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Everything posted by Donna

  1. Hi Mjosa, we could not detect a heartbeat last Monday, we elected to go to Caesar and sadly the baby was dead, the placenta had detached at some stage over the weekend. We will be burying 5 little girls and one little boy together. The really sad thing is that we collected blood for a prog assay the previous Thursday night but she was diagnosed cautiously with gastro, had it been sent off instead of discarded maybe the outcome would have been better bless her she has bounced back really well and is not looking for them. The real smack in the face is we are currently raising a litter of 5 staffie x puppies for WAPP, the mom was dumped by a back yarder 8 weeks pregnant, she is about 7 and has had too many litters left on her far too long over her life.
  2. She will be day 62 day post ovulation on Wednesday, the vet did suggest Mon or Tues but given what's just happened I would rather leave longer if possible. The thing is she was TCI on a Friday and the Monday so we are working from the Friday, it could still be very prem if conception was the Monday and as she is having progesterone injections we have no way of knowing exactly where she is at so its daily assessment. Today her progesterone had dropped markedly to 26 so she has had another injection to cover her for tomorrow with further assay and USS on Monday. The prog was 94.5 the day after injection, 87.3 2 days after and then bam 26 three days after, we have everything crossed but no high expectations
  3. Still one little heartbeat this morning, we have to try and limp Tipsy along till next Wednesday with regular progesterone assays and ultrasounds, the poor gal
  4. After all that, it wasn't gastro, it wasn't pyo but a drop in progesterone, it was at resting progesterone level, sadly discovered far too late, we will be burying 5 puppies at this stage. There is still one heartbeat detectable on ultrasound but we are not holding out much hope, she was 5 days with no detectable progesterone, so very sad all round
  5. Hi, our gal Tiff (st Bernard) is 7 weeks pregnant, she was taken to the emergency vet 2 days ago with inappetance, excessive thirst, lethargy, but inability to settle, distended abdomen, hard panting and digging, attempts to vomit and some diarrhoea, no temp and some vag discharge with a heavy bacterial growth. She did settle the next day, discharged on clavulox and USS was unremarkable and puppies doing ok. Since yesterday afternoon she has had a significant per vag discharge to the point its on her tail and hocks but she is better in herself, eating well, no excessive thirst and no lethargy. The discharge has now changed from yellow/green to brown/ green with no odour. I am suspecting an open pyo as there is too much discharge for it to be vaginitis has anyone else experienced pyo in pregnancy? She is being monitored very closely and any change in her current status at all she will be straight back to the vet. The USS did not show any thickening of the uterine wall or any collection either
  6. Hi can anyone please tell me the total entries for each of the shows I cant find my catalogues anywhere thanks
  7. I would heavily dispute the claims of ill health by the RSPCA, hip dysplasia developes over time, all puppies are born with normal hips, they would be too young to display any sort of lameness, same with the knee's! The RSPCA should hang their head in shame AGAIN and I would have battled them in court and made a very big public noise about it!
  8. After a very long 4 years and 8 months we finally have puppies due 26th September, we are a little excited :D .. and it looks like its going to be big one no so excited about that haha Donna
  9. No I understand metabolism and digestion, it was your bracketing of the word cooked that led me down a different path as to what you meant. As for contaminated animals I'm not understanding really your point as to not feeding a commercial dry food or making your own raw diet from animals you know have been humanely dispatched. Basically it's just coming down to the fact you dont like animal products in your house or is it a genuine health choice for your dogs? Ahhhh don't assume to know what I think and the basis for our decisions :) Contaminated with including but not limited to IGF-1, pesticides, herbicides, hormones, pentobarbitone and last line anti-biotics. The protein content in commercial dog biscuits is often from items like beaks, feathers, feet, other dogs, road kill, maggots, faecal matter, heavy metals and anything else that may or may not go into human food production and the bar is already set very low there. Human bodies are designed to cope with small amounts of the above contaminants, not the concentrated amounts found in animal products. So yes from a health perspective we prefer to feed something knowing what is in the food we feed those we are responsible for and we have met the manufacturer in person. Vegan pet is $170.00 for 15kg.
  10. I don't think I said I found it great, I said I prefered it to the ingredient list and contents of commercial dog food. Barf or commercial comes from the same contaminated animals. I said raw egg can cause blood dyscrasia's which s why we cook them, the biggest issue is raw egg white binds to biotin . Biotin is necessary for cell growth, the production of fatty acids, and the metabolism of fats and amino acids. It plays a role in the citric acid cycle, which is the process by which biochemical energy is generated during aerobic respiration. Biotin not only assists in various metabolic reactions, but also helps to transfer carbon dioxide. D.
  11. Hi, we are vegan and choose to feed vegan dog biscuits to our dogs due to the poor quality of ingredients in commercial dog kibble. Our guys are fit, healthy and well. As far as I understand dogs are scavenging omnivores even if anatomically they are carnivores. Cats are obligate carnivores and require higher levels of Taurine which is why a dog can eat cat food and not vice versa. In saying that we have two cats that help themselves to soy based products regularly but thats their choice. Proteins are nothing more than chains of amino acids, many are manufactured in the body and excessive levels of proteins can lead to renal failure. Vegan dog biscuits helped our boy with his pancreatitis avoiding the use of medication and he never suffered another stomach upset. Our guys love their diet, we keep it varied. We have x batt hens so the saints have the eggs (cooked) to avoid blood dyscrasia's. We still do feed a little animal based products which is human grade not animal grade. Our old girl is nearly 13 which is an awesome age for a saint but she dies not like the vegan biscuits so we don't try to make her eat them. Its great never having to pick up a sloppy poo anymore, it stinks less, the pink stains have gone from their whites without the use of chemicals or product. We feed veganpet which has been rigorously tested and meets all and exceeds some AAFCO and NPA requirements and standards. The bioavailabilty of protein is no different to the "top range" commercial dog foods
  12. with the saints its - "if you don't like spit and hair this breed is not for you" Donna
  13. just for your info as Murdoch now produces the best veterinarians ready to be unleashed on our pets as a result of Andrews perseverance. Dr. Andrew Knight BSc., BVMS Murdoch University Division of Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences, Bachelor of Science (Veterinary Biology), Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery 1997 - 2001 In 1998 Murdoch University became the first Australian university to formally allow conscientious objection by students. This followed a year-long struggle by veterinary student Andrew Knight for humane alternatives to be made available to harmful animal usage in the veterinary course. His main struggle began when Murdoch refused to allow alternatives and tried (unsuccessfully) to penalise him for boycotting several terminal physiology vivisection laboratories. After the beginnings of legal action and media exposure his marks were restored, and his alternatives submission to the university’s ethics committee resulted in the cancellation of nearly all of these laboratories in 1999. In 2000 Andrew and a classmate became Murdoch’s first alternative surgical students, gaining approximately five times as much surgical and anaesthetic experience as their conventionally trained peers. The groundbreaking precedents set at Murdoch have since helped bring about changes at other campuses within Australia and overseas. Since then Andrew has donated nine of the world’s best resources on alternatives and conscientious objection to the library of every Australian and New Zealand campus considered likely to use animals in teaching; established a humane education email list for Australia and New Zealand in 2000; and published his book: Learning Without Killing: A Guide to Conscientious Objection, in 2002.
  14. my copy of the "The Bond" arrived yesterday, I have yet to read it, when I have done so then I can make my own mind up regarding its contents and general message rather than have a viewpoint of the whole book just based on selected snippets Donna
  15. compensated??????? traumatised ???? standing on them to shoot and slitting their throats ??? getting off on a power trip more like - he should be jailed - no rational thinking human does this! disgusting Donna
  16. Donna

