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Posts posted by Sayly

  1. Fantastic, I will keep an eye out for cheaper suits.

    I am really intersted in getting the right kinds of grooming products to start with. As the breeder truely believes this pup has some show potential, I have promised I will show it for her - whether or not I decide after a while I don't particularly like it (Although I highly doubt this after visiting a few shows) so I think it would be worthwhile buying the good stuff now, and give myself a better chance of getting it right from the start. Otherwise I will just need to get the better gear later. :D

    I will look into where I can purchase a nice show lead. I am keen to maybe get a grey or charcoal lead with a teeny bit of bling, purple perhaps? The poor boy already has a bright purple collar and lead waiting for him!

    Try Glamour Show Leads on Facebook - you can pick your colours to match whatever you want, and they are fantastic prices. I have heaps and keep going back for more! They aren't over the top or in your face or extra blingy.

    I learn something new with grooming every weekend I show, and what I do varies from dog to dog. Even three half sisters are groomed completely differently to each other because their coats are different and the dogs underneath are different, so giving any real advice over the net is a bit hard! Hands on is the best way to learn, if you can.

    The main things are, I think, to know how to trim feet and ears and get a good whitening shampoo. Several good ones have already been mentioned, personally I use the Plush Puppy Whitening one, but there's horse shampoos that are cheaper and work well too.

    For the first few shows, you won't actually need anything beyond a puppy shampoo and maybe some scissors to tidy up his feet, or at least get him used to having his feet trimmed. Babies don't need powder, voluminiser, hairspray etc. They just need to be clean and sweet smelling.

    And there's no point in having a grooming kit full of expensive stuff if you don't know how or when to use it.

    My basic kit for a baby would be:

    Thinning scissors and normal scissors

    Good whitening shampoo

    Some sort of waterless shampoo that you can use on legs/feet on the day of the show if puppy gets dirty/muddy

    A soft brush

    Other important things are a number holder of some sort and a bait bag if you don't want to put stinking bait in pockets! :laugh:

  2. As I said last time this topic came up, I like my wheatens to be wheaten and my kerries to be blue.

    I met a Wheaten puppy a few weeks ago, he was at herding training. Gotta say, he didn't stay wheaten for long...we were ankle deep in mud and he quickly went dark brown. Cute as a button though, and he LOVED the sheepies! Had good instinct too.

    Awww! Do you know what kennel he was from?

  3. Do Border Terrier people refer to their dogs as Borders too?

    When people refer to "Mals", Malamute or Malinois?

    Oh the confusion! :laugh:

    It does annoy me when people refer to Border Collies as "Collies". To me, Rough Collie = Collie, Smooth Collie = Smoothie, Border Collie = Border, BC. I think my Border Collie is listed as a Collie with the council and maybe even the vet. Arghh.

    We refer to them as Borders, but I handle BCs and I refer to them as Borders too! If I am talking to a group 2 person, when I say Borders = Terriers, if I am talking to a group 5 person, Borders = BCs. Hasn't been too confusing for me, and they usually assume the right breed as not many group 5 people are into terriers and not many group 2 people are into working dogs.

  4. thanks for the link to Gillman, I agree their products look to be of high qaulity. Good timing on this thread btw - we're chasing up all this stuff at the moment for the first ever breed open show for Lappies in December, and then the inaugural Breed Champ show next year - we definately want to make these shows special, since they will be the first for our breed not only in Australia, but the southern hemisphere!! :thumbsup:

    :thumbsup: I hope I can get to the champ show! Fingers crossed. :)

  5. I think I must be the only one who quite likes the comets. :o

    That said, I've never won any of them, so I'd be happy with anything. :laugh:

    Two people voted for comets so you aren't alone! :laugh: I can't make up my mind about if I like them or not, but we won't be going with them for our shows, they don't seem very popular.

  6. Rosettes for all In show awards, Sashes for Group awards.

    Over all I like Rosettes.


    I think this might be the way we will end up going. :)

    Thanks everyone! :)

    If anyone has any links or contacts to companies they have used and liked I would love to know! :)

    Lyndsay Stewart gillman did some lovely Rosette for our recent 40th Champ Show and they do a fabulous big one for our BOB at the Royal.


    LOL see Gillmans have already been suggested. :)

    :thumbsup: I like the look of their products online! :thumbsup: I will certainly be taking this suggestion back to the club and we will go from there.

    We run a big junior handlers comp, do you think juniors would prefer a rosette or a sash? I was thinking a big sash with the multicoloured writing that Stewart Gillman has (called silver sparkle I think) on a dark coloured sash?

