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Posts posted by oceanaussi

  1. Sorry, I' forgotten to add the link. :)



    It's a stick about 3 m long with a rope (similar to a fishing rod. You normally put a rabbit leg or a duck wing on it and you can easily teach your dog left - right - forward ect utilising their prey drive. The rod has to be somehow robust and a bit flexibel as the dog will always 'win'.

  2. This is very interesting, Sas! Thanks for the effort and sharing!

    I read this post when it first started. I recently got a Weim puppy and had some bonding issues. Not dominance issues, just bonding. He prefered the company of my other dog much more than mine and always followed her around but never really cared what I was doing. That surprised me as Weims are really close to their owner. I thought it might just take time but after asking that question in the Weim forum, most people were surprised.

    So, I did the same as Sas und yes, I found a few articles suggesting this, so I thought 'well, I might give it a go'. The little one licks my old girls muzzle all the time, so maybe that's a sign? So I did it, I spit in my dogs mouth. I didn't do anything else differently but now the little one is not leaving my side anymore. :eek: Honestly he's never been like that, so maybe it does work?!

    Pumpitdog, thanks for the advice - it worked for us! :laugh:

  3. Hey !! were you there on tuesday night ?? I was there with my black kelpie Shamus.. will be there next week too :p We will have to try and meet up !

    I know what you mean about training at Teamwork, I have alot of shows and obedience trials coming up which is why I may not be able to go again for a couple of weeks. I am doing a double OT at Gympie this saturday and the same at Maryborough next saturday :)

    Yes, we were! But we're in the beginners group. :) Hera is a Kelpie X GSD and we trained with Rick. Would be great to see you next week!

  4. I go to Teamwork too !!! havent been for a couple of weeks due to commitments, but sure I will see you in the next few weeks... I also attend Metro club on Monday nights, but have started going to Pine Rivers for some extra trialling, last night was my first night and after 10 years of obedience training I learnt a few things from Andrew that I never knew about, so would thoroughly recommend going there. Make sure that you let them know that you want to end up trialling and Im sure they will take you under their wing and give you any extra guidance you might need ! Metro of course is also a great club and I would definately recommend them ! Aldo the president, has shown me a wonderful heeling tip that Im hoping will make my boy into a heeling maniac :laugh::laugh:

    I'll train this week at Carseldine and next week in Caboolture. The weekend hours don't really suit us as we're at shows or trials. I'm in the flyball group with my Kelpie X at Pine Rivers and there a few people trialling and I like their training methods. That's why I've decided to go there.

  5. Thanks very much everyone! :vomit:

    I will go to a few local trials and discuss with the people where and how they've trained. The people in puppy class know that we want to do competitive obedience and they have the patience to wait until Quentin sits/drops/stands perfectly. :) I know he's still a puppy and in the moment playing with other dogs is more intersting than doing obedince training but I use everyday life to train him which makes the training heaps easier. I also do Rally-O with my old girl, so he learns a lot by just watching her.

  6. That's correct, however CCD is optional & you can go straight into CD (Novice) if you feel your dog is ready for it. But as I mentioned before, here in Qld you do need to do a novice sweepstakes before you compete in a novice trial whether you have chosen to do CCD or not. :o

    If you look in your Dog World from the CCCQ (if you are a member) you will see some clubs hold sweepstakes - they are run exactly the same as trials, only differences are that the judges are on the Trainee Judges panel & you only need to get 150 points to qualify. Once you get 1 qualifier of 150 points you are able to enter normal obedience trials at novice level.

    As far as I know Qld is the only state to have sweepstakes & you only need to do it to progress into Novice - not any of the other classes.

    What club are you attending? If they are an affiliated CCCQ club & hold ther own trials, what DogDude is suggesting is finding someone who's training methods you like & using them as a mentor to help you to get to the level you want to get to.

    So if I do C.C.D. I don't need to do the novice sweepstake? I like to start from scratch, so I'd like to do my C.C.D. :scold:

    Currently I'm attenting Teamwork Dog Obedience for the puppy classes. But once we've finished with puppy school we'll change to the Pine Rivers Dog Obedience Club. I'm also a member of the Gundog and tracking Club which conducts trials as well.

