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Everything posted by ~Lisa~

  1. Gorgeous dogs! I love Bundy! :D
  2. Kobayashi and I will be there for a little while on the 6th
  3. Titan and Willow with their tug rope. Willow can't be bothered standing up to tug This is Titan's favourite treat/toy at the moment - a big block of ice. And back to snoozing on the lounge.
  4. You're dogs are gorgeous I love that big grin on Cassie's face
  5. There are few things Willow enjoys more than lying in the sun, she's not quite as lady like as Scout though
  6. Thanks everyone Here are the latest photos of our boy He loves his blanket when it's cold Titan with his marrowbone And tugging with Willow He's grown so much in the few months we've had him, 3 months ago, Willow was the bigger one.
  7. Of course... except I am clueless with computers, so you'll have to tell me how to do that
  8. Thanks everyone We think he's pretty gorgeous too, and he has a personality to match Here are a few new photos from the DOL meet we went to yesterday
  9. Thanks everyone The first photo is our favourite too, we're getting it blown up and framed ;)
  10. Here are a few new photos of Titan. Our 8 month old amstaff X from the Animal Welfare League.
  11. mish, unfortunately the series isn't showing anymore, but keep an eye on the Nat Geo channel (channel 612) because they show reruns quite regularly.
  12. I was always torn about MPW. I didn't appreciate their stand on BSL, but the other side of me has seen first hand peoples perception of my breed change before my eyes. Thanks to my goofy dog Edit - Gah its Kobayashi
  13. Well Spotty I didn't think it could happen but she's even cuter now than she was when you first got her!
  14. Hey, I was trying all day to edit the background out of a photo and blur the edges of a few photos together (if that makes any sense) if anyone feels like helping me with it I would appreciate it so so much! But I'll need to PM the photos, so if anyone wants to then let me know please
  15. Zac has had 6 baths in nearly 13 years. We havn't given Kiya a bath yet because she's very clean (though I have washed her feet and face a few times) And Sooty every 2-3 weeks or more when he needs it, less in summer when he has shoter hair. They all come on my bed whenever they want but only Kiya sleeps there at night.
  16. Thanks Harminee! I didn't even look at the size but thanks for fixing it
  17. Oops I read that a little too quickly and thought you did. Thanks a lot freckles! Thanks for the new one ILTBY!!! I'm going to have to change between them now.
  18. Thanks ILTBY. I was hoping I could keep that one, it's really good
  19. As you can probably see my signature was removed because it was too big ;) If anyone's bored then is there some way to make this fit guidelines? Or even if you want to make a new one with any of these... Kiya Zac Sooty Gemma Feel free to do anything else to the photos as well if you get bored lol. Thanks :D
  20. Harminee that looks really fantastic. You're so good at this! Cute dog too by the way!
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