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Everything posted by nellbell

  1. Poor dog, glad to hear he now has a better future
  2. I so like the naming and shameing, that needs to be par for the course on all defenceless living being (animal or human) cruelty cases. I think a published photo to go with it as well. morons
  3. Yeah thats all very well on paper....but banning her from ever owning a pet? who is going to know if she doesn't microchip or register an animal. Even if she did how would the authorities know...... Is there a central register that sounds alarm bells if she tries to do either in any local govt area or with any microchip company....sorry if I sound stupid, but how do they monitor this, if she ever gets another pet????
  4. I actually found a great 7m lead at a $2 dollar shop of all places. Its aqmazing what you find in those shops. Its that standard fabric type lead material and has normal clip at one end and normal loop 'handle' at the other. Its brilliant and has come in handy many times.
  5. A few years ago I adopted a little terrier/poodle/schnauzer x breed male dog from the pound. He was about 2 years old at the time, and when I took him to be de-sexed, the vet told me he had Cryptorchidism, which is when one testicle fails to descend. The desexing was no problem, only cost a little bit more as the surgery was a bit more complex than usual as they had to open him up and 'find' the other testicle internally. The vet advised me that dogs with this condition have a higher rate of developing certain cancers if the retained testicle is not removed.
  6. How totally disgusting and horrific. RIP beautiful :D I feel so sad for the poor horse and owner, that is just terrible. The seems to be so many more cases of animal cruelty lately, and the level of cruelty is quite alarming. The really scary part of this is that these scum are walking around free as a bird with you and I in our communities.
  7. Gorgeous pic's. the dogs look very content. I love the palm garden too, Jasmine must be in heaven all that grass. K9angel, you done good... :D
  8. Thats totally despicable - that poor, poor dog, how sad, RIP pup Those jerks should be treated the same, they have no respect or value for life, why should theirs be valued. I would give them a fire cracker alright.....right up the a**e. :cool:
  9. Arsehole, public naming and shaming needs to be brought in, why should his (and 99% of the time its a HE) name be with-held. Creep :D
  10. poor little pup, thats so awful it makes me really mad.... that kids that age have such violent tendancies....why ???? We don't live in a war torn country or have minority groups suffering extreme presecution to the point of subjugation, so why the violence, and its not a one off case, its endemic in some poorer socio economic groups? You know what...they need the same punishment as adults, the crime is pre-meditated, an 'adult' crime so throw them in goal with the animal overs....he, he,
  11. Poor cat, RIP puss Whoever, or should I say whatever, did such an awful thing needs to have their nuts severed and publically shamed. :D
  12. Go Piggy, what an inspirational pup. :D
  13. hear, hear, I agree. I guess to her, the 15,000 odd years the dingo has been in Australia doesn't count for much. Damn sight longer than sheep, cattle and alpaca's. They have every right to be here. It has been proved that livestock are causing more environmental damage to this country that any other animal.
  14. nellbell

    Wide Bay

    YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKING!!!! Thats a bit rich, older people shouldn't be allowed to own big dogs. Oh, lets just ban dogs above knee height - after all they are all potentially dangerous. Thats what he may as well say, the mans a moron.
  15. And they say that humans are the ...er... Master race because of our intelligence. I'm a meat eater, and really eating meat is not the problem as many animals are also carnivores and must kill for their food, no begrudging that.....after all a healthy ecosystem needs carnivores to maintain an ecological balance of species. I do object to the methods used by humans for the genocide of certain species of animals such as farm stock for human consumption. The halal method is actually far worse than western society methods, but they are all horrific.....but we all continue to eat meat, so a production line process is required.....who can change that...I don't have the answer. I saw a video once that was about those hideous splatter movies. This footage was a japanese woman in stilleto's killing a kitten by stomping on it.....it has stayed in my mind forever since as the most horrific act I have ever seen on a poor defenceless and trusting animal. How I wished there was I way i could have thrown that bimbo off a high rise building or cable tied her to a land mine. The only suggestion I have is de-sexing of animal cruelty perpertrators and their families so their gene pool is not able to continue.
  16. aaawww how cute, maybe little Cartwright will become a police mascot...
  17. "At the end of the day, Erny, staffies and staffy crosses, pitbull and pibull x are dog aggressive. NO two ways about this; the only way to resolve this is for shires to implement strict regulations and not allow just any tom, dick or f&&&&ng harry to be able to get hold of such breeds." Thats such a generalisation.....wow, all dogs have the potential to attack other dogs if brought up incorrectly and not socialised with other dogs when they are pups. No offense, but please get your facts right and do some research before you make ill informed and jugdemental statements on a dog lovers/breeders/owners forum. sheeesh
  18. Sterilisation should be the penalty so he can't breed - that gene pool needs to be removed from the planet poor pup.
  19. nellbell

    Noahs Ark

    Noah would never have got development approval from his local council for building such a large structure on his property, plus he would not have been allowed to 'collect' so many animals (seen as hoarding) and keep them in a confined place. He would have needed to provide refrigeration facilities for the carnivores food which then raises the question of power - as he didn't have a permanent address, the energy company would not have hooked him up. Also which animals were sacrificed for carnivore food.........????? Just another fairy story....lol
  20. If only.....unfortunately that ain't going to happen unless the other prisoners instigate it. With a bit of luck he will be picked out as fair game by the other inmates and his life will be hell for a month. Ah well..... What is wrong with some people - whatever he suffers he deserves it....a...hole Poor dog, so sad. RIP
  21. About 10 years ago I had my beautiful old cat put to sleep. We had been together for about 11 years and she was an adult cat when I got her. She had been dumped by previous residents when friends moved into a house, so I offered to take her. She was my heart cat and very devoted. When it was her time, I had the vet come to the house as I wanted it to be as stress free for her as possible. The vet and his wife (vet nurse) came and he injected her on her favourite pillow by the window. No sedative, just a needle in her forearm and she was gone in a couple of seconds, pretty much as soon as the needle came out. it was very peaceful for her. The vet winged about my steep driveway and that upset me as I thought it was very inappropriate at the time. His wife was very compassionate though. To this day I remember the 'occasion' was ruined by the vet complaining about the driveway....
  22. I agree totally......another loser
  23. WWell if she was that poor, why the f**k did she breed. If she could afford to keep dogs, she sure as hell can't afford a baby....total moron. Another gene pool that should not be reproduced. :D
  24. Give the poor bear a break, he's stuck behind bars for the rest of his life, leave his knuts on, at least let be a 'whole' bear with a few desires. Sheeeesh don't these peoples have a life.
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