  7. In a line up or a picture of Aussies my eye is often drawn to the red merle first. I think nothing beats a GOOD red merle for me, however, when I breed a litter or select my next pup, conformation, health testing and personality are all further up the list than colour, and then if a red merle and a tri were the same in every other way, I'd pick the tri simply because there's more choice when breeding in the future, because merle to merle can produce deafness and eye issues in double merle pups.

    After red merles I think it's a toss up between a black tri or a really dark red tri.

    I would love a black bi colour (black and white) Aussie one day, but it's unlikely from the dogs and lines I like.

    As for the Irish, they really only come in shades of red! I do prefer a rich red like Ruby, and especially her brother, over yellow reds but it's really no big deal. I would however pick a red without black shading over a red with black shading because our standard states that black shading is highly undesirable, but it is seen.

    I wish there were more tri's being shown, a class full of quality tri's is a sight to behold. And I wish judges would realise that without tri's there'd be no breed quality.

    The blacks have been doing ok down here, Chewy and Chime regularly pick up decent challenges and Chewy has BIGs and RuBIGs to his name. Plus Fleet the red tri got his title in a short period of time. I think more and more judges are happy to put them up. I would love a nice black tri male, but so would everyone! :laugh:

  8. If its a Rosette then it must be good quality otherwise i would sooner a ribbon.

    I have thousands of ribbons & rosettes around the house & i like both .

    I have won some very special ones & both look great .

    Comets i have never won

    I have a very crappy rosette here and the win meant a lot to me! So I certainly won't be going for crappy rosettes if we go down that path.

    I've never seen comets before.

    I prefer Rosettes... They take up less space on the wall :)

    Hadn't thought about them taking up less room!

    How would people feel about winning a comet?

  9. In a line up or a picture of Aussies my eye is often drawn to the red merle first. I think nothing beats a GOOD red merle for me, however, when I breed a litter or select my next pup, conformation, health testing and personality are all further up the list than colour, and then if a red merle and a tri were the same in every other way, I'd pick the tri simply because there's more choice when breeding in the future, because merle to merle can produce deafness and eye issues in double merle pups.

    After red merles I think it's a toss up between a black tri or a really dark red tri.

    I would love a black bi colour (black and white) Aussie one day, but it's unlikely from the dogs and lines I like.

    As for the Irish, they really only come in shades of red! I do prefer a rich red like Ruby, and especially her brother, over yellow reds but it's really no big deal. I would however pick a red without black shading over a red with black shading because our standard states that black shading is highly undesirable, but it is seen.

  10. Actually I found it rather funny.

    Especially as this is a dog that has jumped into freezing water before and loved it.

    It reminded me of when we had our aussie girl, we had a dog walker for her who refused to walk her in bad weather without a doggie drizabone. This was a long coated (and double coated) Australian Shepherd!

    The dog walker obviously had no idea about Aussies then! Mine don't give a stuff about the weather, hot or cold. Maizie especially loves the rain, cold and mud!

  11. Hi whiskedaway, pixie and rally.....Sorry I didn't get back sooner.....mayhem at work....

    We were "excused" in our first show and my boy was only 4.5 months old....he wiggled away from the judge twice when he 'lorded' over him and pushed on his shoulders too hard.......no one had ever seen such a debarcle in 25 years of showing.....anyway...it was not a nice first time and it has been hard recovering from it.

    I am now very aware of what is involved in having a show dog and I really need to get to work training him and getting him to let me stack him.....we are slowly getting there but I need to ring the trainer my breeder suggested (I am currently letting the team down but always take in the hints and tips offered)

    Now he is going slightly pigeon toed (just a growth stage) and I have no idea how to stack him....I almost want to pack it all in....but I find it quite fun. We are currently standing still with legs even and he stands still while checking teeth, but he is 6 months now and we are falling very behind........

    Whisked away....what ring are you in?......it is easy to spot me......white face, shaking legs, and a Ridgeback that is pulling my arm out.....just look for the person with no idea..... hahahaha

    I will be at the Gawler Show at SACA park on Sunday 17th July......

    Hey! :) I will be at the Gawler shows tomorrow and also both days for Marion. I will have Holly (red merle Aussie Shepherd with the blue eyes) and Ruby (Irish Terrier), both are pretty distinctive if you want to come say hi. :)

    Cassie - can't wait to see your baby!

  12. Mine is the end of my name and the end of my first ever Aussie Shepherd's name, Sayly (-say from Lyndsay and -ly from Holly). I don't plan on breeding from Holly but she's incredibly special to me and I wanted to have her as part of my prefix for the years to come, she is my introduction to Aussies and an absolute dream of a dog.

    I also love it because it's short and feminine and I love the sound of it.

    I won't use it for a few years yet but once I came up with it I had to have it. It was my first choice. :)

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