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  1. thanks guys! $40 for 50 ears sounds pretty good to me
  2. Anyone know where to find cheap pigs ears (in bags of 50/100) in Sydney? Any advice much appreciated Cheers, Rachaels
  3. Marilyn, what an unthinkable tragedy you and your family are suffering. I am so sorry to hear of your loss and I sincerely hope that Tia pulls through. Rachaels
  4. What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl. I'm sorry for your loss rach
  5. rachaels


    Rozzie, I'm sorry you lost Sofia , but I can't help feeling glad for her - she crossed the bridge surrounded by such love and kindness and comfort, the lucky lass. Bless you so much for the love you give to the oldies. rachaels (edited due to spelling boo-boo)
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