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Posts posted by oceanaussi

  1. This post made me cry. :laugh: My old girl is 9 now and I can see the signs of age on her. She's far less tolerant of things, doesn't pay that much attention anymore, doesn't want to play, doesn't hear me when I come home, has problems in her joints ect. And everytime when I think "Should I take her to the Vet to check her out?", she plays with the pup, her ball, enjoys the flyball training and begs for food. I know her time hasn't come yet but just thinking that it will, fills me with dread.

    My old Vet in Germany once said to me: "There will be three days in the life of your dog - you will never ever forget. First, the day when you get him/her; second the day where you realise he/she is getting old and third when he/she goes over the bridge." It's so true!!!!

  2. That story was a good read! I never had a problem with my old dog but my Weim puppy goes mental! On the weekend my OH was holding him and I was trying to cut his nails. Took about an hour and I've got a swollen lip (puppy headbanged me) and my arms and legs are scratched. Maybe I should try a dremmel to???

  3. They're not the same - they do contain different ingredients.

    Pernaease Poder:

    Natural marine sourced supplement.

    Freeze dried extracts of green-lipped mussel, abalone and shark cartilage.

    Highly palatable powder

    No artificial flavourings, preservatives or bulking agents.

    Contains naturally occurring chondroitin, glucosamine, manganese and omega – 3 essential fatty acids.

    Approved by the APVMA (No. 59494).

    May assist in the relief of arthritic symptoms in dogs of all ages.

    Easy to add to dog’s food or drink. Well accepted by dogs.

    Once daily administration.

    Can be given long term without the type of side effects associated with some NSAIDs.

    Joint Guard:

    Arthritis is common in dogs, particularly those that are aging, have experienced an injury or who are generally over-active.

    Joint Guard is a new product which helps maintain healthy joints in dogs. It contains purified glucosamine hydrochloride which is the raw material for new cartilage growth, as well as an easy-to-absorb form of chondroitin sulfate which helps reduce ongoing cartilage damage. Joint Guard is also the only product for dogs that contains MSM. It is the ideal option for all joint problems including prevention in younger dogs.

    A 400g tub of Joint Guard will last the average-sized dog around 6 months once on the maintenance dose, and because it comes in a great no smell, no taste powder your dog is guaranteed to love it!

    I personally use Pernaese Powder for Hera and love it. You see improvements very quickly! Are you planning to get your girl operated?

  4. I've tried Teamwork Obedience, PADS and Pine Rivers. The're all pretty good but I guess it depends on when you have time to go. Teamwork trains on the weekends which is when we're on shows or trials. At PADS were just too many dogs in one class for my liking. I prefer time and venue of Pine Rivers. I do flyball there as well.

  5. I thought they were long haired or short haired?

    Yes, that's right. But if you cross a longhair with a shorthair to produce a longhair carrier, the coat is a bit different. Looks like a shorthair but it's a bit thicker. It's called 'stockhaar' and is a medium top coat with a light undercoat.

  6. I've got a Weimaraner puppy which I show as well. He's a mix between a longhair and a shorthair so his coat is a bit different from a 'normal' Weimaraner. On the last show I noticed a lot of dead hair on him and tried several 'devices' out of my grooming kit (see attached foto) but nothing seemed to have worked properly. What should I use to brush the dead hair of him?


  7. [Hi, where do you buy the duckies and other training tools from?? Looked on the website, very good. A bit too far for me but I think there may be something at Bundaberg? Thanks :rock:

    I'm not sure if there's something like that in Bunderberg. :thumbsup: We order the ducks from the US and there're training ducks available. We also have throwers and a rifle - not sure where from. :laugh: Do you want me to find out?

  8. Thanks so much for everybody who PMed me or called Fran! :thumbsup: Looks like we're going to be a great crowd!

    We had a demonstration today at the RSPCA Million Paw Walk in Samford and there was a good turnout and lots of interest.

    So anyone who's got a Gundog and wants to do some retrieving, have a look on our website:


    and come to our training day - it'll be heaps of fun and it's free!!!