    Poor Roxy

    If the RSPCA didn't want to be open to often justifiable scrutiny then the news article should have been more explanatory. Its not about being trendy to bash the organisation, their public image and reputation for apathy has been self inflicted. Chronic flea dematitis should not be cited as a reason for euthanasia. Remove the fleas, treat the sores and it ceases to be an issue. I have seen animals if far worse condition that have survived well. I have also seen animals brought in for exam and not given any nutrition straight away. Of course the owner is at fault, I felt she deserved at least a chance after such a rotten time, but sadly for her no-one else did given the contents of the article Donna
  17. Donna

    Poor Roxy

    if the RSPCA were actually pro animal I would not question the decision but their track record is left wanting. The article makes no mention of temperament or any health issue, maybe it should have, but then, if there were no lasting health issues or temperament problems identified she could have been rehabilitated? From neglectful home, to vet clinic, to death, that does not sit well with me at all. I'll wager she never even got a meal or flea bath whilst she was being quickly evaluated and quickly condemned Donna
  18. Donna

    Poor Roxy

    http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/a/-/wa/84...or-dog-neglect/ this poor gal could have been saved, the RSPCA get their fees but apparently it was too much trouble to rehabilitate this forsaken little scrap, hell that would have cost the RSPCA money! shame on you again RSPCA Donna
  19. Hi can anyone help me out with the contact details for Professor Wyburn in WA many thanks Donna
  20. well he wasn't interviewed by me yesterday so I guess he wasn't even remanded in custody - thats sends a bad message, inflicting your will violently on any animal is NOT OK! Donna
  21. without exception Dr Dan Joachim at Baldivis Veterinary Hospital Donna
  22. what about good ol' postural drainage, it doesn't cost anything and there are no risks involved, its not the fluid up the nose that is the problem as its easily removed but rather the fluid in the lungs and no one should be trying to insert any object to remove that Donna
  23. crikey, what happened to your road then, we live in the next street to you and had no power disruption thankfully. Lots of gum tree branches down though - blasted things they are Donna
  24. so the fact that we are taking much of their natural habitat and they are running out of places to hide wouldn't be a factor then? Donna
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