When my husband comes home she goes mental and if he walks through the door and she is in the garden and she hears him she runs circles in the yard until he goes to see her . Anyway thanks again and Ill keep at it.....
Hi everyone, We have a gorgeous Shar Pei pup who is 10 months and she WILL NOT stop jumping up at us. She has been to puppy school and is very well trained apart from the jumping. She used to lick us like mad too but we seem to have that under control now. When my husband comes home from work is the worst. She jumps up at him and is just so excited. We have three kids and Im concerned she will knock one of them over. The other day my 5 year old son had a mate over and she jumped up and her toe nail scratched his lip, I was so horrified. I feel like we have tried everything to stop it and nothing is working. Can anyone help?
Our puppy isnt much of a fan either but Im going to keep offering it. She is a huge eater and gobbles down everything I offer except the dry food (advance). The pet store lady said that the dry food has all the nutrients they could possibly want in it but if they are offered too much other food they wont go for the dry food as its harder to chew. Thats exactly whats happened in our house!!
Thanks Josh, I really appreciate it.
Awwww thanks Zoo, yes she is gorgeous.....
Update: We contacted the breeder who was really concerned that she had to have surgery. He didnt know anything about her hernia which I dont believe for a second. Re the microchipping, well she was never chipped to begin with hence the vet not being able to find it. He reminded my husband that he had told him she wasnt chipped even though the ad said she was. Apparently most people go and choose a puppy then he has them chipped before they come and collect the puppy. As we chose her and took her home on the same day she wasnt chipped. We still havent received any papers for her as he said he has been slack with getting them organised, hopefully we receive them next week. I just find the whole thing dodgy, he is meant to be a registered breeder yet I can not find his name anywhere. I guess its our fault for not looking into it properly. Regardless of all this we adore Lola and are so happy to have her in our family.
I gove our pup Advance dry food for brekky and occasionally puppy milk, chicken necks for lunch and for dinner she gets either tuna and veg or chicken mince and veg. Sometimes an egg or two too!
I totally agree, we are not happy at all. The breeder gave us no notice that she had a hernia. She had already had her upper eyelids tacked but our vet wanted to do her lower eyelids too so thats why she had to have them done. The breeder did warn us that she could have problems with her eyes so we already knew about that. He did also tell us that she was chipped and our vet searched twice and couldnt find a chip so thats another thing we are not happy about. My husband will ring the breeder and have words with him Im sure. We love her to bits but we payed $1200 for her then to fork out more for surgery is just not on, I feel ripped off.
We noticed over the weekend that her hernia got much bigger so we booked her in to have the op yesterday, poor little thing. The vet said that it really needed to be repaired so Im glad its done now. He also stitched her eyelids, clipped her nails and microchippedher. I almost passed out when they showed me the $877 bill She is a champ though and is doing great.
Great to hear that he is ok. Our puppy had a hernia op yesterday and the poor little thing has coped really well and seems fine. Can I ask you how much the desexing cost? We are going to have ours done at 6 months but may need to save up again as the hernia op just cost us $877
Thanks for that info. Ill keep an eye on it. I had thought about getting it fixed at the same time as having her de-sexed to save money and to save her having two op's but not sure we should wait that long.
Hi, Its an ingroinal hernia. Our vet found it at her first check up but didnt really explain what would need to be done. He just said to keep an eye on it and if it gets any bigger to bring her back asap.