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dee lee

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Everything posted by dee lee

  1. At obedience class I was taught to train stand by verbal command, signalling (swiping my hand across her face when we stopped at heel), then quickly placing my hand under her tummy/leg so she was unable to sit. Lots of praise. Took a few gos but she got it. Do you groom your dog standing? My dog's stand is fantastic now after making her Stand (up on a bench) while I groom her. It's constant reinforcement.
  2. We are similar. Mostly when we are at a park near other dogs, we are either running or playing fetch. In both instances my dog is rarely inclined to leave my side (or her ball) for another dog. Other times, I judge each dog on a case by case basis. And make sure that I am close enough to intervene if the other dog begins to bother my dog. Generally speaking Honey really couldnt be bothered with other dogs, but I have to admit, if she does find one she wants to play with, I let her. Its nice to see her play and enjoy herself, she didnt know how when we first adopted her.
  3. I agree. As sad as it is, I think that the greater good has to be served over the emotional attachment to the dog.
  4. If no other reason, change the shampoo? My OH complains about our dog's smell when I wash her with certain brands (especially Alloveen). Now I take her to the local dogwash where they use a lovely smelling essential oil shampoo.
  5. Have you trained your dogs to loose lead walk? It doesn't sound like it. That would be your first step. Do a search in the training forum and you will find lots of great threads of how to do it. Some dogs are a lot tougher though (my last dog, I had to constantly keep at a formal heel for most of our walks, she was so bad), and if your dogs resist the usual training methods, then yep- a professional trainer is your next step. When I take my dog for a walk, she initially pulls ahead out of excitedness (& presumably a BIG need to pee, if its first thing!). I will not tolerate it and it only takes, at the most, 2 times of me stopping still and she walks beside me until we get to the park.
  6. Being a goldie, Honey loves the rain. I HATE drying her off after it though! Especially if she's been playing fetch in the mud- then she is usually a, not so rare, black goldie. Today, being the third rainy day in a row, I umbrella-ed up and hit the footpath. Each time I let her off at a park (we have lots of little ones around us) she went nuts, racing around in the rain. It was lovely to watch. I just wish I had an industrial strength hair dryer... *sigh* Good one!
  7. I only like a certain colour in some breeds, so I would be prepared to wait, if I had my heart set on it. With other breeds, I'm not so fussy. For example, when I was looking into getting a Lappie, I would have been happy with any colour.
  8. Had the loveliest day today. Hit the road walking with my OH, kids & dog. Had coffee and brekkie at our favourite cafe- Honey was cuddled by her usual fan club. Wandered up Crown St, Surry Hills looking for a birthday gift, Honey allowed into several shops. Met a friend at a local (dog friendly) park where all our kids played while Honey checked the "doggy mail". Moved on to a very trendy pub (the Norfolk) for a drink and a bite to eat- delighted to find, all 4 kids & the dog welcome! Bar staff even brought Honey some water (though im sure she'd rather they brought the tacos I was eating). As we left they all made a big fuss and made me promise to bring her back!! Walked home afterwards past another very groovy bar (the Winery) with a big sign outside saying "dogs welcome" . Who says dogs you can't take your dogs anywhere? You just need to move to my hood! :D
  9. I love black Standards. Serious contender for my next dog. I'm practicing my at-home clipping skills on my daughters while I wait. :D
  10. Oh no. What sad unexpected news. My heart goes out to you and your family.
  11. But its not a GOLDIE. :p (btw-If it was black, you might have sold me. ;) )
  12. My slippers. :rolleyes: They are constantly in my dog's mouth. If they arent available (ie- they are on my feet ), any other shoes or kids toys within reach will do. Just to carry. Goldies are very mouthy. From what I can work out (I've only had the one and not as a pup), some are destructive, some not and just like to "hold" things. Mine is pretty good, she mostly only holds things. But after a spate of mail that got chewed (including a new credit card! ) I always leave her with a few items to occupy her when I leave her alone. She isn't into toys so much, but I leave her with some kibble tucked into toilet rolls and a beef ear. Aside from that, she is mad for fetch, so softish, solid balls (I get mine from the kids sport section in kmart) that fit into the chuck-it are win in our house. Oh and they must be bright coloured- its a pain to lose a ball mid fetch game.
  13. Forget smaller breeds, I just want a Goldie that doesn't shed so much!
  14. He doesn't. Unfortunately he is a very long way to go for just fine tuning of basic manners. K9 Pro do house calls. Best to contact them and ask what options are available [email protected] Personally I would travel for a reputable trainer anyway. Interesting, that's good to know. Must be a new development. Last time I contacted him he didnt, he was busy enough with bookings out at his property. Not everyone is able to travel, I wasn't able to, and it can be beneficial for a trainer to observe your home environment.
  15. He doesn't. Unfortunately he is a very long way to go for just fine tuning of basic manners. When looking for a trainer, do be very careful. There are lots of trainers out there that do more harm than good (I know this from personal experience ). I havent heard of Mutts with Manners, sorry. If you dont have any major issues, I agree with Christina and suggest you join your local obedience club. :D You will be amazed the difference it will make in your relationship with your dog.
  16. Honey was originally Morgan when we adopted her as a two year old. The kids picked her name, Dolers gave the thumbs up and it took day or two before she came to it. These days she responds more to OI.
  17. Aww, such sweet stories. You guys are so lucky!! My OH just isn't into animals. Its sad (considering I am a mad animal lover), but he is really very good with our cat and dog considering that. He takes responsibility for them when I'm not there, cause he loves me. Which is pretty damn nice.
  18. This is my problem too. I have stayed in both types of accommodation and by far prefer an enclosed yard. Too many variables in an area that is not as familiar to you. I have stayed at my BIL's property and it was a freakin nightmare, as my dog is an occasional bolter and a high drive chaser. Not a good combination with stock fences and horses next door, especially when doing a late night wee which "princess" needs to be off lead for. I am good at managing these things but an enclosed yard makes my holiday much more relaxing.
  19. Oh T, you always have the best photos of your gorgeous fosters!!! Honey is not a huge dog but big enough, & I do find it very sweet that she drops naturally to greet small dogs.
  20. Oh no. Jules, I am so very sorry. How heartbreaking. Just awful.
  21. You got unlucky in where you live, I take my dog to cafes etc all the time. The waitstaff at my two regular cafes adore my dog, and all the other regulars' dogs. Often there are almost as many well behaved dogs as people. The only problems occur when there are random offlead dogs (but that's another argument ).
  22. I have stayed at a couple of great properly dog friendly holiday houses. I do agree though, that you have to be very clear what your requirements are (ie secure yard and dog allowed inside) as many pet friendly places only allow dogs outside and often don't have fences. I cant take my GR to work or to the mall, but I haven't had too much trouble taking her most other places, including retail shops and outside at cafes. We have an abundance of offlead parks in my area too. I really don't find dog restrictions make much of an impact on my life. Having said that, I do wish I could take my dog to work, but I work in an office block with a lot of other people. I can see how it wouldn't work if everyone brought their dogs in.
  23. He may never be a social butterfly but, to me, he sounds like a lovely dog!! Sorry, I can't tell you how to increase his relaxation, but you should be very proud of him & yourself.
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