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Everything posted by dawg_luvr

  1. hmmm.... her sisters all had normal heat cycles and i didn't notice her coming in heat again. When im not with this girl she is in her pen, and same goes for the other dogs on the yard. I'll just take her for a visit to the vets and let yah know.....
  2. She isn't as keen to exercise. Food has not increased no one else feeds her. i have weighed her. But before she was like a greyhound... nice and lean! now she has a stomach on her. Her lobules look like they are filling up..... im gonna go to vets
  3. hm ok.... just been reading a bit of info... sounds like it is a phantom.... anyone had experiences with that?
  4. yeah im thinking that could be one explanation.... I'm just trying to see if they can happen at anytime... has anyone had any experience with dogs holding their water?
  5. G'day folks In the last two weeks this lil female here has put on a lot of gut fat! and quite frankly is looking prego She had a regular heat cycle that started the 16th may, was not breed, and did not come into contact with any males. I'm guessing it is a hormonal thing... but what ever it is it has got me scratching my head. Her food hasn't changed either.... Any ideas please...??? :D
  6. as usual tony i like the way you go back to the basic principle/ideas of how things work. This is the stage ur pup is learning his bite inhibition. Thus he will know when he bites too hard and when enough is enough.
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