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    Still thinking.
  1. Iam very interested in this as well. When I first got my dog it was once a month to have them squeezed and now its once a fortnight and it looks like it could be done weekly. At first the vet was against them having them removed now he is talking about them. It is only one that is mainly blocked and I was wondering if I could have only one done. Mind you it would be micro surgery she only weight a teeny bit of 2 kgs. Any more people had this done? To their dogs I mean.
  2. Do a search here a while ago someone made their own natural flea treatment with neem oil, lavender etc and it seemed to work very well.
  3. I have been using this information since I saw it on DOL in 2004. I printed out the information and showed it to my vets so now I only take them in for a yearly checkup and if a senior dog a 6 monthly checkup. I had no problems with my vets when I did this. I do know though it I am planning to take them to a kennel they will have to be done. An interesting bit of information. Godzilla has the most horrid skin condition and hot spots the size of 20cent pieces and allergies to just about everything. it started at about 3 months Three years down the road since his last shot not one hot spot still has grass allergies though very mild, he is such a different dog.
  4. I have had the human and the canine missing link side by side and read the ingredients the only difference is that the canine one had apple pulp in it. Besides that identical so I have always used the human one. Why did it go off the market? Does any one know?
  5. The radio talk back with peoples voices is a very good idea. also for my pup I got an old fashioned clock put the beat on very slow and wrapped it in a blanket. The beat sounds like the mothers heartbeat and yours so feel like they are being cuddled. WARNING Make sure the alarm button is on OFF.
  6. Thank you Miranda I will mention that as well all suggestions gladly accepted. Wouldn't this give him a bad breath. Oh also his glands on the left side are slightly swollen that could fit in with tonsillitis. I didn't realise that dogs had tonsils as well.
  7. I am really getting worried now. It got better then it came back again but not badly. He would sneeze till a spaghetti like white string would come out of his left nostril, then last week it came back with a vengance I though it was still ok as only white mucus was coming out of his left notril and I made an appointment for last Saturday and then it stopped completely so I cancelled. Last Tuesday it started with a vengenace again so back to the vet , it turns out white mucus is pus . This morning his nasal cavaties were flushed out and the bad news is that nothing was found. So it could be a fungal infection, a seed that is inbedded in the nasal cavity or a growth. It was only till I got back here that I realised it started 3 months ago not I feel like a lousy owner. After the antibiotics are finished and if it returns xrays and scans will be done. I also made them remove a broken tooth also on the same side (the left) as I wondered if this could have something to do with it as well. When I had an abcess eating my jaw believe me everything was happening. Has anyone had something similar? At present in the office microwave I am cooking him a nice boned chicken his favourite. Bugger his diet I will let him enjoy himself. ML where are you and you fonts of wisdom?
  8. Chemists and even produce stores are not allowed to sell them now I believe as this can be used in making homemade bombs. When my produce store told me this I bought there last two packets. I believe that the produce stores that supply horses may still have it available.
  9. the one with the experience. I rang a Franchise who said she was trained. silly me she was trained for 6 weeks by the previous owner. She could never do the paws. There is a person who has 12 years experience who now works from home. Even my vet asked you had done him last time he saw him. It was the best job I had ever seen. At present she does pick up and delivery for a little extra. If she did not I am more than willing to take a cab to her place she did such a great job. First she trims, then washes and blow dries then uses scissors to get the line straight all for a DD. Even when it grows it grows well. Any franchise I have been too I was not happy. when I am walking we with SWF are always talking about groomers so she is getting a few word of mouths.
  10. Physicullum Husks do the trick and very gently as it turns to a jelly and coats everything. I have to give it to one of my you has a ruptered anal pincher gland and this helps her and stops the poor thing from having her anal glands squeezed every forthinght. Do not buy it from the chemist go to woolworths and get it for much less. Plain yoghurt is also a good idea I also use Jalna is it is biodynamic but any good plain yoghurt will do.
  11. I believe that would work as well why not put a tiny bit of organic apple cider vinegar in it as well as some natural vanilla essence and use it as an air freshner as well. Pathetic my poor dog is locked in the house 24/7 because of the grass being as high as a Rottie's eye and he starts sneezing as soon as the door is opened. The poor thing loves walks so he is always staring out of the window.
  12. HA! That is just NOT funny :p - I hate house cleaning and Kirra is allergic to dust mites! Waahahahahahaha!!!! :D Jen If that is the case Jenny. Why not get a spray bottle, then mix tea tree oil with eucupatalus ( ) oil in a water base and as you vacuum spray under the bed the carpet, everywhere. Also put it in the water that you wash the floors in mites hate that mix.
  13. May I suggest you buy a cheap food dryer as a lot of the jerky type of products are coverd with a smoke coloured dye. The just buy the meat he can eat (such as camel) and dry it yourself. you can if you wish make this strips like large potato chips and dry them down to little chew bars. Be prepared to be how small they become when the water is removed. You can make your own liver treats, a friend of mine buys the ckicken livers also and does this as well as little nuggets. The allergen tests were not positive so I put him on the Fish and Potatoe dried dog food and gave him ONE different food at a time. Gave him chicken one day and his ear flaps and the skin around his nose was bright red that gave me a big hint. Took some paspalum (sp?) grass seed and placed on his stomach started scratching. ETA I also do this will mullet fillets when it is cheap and in season this I give him in place of pigs ears. Good luck and he indeed is very cute. Thank god he is not allergic to house dust or I would have to do house keeping.
  14. My Godzilla has all the wonderful hybrid vigor of the maltase, shit zu and Westie He is allergic to all pollens and grass seeds at present he is locked in the house with recycled air from the conditioner. If I want to get him really bad just have to feed, chicken, beef or anything with colouring or preservatives. YOu now can get Pyohex leave on (thank you Dru ) that is wonderful. As I am following the American protocol on vaccinations I have noticed the longer time after his last vaccination the more improved is his allergy reaction. He also went on a 6th month elimination diet. I now feed him goat, rabbit, duck and any fish that is going cheap, plus turkey with sardines, flaxseed oils. Cannot wait to move to Tasmania.
  15. Had to take him again. They are talking about x-rays to see if there is anything lodged, or even a fungal infection it is very invasive and it is was a last option. Saturday night I had a thought and put lots of eye drops in his eyes took him out and you should have seen him sneeze, the poor bugger. And the stuff that came out of his left nostril However he seems to be much better and did not wake up snorting last night trying to breath. So fingers crossed.
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