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dee lee

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Everything posted by dee lee

  1. Thats interesting- I was having to feed Honey 1.5 cups of Royan Canin (GR formula) twice a day- double what the packet recommended. A small bag doesn't last long that way. She kept losing weight too but I put this down to the fact I take her running every day and she was a little overweight to start. The GR formula mentions weight management (apparently Goldies need that ) so that probably wasnt appropriate for her really. Aside from that it is good but I'd rather pay more to feed her less. If Honey is really active, she may be better off on a Power or Working Dog formula Dee Lee. They have higher fat content. She's not naturally active, I'm just a tough mum. I do agree, atm I'm feeding her more to keep her condition up and I want to get something more appropriate. I was looking at the general formula Royal Canin (assuming it isnt as low fat as the GR), but now I'm curious about Artemis. I just dont know much about it.
  2. Thats interesting- I was having to feed Honey 1.5 cups of Royan Canin (GR formula) twice a day- double what the packet recommended. A small bag doesn't last long that way. She kept losing weight too but I put this down to the fact I take her running every day and she was a little overweight to start. The GR formula mentions weight management (apparently Goldies need that ) so that probably wasnt appropriate for her really. Aside from that it is good but I'd rather pay more to feed her less.
  3. I have started taking Honey to a nearby dog park that usually only has a couple of dogs there and the owners tend to walk a lap of the track instead of chatting. I go there for both those reasons. However, as it is school hols and I have been going a little later just now, I have twice come across a snooty woman who has a large male Goldie who immediately runs up to Honey and starts humping her! The first time I tried to remain civil and waited for her to get her dog off (could have been a one off), yesterday I was much grumpier about it and I told him off myself and tried to push him away with my chuckit. Poor Honey was growling at him and he still didnt budge. The stupid woman slowly came and got him, glared at me and walked away, no apology or anything. Then I had to protect Honey from her friend's dog who kept getting in her face. The idiots were just wandering the park as if they owned it, ignoring everyone else. I think I will start going earlier again.
  4. Just to let you all know- crisis is over!! The copious dirt poos have abated and we are back to normal ones! I had wondered if the new food had changed the colour of her poos, but obviously not- it must have been nearly all dirt!!! Boy oh boy she must have wolfed down a lot of it!! What a blonde!
  5. Yep, I added that to my earlier post. Panic over.. we now return you to our normal programming... I step away from the computer for 5 minutes and look what happens... I am not into specialist mulch just for the record. I'm lucky if anything grows at all in my garden!
  6. Drinking a lot of seawater can impact their sodium balance. The silly goose obviously hadnt spent much time at the beach before, she tried to drink it, and even eat it, when we were out walking. She drank a lot of fresh water too though. The mystery of WHY has been solved- OH has just informed me he emptied the oil from a tin of tuna into the plant, the idiot. I honestly dont know if he uses his brain sometimes. Sounds like its just a case of restoring her diet back to normal and getting the dirt (and eukanuba) out of her system. Shouldnt take too long at the rate she is pooing!
  7. I did think about some mineral thing- she did drink a lot of sea water on holidays so it occurred to me she might be trying to rebalance. As soon as i can get to somewhere that sells the old kibble I'll be doing it, with the Royal Canin she only did about one poo a day. Unfortunately it wont be until tomorrow (OH and I are working crazy hours this week worst luck) I feel terrible about not being able to get it for her while we were away. I was warned new kibble might make her poos runny, not huge and fluffy and constant! Its crazy.
  8. Honey seems to be eating dirt- it started while we were away at a holiday house, I would notice that she would come in from the yard with dirt around her mouth. She is a rather droolly dog so I just assumed it was sticking to her, but yesterday I caught her eating out of a pot plant! Since this morning she is pooing A LOT. She couldn't even wait til morning and pooed in the house - she normally wont even do it in our yard, has to go to the park!. She must have pooed about 8 times today- all were light and formed and looked a lot like dirt. I did change her dog food as i ran out while we were away and had no choice, but the new kibble is Eukanuba sensitive and she doesnt have diarrhea(sp?). Aside from being a little tired- she had a BIG active holiday so that's not suprising- she seems perfectly fine. Can anyone shed some light?
