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Everything posted by Wyntervale

  1. I know exactly what you mean!!!! Most of my shows there have only been one or two dogs there... so when there are a few dogs I get completely lost! 10 months in I'm starting to get a clue... although you should have seen me at the Varieties of Bichon Speciality when Lola won BIS in the Open show... and on top of having to work out when to go in or not I had to work out when to have my photo taken and ended up never in the right place... embarrassing... but anyway ;) Congrats on Lola's win, that must have been so exciting I think it is going to take me a lot longer than 10 months to get it all worked out In fact I can see myself in 10 years still with no clue what I'm doing :D You'll get some idea way sooner than that, Gumnut! Even if you don't try, it kind of seeps into you somehow.... (says she who regularly misses taking dogs back in for their respective classes in group because she isn't paying attention.... :D ). Hahaha or you do my thing and stand near the ring going 'what did the steward say?' 'which class is this?' 'are they up to intermediate yet?'
  2. I know exactly what you mean!!!! Most of my shows there have only been one or two dogs there... so when there are a few dogs I get completely lost! 10 months in I'm starting to get a clue... although you should have seen me at the Varieties of Bichon Speciality when Lola won BIS in the Open show... and on top of having to work out when to go in or not I had to work out when to have my photo taken and ended up never in the right place... embarrassing... but anyway
  3. I'm getting some of these too, I wonder if the ANKC will even consider accepting them before FCI recognition I'll be in on this bandwagon... along with the Azawakh. These guys are cute as buttons :nahnah:
  4. My vet is very understanding, I was able to explain to her the breed standard to her and that was fine. Other people however have not been so lucky.
  5. Yup yup... independent thinker does not = stupid. I've heard the 'feed your dog' thing... 'it's vertebrae are showing... you mustn't feed it enough' etc etc. That they need lots of exercise... nup, they'll take a couch over a long walk any day. And for the Lowchen, that they're born with a naked bum... I wish
  6. Hahaha I've been yelled at on the street for starving my clipped off Afghan Hound... if you can't educate them, you just need to take the hits on the chin. Sorry, I meant that in a lighthearted way having seen some high dudgeon on international breed lists. Didn't mean your post at all. I guess people get offended because if your X looks like a Y, there's an implication it isn't a good example of breed type. No you can't show the smooth Afghan. I don't think you can show the Azawakh in Oz yet either tho' people are working on it because there is one in Victoria. I can't wait until Azawakhs are showable in Australia... I have seen the Vic one in person and boy is she pretty.
  7. Your loser prize was getting to spend the day with me SP and both yay and boo for being one point from title.
  8. I just do all of mine in the bathtub with a shitty hose attachment.. I can't wait to get a hydrobath.... Jasper makes one hell of a mess!
  9. omg... those photos confirmed my thought that dog show people are crazy!!! I love it!
  10. Boo :D I wanted to come and visit you but our wedding anniversary got in the way Sheesh you need to get your priorities right! Dog shows come before everything else - particularly when you get a chance to meet other DOLers! You're right! I'm sorry... I'll do better next time!
  11. PM.. I think you've been given some excellent advice here :D I was in the same place about 10 months ago with an inexperienced dog (with no coat :D) and an inexperienced handler (with no clue).. you really do work it out and people are so exceptionally helpful...often you will find you walk out of the ring and someone says 'too fast' 'too slow' 'too much fiddling' 'not enough fiddling' you get the idea... ultimately listen to what they say and then decide whether it is useful or not :D I did just want to make one comment, you said that you want to hear the negative feedback as well.. just make sure you hear the positive too.. I was so keen to hear the faults to see what I could do about them that I didn't listen enough to the strengths and you need a good balance. Other than that.. good luck.. I'm sure you will do brilliantly.
  12. Boo :D I wanted to come and visit you but our wedding anniversary got in the way :D
  13. No numbers here... but cheque cashed... I'm hanging out.
  14. Well done on getting out there... glad she did well :D Look forward to seeing you at a show soon :D
  15. Woohoo!!! Where you showing? Bummer I'm not showing this weekend... my next one is Sunbury on Cup Day. I'm hanging out, only 7 points to go!
  16. Oooooh congrats!!! God I hope the weather is better tomorrow! And thanks to SP for showing Lola for me today since I had to be in Canberra for work... yay for more pointies.. we are getting oh so close to her title now!
  17. I'm quite liking my IoD, but Lola's coat is a bit funny at the moment. I think that is more related to the products I was previously using that have now been stripped out of her coat... overall it's pretty good though.
  18. I would be disappointed to have people pull out of a show just for someone to achieve a title. I have at times been disappointed at not getting points, but winning isn't everything and I've met some lovely people and had a great time with friends and my fur kids. If the dog is good and you persist, eventually you will get your title. That has got to be one of the most crazy things I have ever heard! If you got togther all the Chessies in Aus currently showing it still wouldn't be a 25point BOB and when you have a breed some judges don't even recognise getting a BIG seems like a far fetched fantasy. If they brought in this rule I would stop showing. We have Grand Ch to award high achieveing dogs. There have been a few people in my breed say we won't have another Gr Ch with the changes to the rules.. I'm not experienced enough to make a judgment. But I would hate to see too many hurdles put in the way of achieving Ch. After all, the judges are entrusted with the duty of ensuring that the dog is worthy of the title and have the ability to refuse a challenge. I'm of the opinion that they come cheaply as well. I like the changes to the Grand I agree that Gr Ch should have higher criteria, and it certainly gives something to aim for after Ch rather than just grinding through shows to get to the Gr Ch title. I think this is a good example of when it would be appropriate. Sometimes there are special circumstances. Exceptionally well said SSM
  19. Spectacular! Brings tears to your eyes
  20. Woohoo Congrats to everyone on their results.
  21. You are all making me feel better about my decision not to enter this year! I know I disappointed some by not entering, It had not one single thing to do with my dog, but I didn't know if I was willing/able to comply with their conditions. I'm going to go along and observe and check it out for myself before deciding if I want to enter next year.
  22. I'm addicted to those beds ;) Keep buying them even though she really doesn't need more... LOL! Her coat is much better than it was even in that photo
  23. Heheheh that's great I will try to get some really recent photos of her soon. This is the latest one I have of her: But I think it's about a month or so ago... Hopefully I'll have the piccies with the judge from Saturday soon Next time if you want to come down for it let me know, I'm sure we can work something out. I can't help you with the pretty treat bag, but I bought the $8 beds from k-mart and they fit nicely in my trolley, 1 in each berth and they are so cozy for my bare bum girl.
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