  9. RIP Wiggs. :offtopic::laugh:

    I was in a similar situation. I moved back to Germany 4 years ago with my then 5-year-old Kelpie x GSD. I had to do a lot of business travel and enjoyed taking her with me to all different countries. Once she couldn't come because it was for 2 weeks and I couldn't find a dogwalker. As I didn't want her being in the hotel alone all day I decided to leave her with my Grandparents who love her dearly.

    Anyway, over the weekend I decided to go for a walk and borrow a dog from the pound to walk with me. They've borrowed me a little black Spitz boy who was cute despite the fact that I do prefer large dogs. The way he behaved was funny and when I got back to the pound I've mentioned it. They said "Yeah, it's a pitty, he's going to die in here." I was shocked as we have no-kill pounds in Germany. "What do you mean", I asked. So, I found out that he was 16 years old and that the people who owned him split up, she left the dog behind, so he took it to the pound. Obviously his chances were very low to be adopted at that age.

    I thought about it and decided, he's coming with me. He was a lovely little fellow and Hera and him got on really well. We walked every day, he even learnt how to play and he absolutely adored my Grandparents and vice a versa. He turned 17, he turned 18 - no change, no white hair, people often thought he's a puppy. He didn't have any teeth anymore and anything else was fine. Time came that I had to go back to Australia. Money wasn't an issue but I didn't want to put him thru a long flight and quarantine, so my Grandparents agreed he could stay with them. He stayed there quite often anyway.

    I did feel bad leaving him and seperating him from Hera but I knew he loves his life on the sofa of my Grandparents. Suddenly he got sick. He couldn't jump anymore, had prostate problems, didn't recognise my Grandparents ect. They took him to the Vet and he put him on medication but as it didn't get better, we decided to put him to sleep. That was one month after we've left and one month before his 19th birthday. :rofl: I know he was very old but I still feel guilty.

    RIP Phyton. :wave: :D You're sadly missed.

  10. I know you can't read German, but there interesting discussions on the Weimaranerforum in Germany, if you or your German friend likes to have a look:


    With breeding and selling puppies (applies to pedigree and papered dogs only) in Germany it works like that:

    The controlling body in Germany is the VHD =German Kennel Club):


    Then you have the breed club associated with the VDH. You cannot breed a papered dog without being a member of the VDH and you cannot become a member of the VDH if you're not a member of a breed club.

    The breed club decides which dogs are allowed to be breed. A few years ago it wasn't allowed for example to mate a LH Weim with a shorthair. So the breed club makes the rules but the VDH adoptes them. A breed club in Germany is completly different from the breed clubs you have over here!

    So, any papered dog in Germany comes from a breed club which is a member of the VDH. If you breed a dog without being affiliated to a breed club (so then automatically you're not a member of the VDH), so dog wont have papers, which means it doesn't have a pedigree.

    Hope that makes sense now.

    Hera's got her SchH 2.

  11. No I am not saying that the levels of G & C are too high, in fact the levels in the Artemis are quiet good but for a dog with arthritis its best to supplement with more. For example the jointguard has 500mg of Glucosamine per 2.5g and 400mg Chondroitin per 2.5g, to give you an idea my GSD gets 1 scoop per day of Joint Guard (5g) which represents 1000mg and 800mg respectively per day. Way more than is in ANY dry foods. Its a nice addition on the part of the dog food manufacturers but the amount thats in the foods is really no where near enough to make a huge difference. I cant give you the values of the Pernaease sorry as I cant actually find that info! Its so simlilar to Sasha's blend but they dont have the values listed either.

    Good luck with both your dogs.

    Ok, I understand. Thank you!

  12. I checked with a friend of mine n Germany about weims only being sold to hunters, its not correct.

    yes for the breeding they are required to have some hunting tests passed, and only a hunter can enter those test, but if someone wants a pet they are free to buy one.

    I give up. If it's not on youtube, it mustn't exist.

    No , its not like that. I even found a labrador doing it. I am saing taht it not common at all.

    I know plenty of Weims having their Schutzhund titles. I know I will get one with mine.