  9. I agree- I love Borzois and I would be so excited should I get lucky enough to meet one!
  10. So many people have zilch idea. I have an adult Golden retriever who we adopted recently- I thought they would have been one of the most common breeds around, but every other day I get someone asking me what breed she is! That or they tell me GRs are just long haired Labs! Oops, Serket got in before me!! just proves how insidious it is.
  11. I too have heard the medium sized dog = SUV, whilst I think the comparison with a car is a little ridiculous, It is just a fact that carnivores make a larger impact upon the environment. You simply cannot argue with that. Yep I own a dog and a cat, and I am very concerned about reducing my carbon footprint. I figure i just have to be aware and try to do everything in my power to minimise my impact. Its not mutually exclusive.
  12. Thanks! Im excited but more than a little nervous. I'm such a worry wart.
  13. Unfortunately because of our cat Advantix just wasnt an option. I asked about a 100 questions and it just seemed too risky. :D The vet also said that because she will be swimming a lot that the effectiveness of it will be diminished. They advised us to take the Proban immediately and said it should be fine for tomorrow. Clyde, you said before that the fleas didnt go away, is it possible that the tick part of the medication worked quicker? Personally, I have yet to find a product that works quickly for fleas. At any rate I was given a good lesson on checking for ticks and will be investigating where the closest vet is when we get there, just in case. ;)
  14. Just got back from the vet- Proban is ok with Advocate.
  15. Just dropped into the vet- Advocate is fine with Proban. Even better I was able to buy it by the tablet. She has been dosed up and I will be vigilantly checking daily as well. Cant use Advantix as we have a cat and apparently it is toxic to them even if the dog just rubs up against the couch then the cat does! They are both inside pets so its a big risk. Thanks for the advice! Off on our big adventure tomorrow.
  16. Ugh. Now Im not sure what to do! I still have the problem that I only just gave her a dose of advocate on Tuesday so I dont know if i should be giving her another product like Advantix. I guess I will call the Vet tomorrow and ask them.
  17. We have made a last minute decision to take Honey with us on holidays, unfortunately it is in a tick area and we leave on sunday. We are going to the beach so Proban seems the best product to fit our situation. Problem is I have only just a couple of days ago dosed her with Advocate and I have read that you cant use some products with it as there is a danger of overdosing. I cant seem to find whether Advocate is one of these- does anyone else know?
  18. Honey likes to lie down, both paws on either side of the bowl and almost eats the water splashing it everywhere. Then leaves a trail dripping as she walks to you and puts her wet head in your lap! Eww!!
  19. Just done a search on here for tick prevention (yeah I know i should have done that first- but hey it is NY day... ) and I'm thinking Proban is the way to go. It cant be used with some other treatments though, does anyone know if it can be used in conjunction with Advocate? We are going to the beach so I'm concerned a permoxin wash will be less effective.
  20. Thanks Tali, I have just applied Advocate a couple of days ago, can I give her the advantix on top of that do you know?
  21. We are going away on Sunday and have just decided that we will take Honey with us (she was previously going to stay behind with OH). Im very happy about this but have realised I am going to have to get some tick protection for her as its a fairly bushy area. We dont live in a tick risky area so Im a bit clueless, what should I use/do?
  22. Honey, my GR, waits patiently with a toy or shoe in mouth. Just waiting for the love... ;) I am really amazed about this mouth thing- I have never had a gun dog/retriever before. Previously with our staffy cross, shoes or anything in the mouth survived about 5 seconds before being destroyed, so she was trained to never pick things up. Honey on the other hand just loves to hold things gently in her mouth for ages- I understand it was what she was bred for but its quite something to behold! :D Not so amazing at 3 am when the toy is shoved in your face though!
  23. I think its a good idea to get a behaviourist in- she'll sort you out! Just takes someone to point you in the right direction. Honey is wonderful, so far no problems other than trying to figure out what she knows and what she responds to training wise. She is such a big cuddlebum and a good girl. We love her so much! I remember talking to you before we saw her and thinking how lucky you and Tess found each other- now its me too!! I hope you dont still feel ashamed about Darby ;) . Sad things happen sometimes and its hard enough going through that pain without feeling ashamed too. xx
  24. Thats a great tip Berry! I presume you mean Milton the steriliser? I've tried the vinegar and orange spray, and whilst I'd prefer the natural approach I still find the smell lingers. Interesting about the BioZet too! How is the lovely Tess going btw? I think more pics are in order!! (of her, not the wee patch )
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