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Everything posted by Nadia

  1. You may be interested to know Dogcop that there are many professional Groomers who actually work in VET CLINICS. Vet Nurses and Vets do not clip any dog that enters our Clinic unless to prepare it for surgery! NO ANIMAL IS SEDATED WITHOUT THE PERMISSION OF THE OWNER!!! EVER!! It is actually difficult to properly groom a dog that is zonked. and send it home looking decent. In fact I groom many dogs that the owners has insisted need to be sedated to Groom, and in fact that has not been the case. Simply untrained and not groomed at home properly. Yesterday I sent home a Standard poodle in Lion Clip, and two Shihtzus in full coat complete with top knots. As well as several all offs because they were matted to the skin, and such dogs are common at this time of year. Vet Clinics who do not employ a Groomer, may resort to all off Vet Clips, many times because they are dealing with matted messes. You make assumptions without any true knowledge of the subject. In my Town we have two Vet Clinics who employ GROOMERS. Both of us have a background in the exhibition of coated Breeds. We actually know what the dogs are supposed to look like, often have more knowledge on the presentation of the dog than it's owner. In fact for most of my Grooming career, I have work with a Clinic. I find your comments offensive and uneducated. Yep some folk may have had bad experiences ANYWHERE, but to suggest that it is the norm at a Vet Clinic is ROT.
  2. Curash is great forthose types of doggy skin things, it contains zinc ormadine if I remember rightly.
  3. When you own sighthound you always get people crying "feed the poor starving dog" Sighthounds are athletes, and they are naturally built for speed. They are not meant to look like Labs. The photos in the OP show Overweight greys, I would hate to see them put on any more weight. Find their waists again. But they look to be in great health and obviously well loved.
  4. It used to be the norm up here in sunny QLD (north qld) that southern dogs (greys) that were brought in would be clipped. I have never done it myself, and I have never seen a Grey with a coat that I as a groomer would justify clipping, but I know plenty of groomers who have.
  5. It doesn't need to look like a show dog, to me it looked neat, clean and nicely finished, and could also be what the owners asked for.
  6. With the Super premium foods, you generally find that meat is one of first ingredients,and real meat instead of just by products, they have a guaranteed analysis, they do not swap ingredients around according to market prices. Most of your cheaper brands are cereal based and use very little real meat, and tend to have more fillers than your top shelf brands. Most of your premium ranges cater for special diets, allergies, sensitivite tummys etc. Joint supplements, skin and coat additives, herbs, etc are all more likely to be found in your top of the range foods.
  7. Let me see, we have had 3 dogs handed in at work this week. 1. Took fright when the vehicle it was in was involved in an accident. Dog ran off. Picked up 2 kms down the road. 2. Got very interested in a pile of ducks in the park next door and dug out under fence, chased ducks for a while then wandered off in search of more fun. 3. Mower man left gate open. Just 3 examples of reasons why a dog can be out on the street away from home. I lost a bitch during a violent storm, she had never escaped before, never has since. Anyone can have the experience of their dog going missing, anyone.
  8. For that sort of Breed that is heavy and grows fast I would not want to see her with much more weight on at all, for her age. Too many of them have issues with joints, bones and breathing. Can't convince me they are a healthier alternative to the British I'm afraid.
  9. The serial IDIOTS who do not groom their dogs simply move from groomer to groomer, they come up with weird and wonderful stories why the dog is in the condition it is. Eventually they have to revisit a groomer after they have done the rounds of them all and can be as brazen as can be. I refuse to do these dogs cheap. It is hard on the groomer and hard on the equipment, It doesn't matter how hard you try and educate some people they simply do not groom their dogs at home. It doesn't matter how many times you tell them that if you see them every 4-6 weeks it will be an easier cheaper job and they will have a better looking healthier happier pet. I spent 30 minutes hydrobathing the dried flea crud off a cocker last week, it took about 10 minutes just to do its ears. This dog is in this condition everytime it comes. They are always told they need to do something about the fleas they are given Flea Fighting handouts, they simply say nothing works, which is crap. Once a year I clip off dogs that only see the bath and the clippers that one time every year. It is disgusting filthy work, you have to clean the salon, treat it for fleas etc and it wrecks your blades. I refuse to do this cheap. It is not that I do not care about the animals but I am trying to run a business not a charity. My rescue dogs get my freebies.
