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Everything posted by whatevah

  1. Here is Tia lifting her hind leg. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrNrbZRGOVo
  2. The 2nd test was even shorter we didn't have to do all that lead work at the start. Some dogs couldn't do the control exercises but got some instinct and were passed. I also had to get Tia to change direction in the 2nd test, I didn't have a rake, so I just used my arms and it worked. Tia also has a funny reflex action in her back hind leg. When you touch her there it lifts right up in the air. At the vetting she lifted her hind leg in the air. I filmed it today at home. So you can see what I mean. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrNrbZRGOVo
  3. Here is a video link of what we did. Yes it was easy, yes I was nervous, I walked in the ring with her on a borrowed long lead. The judge was from South Austalia, no I haven't entered for Sunday. Will be doing the next trial.
  4. Today at the herding instinct test, I had been watching the guys do the herding test. I am first one up to do the herding instinct test, so I go to ring where the herding test was done, I get into the ring I tell Tia to drop and she actually does it, I think I am already to go and the sheep are in the next ring. LOL I then go into the next ring and when I let Tia off she scared one of the sheep and it pole vaulted into the air. When Tia got vet checked in the morning, she puts her hind leg up in the air for the check. Here she is doing it at home. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrNrbZRGOVo
  5. Here is a funny photo, one of the sheep saw Tia and pole vaulted into the air.
  6. You just have to be careful that if you have an aggressive dog and it attacks another dog that is not that confident, you could cause the other dog to have problems for the rest of its life. With Josh he has a lot of bounce back, he got a severe attack where he almost required stitches at 6 months old, but he is still fine around other dogs. Other dogs aren't so lucky and it can cause them to be aggressive.
  7. Tia tends to want to wool class in a smaller area, but I just have to keep her moving. Actually in that video I had really no idea what I am doing, if you listen you can hear a guy yelling out instructions he wanted me to get her to herd the sheep around the pole.
  8. Josh at his first retrieving trial. He hears the gun and waits for my signal, he does a fantastic water entry with lots of enthusiam he sees the pidgeon but keeps on swimming looking for his toy.
  9. I had Moses in his first CCD trial, it was restricted to gundogs. They are doing a group sit stay and suddenly all the dogs turn their heads to the left. There was a retrieve of a dumbell in the next ring. They all stayed though. I have made lots of handler mistakes such as exiting the ring by jumping over the rope. On the recall exercise I forget there was a lead up and left my dog behind, but they told me to bring the dog with me. Once I called my dog by his name in a recall instead of calling "come" but they knew it was me making a silly mistake and it was okay. I also forgot to take my dumbell into the ring but was allowed to go and get it. Whilst heeling Moses saw discs on the ground and was looking at them. During CCD at Geelong the first dog in the ring dropped the heavy artillery right next to the figure of 8, it was cleaned up, and we were last dog in. Moses being the sensitive dog that he is flared right out and refused to walk in the particular area.
  10. Tia shows interest from outside the pen. LOL ) If they ask for a particular position we will be stuffed. As when she gets in she is so focused, and I just do "stand" LOL ) We are doing 2 tests. Looking forward to seeing other breeds work. Saw a malinwoir work, was great!!!! Very gentle.
  11. bump, anyone going? I did some training with the Aussie Shepherd club yesterday, they said she shouldn't have any problems passing.
  12. There hasn't been much of a change in the house, I first noticed this weight loss a couple of months ago.
  13. Took Moses to the vet yesterday because he has lost 1/2 kg since he was last there which was about 5 weeks ago. The vet says just to feed him more. I insisted on blood tests and they came back normal. They are going to do a TSI test for pancreatic failure. I asked about thyroid and the vet says is very rare for a dog to be hyper which is when dogs thyroid is over active. Twotollers you said one of the Moses's breeder's dogs had a thryroid problem was it an overactive or underactive? Josh had a lump removed off this back which has been sent for testing as they don't know what it was.
  14. Moses has CCD and CD, numerous tricks, been a member of Pal Superdogs, appeared in an add. There are tricks he can do that very few other dogs can do. Moses also has his AFCh in flyball. Josh also has AFCh. I use NRM with Moses all the time. He is a great anticipator, and often during some training when learning something new, he may think he has it and go off onto a different tangent and I simply say in a normal voice "nuh", which means try again. For him this means he didn't get it right but to try something different. He copes well with this. I don't think titles are everything. Moses can also do a lot of assistance dog tasks. There are other things that we haven't competed in, such as tracking, which Josh loves. I did one retreiving trial with Josh. Josh loves to retrieve. Soon Tia and I are doing the herding instinct test.
  15. Remember to keep your legs closed, otherwise the sheep will go in between them and some of them have horns.
  16. Don't worry about it. Everything is explained on a whiteboard, and they are very patient. My dog knows what to do but I didn't.
  17. What about my Josh, Flatcoated Retriever and weighs 34kg. He used to be one of the biggest flyball dogs in Victoria until Jamaica arrived.
  18. No I wasn't there yesterday, I was talking about previous trials. I was at Lilydale doing lure coursing, and Josh won fastest eater.
  19. With Moses in CCD, at Geelong the first dog in the ring, decided to drop the heavy artilery right next to the figure of 8. I knew that Moses being the sensitive boy he is that this would cause a problem. We were last dog in. So he gets to that part of the figure of 8 and flares right out, but I think they took it into consideration. Then when we did recall, for some stupid reason, I called his name, I usually only ever call "come". But they still passed us anyway as they made an allowance, due to my stupid nerves. As soon as I said it, I cringed, knowing that I stuffed up. Also in trials I have forgotten to exit the ring the right way and have jumped over the ropes. Once in a recall during the lead up I forgot to take my dog with me. During Novice once inside the ring, I forgot to bring my dumbell in with me, but told them straight away and asked to go and get it. Oh another silly mistake I made was with the figure of 8. I was first dog in and all of the sudden the figure of 8 loomed up in front of my face, I was in shock and didn't know where to go, so walked right passed the first post and past the second and then did the figure of 8. I still managed good passes. See what nerves can do!!! The dog knows what he is doing. I also did high tens with Moses in between exercises.
  20. What time is the trial on? I could video you, Leo Puppy and put it on youtube for everyone to see. LOL )) I am going herding in the morning at Warragul.
  21. I really cannot remember. I may not have been because he already knows how to do it.
  22. I like flyball, especially weekends away. It is very relaxing, you just let the dog go and they do it (most of the time) The human flyball at Ballarat last weekend was so funny, I am still sore from being the start human. I like doing herding, because I love seeing the instinct come out, and I also like sheep, and walking around in the dirt etc. Tricks are fun too. Gundog training was good as well, also like lure coursing, just let the dog go and have a laugh especially when the dog tries to get into the tunnel at the end and walks around with a tunnel on its back.
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