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Everything posted by whatevah

  1. I teach my dog like this using a phone book to work his rear end. Here is Moses Here is Tia http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97QQHLjpWJk Moses doing it in competition, could be a lot tighter though.
  2. Sticky tape method never worked for Moses, he thought the idea of the game was for him to get the tape off. I blew very lightly near his ear, and he swiped when I blew, and I immediately c/t. Then a little bit later if I had my mouth open he would start pawing over his face. I have always found the duration hard. I asked Mary Ray how she taught her dogs and she said the "blow in the face" method, but she also said it doesn;t suit all dogs, and that she didn't put it in her book for that reason, if I do it to Tia she will run and hide, so I won't perservere with that method but use another. Josh can catch a biscuit off the end of his nose.
  3. Which dogs were in the thunderdogs that broke the record? Where they choc and white border collies? They are Tia's relatives.
  4. I am going to see Mary Ray again, will probably take 3 dogs this year.
  5. Tia has passed her instinct tests. I want to enter her at the Border Collie trial under HT on 14&15/7. There is a VHA trial on 22 July. What class do I enter for that one? Can I enter PT? even though she has not passed HT yet or do I enter HT again and if she passes do I ask to go in the higher class on the day and pay the difference? Have tried ringing the organisers but were not contactable, closing dates are 22 June.
  6. You will have to video the take your socks one off, would love to see it.
  7. Lightly blowing in the dogs face can work too, but if your dog is scared or worried about it, don't do it.
  8. http://www.dogtrick.741.com/moses_shake_hands.htm http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqhaJEOtXb4
  9. Here is Tia going to a stationary Target. Here she is learning to wave. She now has it down pat, this one looks very cute http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqhaJEOtXb4
  10. Check out Josh, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGSXEkvkgAs Instructions http://www.dogtrick.741.com/moses_catch_tricks.htm
  11. I just used Susan Garrett's "Shaping for Success" and followed it step by step, you really need a clicker savvy dog and one that likes toys for this to work.
  12. I found with doing Super Dogs with Moses if he got away with missing a weaver, he would do it again the next time.
  13. I used the Susan Garret method with Moses took about 4 weeks. Here is an example, I wanted to be able to send him from a distance. Notice I am out of the picture. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfNduEBWaYk
  14. Here is Moses heeling in a club comp. I like his heeling especially through the witches hat. I like him to be watching me and wagging his tail and keeping in line with me. I like him to be happy.
  15. Do you think Tia could pass as a Kelpie? LOL A lot people ask me if she is a kelpie.
  16. Josh is my flatcoat and he has been with 3 puppies and was fine with all of them. But all dogs are different.
  17. I love the whippet retrieving fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Its good to see that everyone is being nice with this topic. I had Josh, then Moses came along. I purposely took him out without Josh, so he could have one on one time with me. People told me I was cruel. But I think it is good for dogs to learn to cope without the other being around. I don't feel guilty if I take one out without the other. I take Tia to Obedience classes, without Moses and Josh. Tia also goes to herding without Josh and Moses. Today I took Moses to an obedience club comp and came 2nd!!!!!!!!! Last week we passed class 8!!!!!!!!!!! I think that the other dog doesn't know what its missing out on. In my opinion I don't think it is fair to take say 3 dogs to obedience training, where one dog gets worked and the other 2 are cooped up in the car for hours on end. At flyball comps I see a person who is not even competing having all dogs cooped up in a crate all day. Wouldn't they be happier at home???? When I go to flyball I only take the dog that is competing. Except at Ballarat I went for the weekend I took Tia so she would get used to staying in a tent and a different place over night. Next time she will stay at home. I see this a lot. At home my dogs are all together, and have not had any problems with them not bonding to me. I also love to see my dogs playing with other dogs, and so far no problems. Today during the obedience comp I was doing slow pace with Moses and a Jack Russell came along and joined in, Moses gave it a look and then continued heeling, while the owner ran and called the dog. Everyone was impressed. I don't have any problem with people separating dogs at home, but I coulld not do it due to working full time and how are back yard is.
  19. Feel free to post it on the ozobedience list. Cannot do it at the moment as I am at work.
  20. I have heard from Richard Curtis that he will separate the new pup from the adult dogs for a few months. So the pup will bond to him rather than the other dogs. Spoke to a lady at a herding trial and she prefers to keep the puppy together with adult dogs so the pup can learn off the other dogs to learn dog manners etc. Was wondering what ideas people have about these two theories.
  21. I always tend to get the agility sheep and the freestyle sheep. I had a sheep do a polevault in front of me. Got a few ahhs from the judge and onlookers. At a course I had a couple of sheep walking through my legs.
  22. Here is Tia doing her herding instinct test today.
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