    Show me those with titles. Where are you going to get the titles? Not in Australia by the looks of it as your breed isnt allowed to compete. Is your dog suitable?

    Your friend is wrong. Like I said it is possibel to get one as a non-hunter but it's certainly not easy. Contact the Breed Club and you will find out.

    Of course Weims are not that common in Schhutzhund as GSDs but they still do it.

    Well, even my Kelpie has her Schutzhund title. We've done it in Germany and I will take my Weim back home to do his as well when he's ready.

  13. with over 500 registered there each year there sure is a hell of a lot hunters in Germany....

    I did read that in order to breed they must have passed certain hunting tests. Nothing wrong with than imho.

    Should be the same for any breeds if they have been bred for a specific purpose.

    But this isnt to say that weims are good for schutzhund, I looked on youtube for some videos of them doing it, found nothing.... but I found a JRT :vomit:

    I give up. If it's not on youtube, it mustn't exist. :laugh:

    I know plenty of Weims having their Schutzhund titles. I know I will get one with mine.

  14. Yes, Dobes are beautiful! If you have a look at the last link under answer 9 it'll say that only hunters can get a Weim.

    No didnt find anything to that effect only that in the past

    The German Weimaraner Club controlled much of the activity of the breed, including registration. Dogs could not be sold to nonmembers, and it was difficult to obtain membership. Only approved breedings could be registered, and poor specimens were destroyed

    Well, it says:

    "Weimaraner are a working breed and I would not recommend them as a family dog.

    They should do what they were created for.....hunting.

    In Germany, ( that's where I come from )German kennel club breeders ,wont sell them to people who don't use them as a hunting dog.


    If you are a hunter then this dog is great choice !

    You also might be interested in this breed:

    (Magyar ) Vizsla (it is the Hungarian version of the Weinmaraner) )



    1 week ago


    my dad was a( German kennel club) registered dog breeder."

  15. No I dont read German but found that In Germany and Austria, only hunters can enter their dogs for the hunting tests.

    Thats a bit different to owning one. At the end of the day it doesnt matter to me, they are good looking dogs but my breed is a dobermann ;)

    Yes, Dobes are beautiful! If you have a look at the last link under answer 9 it'll say that only hunters can get a Weim.

  16. Sorry to the OP for going OT!

    I am the OP ;)

    As to weims being only owned by hunters. I find this bizzare, as not to say I dont belive you. I shall do some investigation on my own, but are you able to point me to a source of this info?

    Also what aobut other hunting breeds such as a German Pointer or the Wirehair German Pointer? Same story - only owned by hunters?

    Ah, sorry OP.

    Well, if you don't believe me, find out yourself. Trust me, it's true. It's very hard as a non-hunter (like I said before recreational one, not neccessarily professional) to get a Weim, not impossible, but difficult.

    The German Weimaranerforum would be a good start, if you can read German: http://www.weimaranerforum.de/forum/index....1684c30d5898c05

    Or you can contact the German Weimaraner Club:


    This page shows you what to take care of when buying a registered Weimaraner. Underneath the adresse is says:

    "Vermittlung nur an Jäger".

    I honestly don't know about the other breeds as I never tried to own one of them.

    Hope this helps.

    edit to say, you can contact some reputable Wei breeders here in Oz, most of them know this too.

    another link: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qi...29175732AAAqgSP

  17. Unpapered Weims mainly coming from Eastern Europe are kept as 'pets only'.

    There are plenty of papered weims in the Eastern Europe... are you saying that Germans purchase unpapered dogs on purpose?

    Also recreational hunter - isnt every German one? ;) We have plenty of them shooting stuff in our forests in Poland.

    Sorry to the OP for going OT!

    Of course there're papered Weims in Eastern Europe. Was trying to say that if people want a Weim and cannot get one because they're not hunters or unqualified to get a Weim, they go across the border to get an unpapered one (of course there're unpapered ones in Germany available as well).

    Nope, not every German is a recreational hunter :confused: You need a special licence and courses and stuff like that.

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