  7. Thanks very much everyone! Sorry about the spelling mistake - English isn't my first language.

    So he has to be at least 6 months old before he starts trialling. I see how he goes, I want to wait a bit longer as I really want him to excell in RT and Tracking but maybe later I can enter him in Obedience comps.

    I always thought C.C.D. is the first level, than C.D. then C.D.X., then U.D. and then U.D.X.?

    @dogdude: I'm going to an obedience school which conducts a lot of trials. Do I really need a trialler??? How much does this normally cost? How do I find them?

    Like I said I've competed with my other dog in obedience overseas but she was a bit older when she started as back then here in Australia 'mutts' weren't allowed to compete so I took her back home and she gained titles in obedience, agility and Schutzhund.

    Not sure if I understand what you mean with "Don't just make up the numbers,..... you owe it to your dog after all that training!!!!!!!"???? :scold:

  8. Hello there,

    also I already have a 9-year-old pound dog who excelled in obedience (overseas) I have a question regarding my new (and first) pedigreed one:

    I've started puppy school this morning with my little Wei boy who's nearly 11 weeks of age. After that I will do the normal obedience classes and I'd like to do competitive obedience trails with him later on. So, when you do trials when can he start? After finishing all 4 levels of obedience school? I mean the C.C.D requirements are similar to the level 2 achievements in obedience class.

    Could anyone please enlighten me? :)

  9. Yes, I did take her to the Vet and she's fine. He said it's her age, she becomes less tolerant. She has never been a real dog lover - she'd take them or leave them. And even now she seem to be in 'dog mood' sometimes and goes up and play.

    I will tell more about the fights:

    We've found a stray (actually my neighbours dog) and I took her with us (both dogs are desexed bitches and were off leash) and I did see, they just tolerating each other but weren't really keen on each other. Coming home, I just wanted to ensure Hera stays at my place while I take the other dog across the road. Before I knew it both of them stepped inside the yard, Hera turned around to the other dog and a big fight started. IMO that was territorial.

    Couple of weeks ago, I took her to a new dog club, a little cocker spaniel pup came up and she growled it off but tried to follow which she couldn't because she was on the leash.

    A week later, same dog club, she was laying on her back and I was petting her tummy when a Staffy came to sniff her privates. She went beserk - luckily I had her on the leash.

    We occaisionally go to a dog park and she never had any problems there. But she just doesn't love other dog which is ok. If a dog is not runinng up to her, she wouldn't get out of her way to meet it.

    She never ever liked herr butt to be sniffed and if another dog insists on that she will growl. She also doesn't like more than 2 dogs coming towards her and she hates when dogs race towards her.

    I do think that she's getting older and less tolerant. I do believe that I have some negative thoughts when the bad things happen and I should have a more positive attitude but it's very hard. I also have the feeling she just doesn't like other bitches. She was happily playing with a little Staffy pup a few months ago and a male Rottweiler got into our yard a few weeks ago and she actually happily played with him. And I also think she's more aggressive on leash than off leash.

    What's your opinion on that?

  10. I have Hera, a 8.5-year-old Kelpie X GSD. She's the first dog I ever had on my own and I had her since she's about 5-6 weeks old (she's a pound dog).

    We did puppy school, obedience and agility. We had to stop agility as she had HD and needed to be operated. Just before the operation I've got another dog (from the pound again) - a 16-year-old pointer. He was very active for his age and nobaody would have guessed he would have been that old. The 2 of them got along fine and Hera got along with all other dogs without problems. The old dog died 2 months short of his 18th birthday. Since we moved back to Australia I only had Hera. We just started to go to dog school again but before we always met heaps of dogs during the walk and wnet occaisonally to the dog park.

    In the last few months I've noticed a more aggressive behaviour in her when she's around other dogs. Usually when she didn't like one she just backed of but know she goes towards to dog sniffing, growling and showing her teeth. She's been in a couple of fights lately and I'm getting a bit concerned as I'm getting my first pedigree dog (a puppy) in 4 weeks.

    I'm not sure if she starts to become dog-aggressive or if it's just her age and she wants to be left alone. She never cared too much about other dogs which is good but I don't want her to fight.

