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Everything posted by Ellis

  1. The Scottish Fold is gorgeous. Congratulations.
  2. When we first moved to the area about 25yrs ago we were told to feed the tick to the dog as it helped build up immunity. I don't think my father ever did it. Not sure if it is an old wives tale or if it actually works.
  3. The breeder uses Albury airport all the time. I am going through a company that organises crate & bookings. They have given me the info about Virgin & QANTAS.
  4. I am from Coffs too! Well...Mylestom but I work in coffs and grew up at the jetty. Jetty High girl here.
  5. What airport is that? I thought Virgin flew from all Aussie airports. Albury. Virgin flys from there but only people.
  6. Malasb on AmStaff. Her bathing is not frequent now that we don't own the workshop. She use to get VERY dirty.
  7. How exciting. I have 18 sleeps to go. Enjoy your new puppy.
  8. I am also Mid North Coast NSW & have been advised to use tick collar & spot on treatment.
  9. I will be having a pup flown to me next month (not AmStaff). Virgin does not fly animals from the airport he will be departing from. That leaves QANTAS.
  10. Frontline is the biggest waste of money that has ever been on the market. I have lost 2 dogs to ticks after having Frontline applied (& not being bathed). I used it recently on the cat for fleas & I think it attracted them. After a couple of weeks I applied something else, 48hrs after applying something else to the cat I was brushing dead fleas off him.
  11. I personally wouldn't have thought there would be a problem being o 2 waiting lists. I am sure people drop off waiting lists all the time & there would always be someone next in line.
  12. About 3wks til Hudson comes home & I need to stop buying toys! I am scared to think how much I have spent. I am guessing I am not the only person to have this problem?
  13. Hi I received an e-mail (I think yesterday) saying that Vetnpetdirect were having 5% off on 26 & 27th Dec. I have looked at their website but it doesn't mention it. I have deleted the e-mail. Can anyone please tell me if there was a code that needed entering? Thanks
  14. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what they know or think an 8wk old GSD may weigh? Thanks
  15. Not sure about Ying & Yang but Lexi can only have cool meets & we give her - fish, chicken, duck & roo
  16. Mark greeted me this evening with "The vets just rang. The dog food has been recalled" How am I supposed to get 13kgs of dog food that is in 2 different tubs back to the vets? Was it the risk of Salmonella that was the problem? Surely it can't be worse than the horse & cow poo she eats & rolls in?
  17. Ellis


    Bella my heart is breaking for you. I am so truely sorry. Sometimes life just isn't fair. Thinking of you all. xoxo
  18. I am pretty sure Lexi got a needle that was a 24hr pain killer, she definitely had tablets for the pain to be given when the needle wore off.
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