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Everything posted by WelcomedanceWesties

  1. What a Heart melter! There is a name change.. she is now Willow! :D Some more pictures of the little monster.
  2. Hi, has anyone had any positive outcomes when treating Neosporosis??? Thanks
  3. Okay, Just had a discussion with the Vet. It looks like GME at this stage pending results of further spinal fluid test.(Granulometous Meningioencephalomyelitis). Typical symptoms are staring at walls, walking in circles, walking with a drunken swagger, stumbling, wobbly gait,seizures etc. will keep you posted
  4. HI Everyone, Thanks for your tips. Its seem Matt the Chiro is a popular boy ). Spoke to the Vet regarding DM and she didnt think it should be considered at this stage as it is rare in smaller dogs. Hailey is in for an MRI on Wednesday because she isnt getting any better. If we dont get any closer to a diagnosis after the MRI, i will give Matt a call. Turns out is office is right next to my work. Go figure!
  5. Hi Matt, have there been any updates since your last post? Have you asked your vet whether he/she thinks it's DM? If you still have no answers, I would recommend you do the DM DNA test. At least it might rule out one more thing.
  6. Hi Matt, have there been any updates since your last post? Have you asked your vet whether he/she thinks it's DM? If you still have no answers, I would recommend you do the DM DNA test. At least it might rule out one more thing.
  7. Hi Matt, I'm sorry about your Westie's mobility issues. I just have to mention that my Shepherd has degenerative myelopathy. This disease does not usually progress so fast, you should have seen more subtle signs before now. I've heard of other dogs that show the same signs but have something else wrong. One that comes to mind has a cancerous growth on the spine. If you still suspect DM, there is a DNA test that you can have done which tells you whether your dog has the genes for it. Also, if it is DM, your dog needs maximum exercise, not rest, so you need to find out what this is as soon as possible. Does your Westie show any signs of pain? Good luck.
  8. Hi, just wondering if anyone has any ideas or has had experience with the same issue here. I have a 12 year old Westie girl in very good condition athletically and weight wise. Just in the last 3 weeks she has developed weak rear legs and hips, to the point that she will fall over going round a corner sometimes. We have had a couple of vet visits; she is on anti inflammatory medication and is instructed to be fully quarantined with maximum rest. Although this is very hard to do, we have had moderate success keeping her confined. We have had x-rays taken which show nothing; bloods were also taken last weekend, but have had no word from the vet yet. We have another appointment in 3 days. Any suggestions or experience would be appreciated, because at this point I am thinking degenerative myalopathy, although this seems to be very rare especially in Westies, just going by some quick web research, the signs point to it. Thanks, Matt
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