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Everything posted by AdoubleJ

  1. I soooo feel for you. Losing 1 is bad enough but I cried when I read your posts re losing all your pups and mum............... My dejavu was also for getting the sex of one wrong.....but we had to be really quick checking the pups out. OH did it while I made sure her muzzle didn't slp off! Not nice - happy to say that she is back to her usual sookie self!
  2. A case of dejavu!! It was a really bad and long night last night.........we actually had 4 boys and 2 girls and lost one of the girls. Why do we always lose the girls? :-( Pics following...... I'm just too tired at the moment.......
  3. 2.00am Number 4 - girl 257gms - 3.00am Number 5 - girl 286gms 3.30am Nuber 6 - boy 289gms From number 3 on poor Teagan got more and more aggresive/possesive!! Really hard to deal with - she is such a softee generally ;) - the hormones really got the better of her. We ended up having to muzzle her so that we could try and keep the others away and to help if needed with the birth. She still managed to get my OH twice before we got the muzzle on her. All finished now and she is sweet as pie........poor wee girl. I am not good with whelping at the best of times, luckily OH is great with it, so between helping with each birth I was throwing up!! Just need to take her out, give her a drink and clean up the whelping box then I can curl up in my lazyboy chair to doze until morning.
  4. Our first one arrived 11.45 pm (NZ time) a boy, 308 gms. Number 2 - a girls 12.20am 277 gms, number 3 - a boy 277gms. Another 3 to go according to the scan!
  5. Ultrasound confirmed 6 bubs! But after our last girl being scanned with 5 and having 8 we wll just wait and see! A least we know she is! Due about the 25th.
  6. Just a few photos of our bubs - now three weeks old tomorrow. Started trying to do the 'play' thing but lift one front leg and fall over.... started to do the little'growl/bark thing - sooo cute! Love Chloe's expression!
  7. We have hd a few matings this week so should have pups due 25th January!! Won't be a Tan & White girl in them tho..........
  8. My slugs have doubled their weight already so really pleased with their progress. Some photos of them - not all of them cos some woulldn't stay still!!
  9. SwaY - I have to say i really love your pups. I love it when they get older and their feet don't quite belong to their body! :D
  10. I have lost my Tan & White girl...................... got up this morning and counted 6, then a boy in the corner, couldn't see my girl and Chloe was lying on her. So upset - I have waited 3 years for my tan and white girl................. So be it..................
  11. :D Well - our 8 pups are still 8 pups but..... I don't weigh them every night, weighed them on Thursday - it was very late - and I couldn't figure them out!!! So got OH to help last night and............................ we have 4 boys and 4 girls!!! 3 Tris and 1 T&W of each sex!!! Talk about the perfect litter!!
  12. No wonder she had to have a ceasar!!! They're huge! I think from memory our biggest was about 352gms and I thought that was big! Two of ours lost a wee bit last night but have all put on today.
  13. Awwww such cuddly bubs!! Mathilda's Mum - probably a silly question but I assume that the pups are born that dark and then lighten up as they get older? Erin those pups look a good size! Any idea what their weights were born? Just interested. Ours were a wee bit lighter than previous litters but then she did have 8 tucked away instead of 5! These were from 285 gms to 320 gms.
  14. Well.....Chloe started 9.30 last night - had her 5 by 11.20 all cleaned up - ready for bed and........we started again at 12.50!! then again at 1.00 and.......................finally at 2.10am!! Don't trust 2 (yes 2!) scans that say 5!!! When I read about HilaryO's white babies I thought hmmmmmmm interesting. Guess what we have???? A very pale lemon boy with slightly darker ears!!! Anyway we ended up with 1 x (tan &) white boy, 4 Tri boys 2 Tri girls and.......my Tan & Whie Girl!!! Bet she doesn't end up show quality.........
  15. Chloe off her food.. Has had a couple of Tux biscuits, slept most of the day and apart from obviosly looking uncomfortable no other changes although things seem to be 'dropping' a bit!
  16. Not doing the temperature - will just keep an eye on her. OH doesn't work so he will be here all the time with her. Believe it or not she is only having 5. I think gravity has taken it's toll on her (just like some of the rest of us! )
  17. Whelping box all set up - but she can't get in or out of it cos of her belly!! OH took the rail out for now but she prefers to 'try' and lie on the kitchen lino. She has just had her lunch whioh I gave her at about 12,30, so will give her a small meal at dinner time and then some more for supper.
  18. Hilaryo - SNAP = our beagle pups due 16th November as well. Scanned for 5 maybe 6!
  19. AdoubleJ


    Re upset tummy - the majority of ours will eat anything and everything (Literally) and it doesn't really affect them, however I have one boy who I cannot change his food. As long as he has the same food each day and about the same amount he is fine but if he gets an 'extra' big biscuit he gets very runny poos! I have no idea why!
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