  10. Paris would also go very hungry at my house...LOL My dogs are fed the same basic meal every day with variations in meat, bones etc.
  11. I thought they had plain tablets in the mixed flavour packs?? Not the most economical way of buying them though.
  12. It happens with brindles of any breed. I have seen it also in Whippets and Boxers. I makes no difference to the health or quality of your pup.
  13. Some people do wash by hand in the Hydrobath, that is they wet the dog down then apply shampoo then rinse off etc etc. Many operaters simply add the shampoo to the tank and wash away. Personal choice I guess. I prefer to do small dogs by hand in a waist high tub, it has hot and cold taps, I can adjust pressure and temperature, and also for dogs in full coats like Malts, Shih Tzu etc I personally prefer this way of washing. It is also quieter, etc. and I like the added height. Just my personal preference. And Yes I use warm water.
  14. Can only say what I do, I prefer to bath the majority of my pooches by hand, not in the hydrobath, so yes for them fresh clean water. The dogs that are hydrobathed, large pooches and double coated breeds, yes each dog gets clean water. The only time water is recycled is if we are doing flea/tick rinse on a family group of clean animals.
  15. 2. Inform the Groomer of your dogs injury, and the pooping if it is an involuntary thing. Dogs are not permitted to jump off tables etc here. 3. No dog should be sedated without your permission. IMO only a Groomer working in with a Vet should sedate. Full health detail;s of the dog needs to know for it to be sedated safely IMO. Only the very nastiest of small creatures are sedated here, maybe 2/3 a year at the most. Usually cats. 4. Checkout where the dog will be kept. I meet and greet and hand over all my dogs personally or one of the Nurses will. 5. It depends on how the Groomer likes to work appointments, and how the Groomer feels about working around "parents" normally my clients are all dropped of and then picked up later. It is often better not to be in view of your dog whilst it is being groomed 6. Some Groomers do work mobile, prices vary greatly from area to area. 7. Depends on what you require. Just a nail clip and tidy you may wash your own pooch before hand. A full groom, the groomer will generally bath on the day. I will add though, that if your dog is filthy it is polite to clean him up first.
  16. Size is not the issue. I have seen a Bullmastiff with AIHI, also a GSD, and various other large breeds, after the use of the injection. Also the dose is given by body weight.
  17. The drug was taken off the market in the USA, and in Canada the labelling clearly states that it is to be used ONLY when there is no suitable alternative. There have been many cases of AI disease after it's use, any one who has used it and has had a dog suffer any problem afterwards, should report it and INSIST that their vet does also. My Vet will not use it, and she is not the only Vet I know that wont. Just an aside, we asked the Fort Dodge rep to call in and discuss the issue with us (Vet Surgery) haven't seen them for dust. Fort Dodge are now promoting the use of this drug in puppies, unbelievable.
  18. The problem being not EVERYONE that reads advice or gives advice on internet forums is experienced. Sorry I just had to add that.
  19. PLEASE!!!! NEVER use any medications not prescribed for your animal before talking to your VET!!
  20. Protect a Home spray is good, it kills adults fleas and larvae and sterilises the eggs. Good for inside the house and all doggy sleeping areas. Raid flea killer plus works well inside as well. I would definately ring the real estate NOW, explain the problem. Clipping the dogs won't help the problem the fleas will still love em. You need to treat everything on the same day, inside outside, upside down. After you fix the fleas, don't forget to treat the dogs for Tapeworm!
  21. It totally depends on the area in which you live, and what chemicals the pests are resistant to. Here Preventic collars work beautifully, Killtix doesn't. 20kms up the road it is the opposite. Frontline is not working here. But Advantix is. 2 years ago the Killtix collars were what worked for us.
  22. Yeah the grooming aprons I have tried are killers in QLD summers. I think the no bra thing is a no go...LOL...and I don't think it would stop the hair in the nipples issue. Then there is also the issue of hot sweaty QLD summers and dog hair stuck to you...who would groom dogs...LOL Cocker hair and poodle hair is the worst I reckon....and doesn't summer bring the cockers out of the wood work.
  23. Loverly isn't it!! Dog hair and horse hair, it gets in and can be very nasty stuff!!
  24. Actually animals can react in different ways to vaccines, some will have an immediate and quite intense reaction, others will will show signs later on and some will last for several days.
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