    Any ideas?

  11. In 5 weeks time I'm getting my Weimaraner puppy and I do want to persue a career in tracking with him. I'm especially interested in Mantrailing as I'm in the SES and my OH a cop searching for lots of people in dark forests :thumbsup:

    Does anyone know where this training is offered here in SE QLD?

  12. I have used various treat bags when training my GSD's and Goldie, but found in a trial situation my Goldie soon figured out "no treat bag = no treats" and therefore not much incentive to work :laugh: . I have now purchased a denim vest with huge pockets (big enough to carry treats or squeaky toy) and can wear it in the ring as well (minus the treats of course :) ). This way he has no idea whether I have treats on me or not :) .

    The advantage to wearing this vest is that he knows it's time to work, in fact all three of them do :laugh: . They get very excited when they see me pulling THE VEST out of the cupboard.

    I have a veste too. It's a veste we wear in Germany for the Schutzhund training but also for hunting and fishing. I has heaps of pockets for treats, poo bags and even clips to put the leash thru (in Germany it can be too cold to hold the leash). It also has a pocket on the back where I put my dog's fav tug of war toy.


  13. Hi there, I would like some tips too please! I have a nearly 9-year old girl who's only ever been in a crate when she had to fly somewhere. She's got her beds and she uses them but so far no crate. I'm getting a Weim pup soon who is crate trained. As my OH doesn't want both dogs in the bedroom I decided to get 2 crates - one for the pup and one for my old girl. Now I'm trying to convince her to sleep in there but I'm not very successfull. She sleeps in front of the bedroom door :D

    I think she sees it as a punishment going in the crate. How can I convince her to go and sty overnight in there? How can I make it a "happy place" for her?

  14. Hi,

    No puppy should be vac before eight weeks. Unless there are unusual circumstances IE=

    bitch lost at birth or close after. Then I usually vac with a C3 at six weeks.

    Then at 10 weeks I ask for Nobivac to be ordered in and give that.

    Normally I would make sure that the pups have had no drinking contact with the

    bitch from six to eight weeks.

    Some bitches milk has been tested at six weeks and some still have anti bodies in the milk.

    If anti bodies are present in the milk the vac will not work.

    At 8 weeks I usually give a C4 .

    From now on I will be waiting till 10 weeks and giving the Nobivac.

    I do not vaccinate yearly. It is not necessary. Once the vac is introduced into the body

    it will multiply and do its job should the dog come in contact with those diseases.

    I don't quite get it. :confused: You use the normal C3 at 6 weeks, C4 at 8 weeks and Nobivac at 10 weeks???

    With Nobivac there're only 2 vaccinations, aren't there? My pup gets one at 8 weeks and then another one at 16 weeks (both Nobivac).

    As I need to put the dogs in the kennel the annual booster is neccessary.

  15. The proof is in how sound your dogs are in old age. Personally other than my very first dog I have never exercised puppies beyond the odd wander to the shops and I believe that is the reason I have very sound oldies. My dogs generally live to 15-17 years and seldom need meds until very elderly and even then it is more for my peace of mind. I have 2 13yr olds at the moment that can still jump on and off the bed (no small thing considering they are shelties) and scoff at the foot stool I put there to help them.

    On the other hand I watch my friend who believes it is mean to leave her puppy home when she walks the big dogs and she has terrible issues with arthritis. Certainly over exercising young soft bone isn't the only cause of arthritis but it doesn't help. It is possible to socialise and lead train your dog without going for long walks

    I don't really agree with this. I didn't walk my first dog until she was about 6 months old and they were only short walks then too (20 mins). She's got arthritis and even needed to be operated on.

    I don't think puppies should go out for long walks either but I cannot see any harm in taking them for a 10-20 minute walk either. In my opinion there's no protection against parvo anyway. You can have it under your boots, the postie might have it on his tyres ect. The other day I've visited a puppy pre-school and the trainer was paranoid over parvo. I asked her what to do with 2 dogs and she said I should rubb the older dog with wet wipes when I get back from a walk. 2 mins later 2 people and their 2 adult GSP who just came from the dog beach entered the puppy enclosure for a chat (all puppy owners were already gone).

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