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Everything posted by Nadia

  1. Human products should not be given unless prescribed by a VET. Was the dog seen by a Vet?
  2. There are some threads with information on this on DOL, if you do a search a few should pop up.
  3. Vaccines are not dosed by weight. A 3kg dog recieves exactly the same vaccine as a 40 kg dog.
  4. Actually the Kangaroo Meat is harvested from the wild, by licenced shooters who are permitted to harvest a certain number of animals, the meat is then processed at special game meat abattoirs. Roo meat is very lean, and for chubby dogs who can tolerate it, it is a great food, I don't feed it as a couple of mine react very badly to it. Feeding roo as the only source of meat you need to add a fat of some kind. Fish Oil etc. Personally I can't stand the smell of it.
  5. what sort of benefits?? It is the same as stocking any other brand of food, they make a small profit on it. Nothing more. It is used only for animals with specific medical problems where I work, other than that we do not push any brand of food down the customers throats.
  6. They won't bleed to death unless they have a clotting disorder true, but it is painful and can make them very wary of a nail clip next time. A struggling frightened dog can be a danger to itself and the person trying to clip the nails.
  7. Try filing them with an old file. If the quicks are long it will help to get them to recede. Chances are your boys quicks are long and you will possibly cut them if you cut his nails. You need to get him accustomed to having his nails done or it will be a battle every time, increasing the chances of cutting too short and making them bleed if he is struggling. More zoomies on rough concrete or bitumen is helpful too.
  8. The only case I have seen the Advocate not work on was a young dog that was a very long standing generalised demodex case. It did not resolve with Ivermectin either and we ended up euthansing. Demodex can be a trial, but you have to be consistent with your treatment and with diet etc. The immune system is compromised for the dog to be suffering from it in the first place, and that will not improve without looking at the big picture.
  9. Advocate does work but it is not an instant cure. It does take time. Sometimes with Demodectic mites there is no fast solution. The hair can sometimes also fail to regrow no matter which treatment is used, if the skin is damaged badly enough.
  10. The Demodectic Mite occurs naturally on dogs, it can however become a problem when the the dogs immune system is compromised or stressed. Weaning, vaccination, medications, illness etc, can all stress the dogs immune system. When the immune system is compromised the dogs body is unable to naturally deal with the parasite, so it gets out of control and you see the results. There is a lot of information on DOL about this, put the jug on you will need a couple of cuppies to get through it all.
  11. I treat the dogs' food exactly the same way as food for us to eat. I buy the freshest I possibly can, and it goes straight into the esky to go home, if it intended for that day or the next it goes into the fridge otherwise straight into the freezer. If I cannot pick my dog meat bones etc up as soon as they have prepared it for me I get it frozen down. Any meat products that are not kept at the right temperature will spoil, you may not notice it but the bacteria will be multiplying. Meat that has gone for a spin around the supermarket and then into a hot car and then off for the drive home can spoil very quickly. Most dogs can deal with the slightly off stuff, but if their immune system is compromised or they are young or elderly it can make them a bit sick. People actually are affected by spoiled food stuffs more than they realise.
  12. Fresh meaty bones are at least what doggies evolved to eat. Dogs choke and die on dry food too. I've seen a dog choke on a peice of doggy sausage and die. Dogs, just like humans can choke on any thing that they try to swallow that gets stuck on the way down. My point is why muck about with processed crap when dogs can and do stay happy and healthy eating they way they evolved. It is usually cheaper too.
  13. They look revolting and they are definately never on the menu here. Greenies and those disgusting coloured, ground then compressed rawhide crap things. Bones keep the teeth clean and the breath fresh here. And the odd bit of horses hoof they steal after trimming.
  14. Slightly off tangent here, and not meant to be in reference to the OP, just a personal observation from many years working with people and their pets. Sometimes owners are too emotional to understand that they are actually prolonging suffering, or that their pet is ready to go. Sometimes it takes an outsider to bring home the fact that it is time to let that loved one go. Vets are placed in this situation all the time. It is a very difficult and emotional time for everyone involved. The actual act of Euthanasia is not traumatic for the pet, it is traumantic for the humans. I have watched humans slowly die from terminal illness and I have watched animals being given release. I would wish to walk in the animals shoes for we have the option to peacefully and quietly end the suffering. A lovely old client of mine said to me one day a few years ago, a few weeks after we had PTS her elderly feline companion of some 19 years, "I am so tired and my body is worn out, just like Timmys' and I am so unable to be the person I was once, I wish you could do for me what you did for Timmy" The last time I saw her, her body had given up completely and I felt so helpless, she was trapped here in a body that simply did not function any more. For 9 months she lay in her bed at the nursing home and her family were all for keeping her going as long as possible, for who? She had no wish to stay any longer she was ready to go.
  15. So what you are saying is that you believe that the Vet who vaccinated your dog caused your dog to rupture a muscle in its heart?? That is a very serious accusation. I would like to know how your new Vet knows that this is what has happned.
  16. Inj would be fast acting but not long lasting I think, and the tabs would be for continuation of the treatment?
  17. Ah yes but raw meaty consumable bones provide the balance that the doggies need. Personally to me not feeding a dog meat and bones would be like trying to make a Horse survive on sausage and chips. Animals teeth and disgestives systems are designed to process the food they are meant to eat.
  18. Norocarp is a non-stick steroidal anti-inflammatory drug for the relief of pain and inflammation in dogs. It is Carprofen. Baytril is an anti Bacterial drug. Rimadyl is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) that is used to reduce pain and inflammation. It too is Carprofen.
  19. IMO I would be at the Vet with the dog now. Please get blood work done on this dog now.
  20. I only use freshly minced meat that has been mincd for me. no additives, no dye etc. I won't feed roo or horse meat, and use mostly chicken or turkey, and some lamb. I buy it fresh and have no problems with it. If I cannot get my meat the day I need it done, they freeze it down straight away for me. I won't use crappy dyed stuff that you have no idea what is in it.
  21. I prefer to not to see them clipped, every year I clip dozens of them with thick carpets that you can barely get a blade under, of course most of them never see a brush or comb between their annual or 6 monthly haircuts. My hairless and almost hairless dogs pant as much on hot days as everyone else. The dogs in full coats don't seem to be affected any worse than the others. Paddle pools, lots of shade, fresh water in multiple containers, keep them groomed out properly, exercise/train in the cooler parts of the day, and keep the weight off them, all assists in keeping them comfortable.
  22. Advantix does ticks and fleas, mozzies, sandflies, flys, and lice. Advocate has not been too popular up here, but Advantix has taken off big, it really depends on what your area is like for what pests. Ticks are a pain here so the choice is Advantix.
  23. Advantix does not do Heartworm. Advocate does heartworm.
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