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Everything posted by Havasneeze
Melbourne Royal Results - Best In Show !
Havasneeze replied to SwaY's topic in General Dog Discussion
Congratulations to all the winners and grinners... Many thanks to ALL who supplied results -
Melbourne Royal Results - Best In Show !
Havasneeze replied to SwaY's topic in General Dog Discussion
Correct me if I am wrong, but the Melbourne Royal has a Rosette for 1st Place in the class, Best of Breed and Puppy in Breed. There is a sash for Reserve Challenges. For 2nd and 3rd, it's only a red and white ribbon. Seems a shame there is nothing given by the RASV for runner up in breed. Unless a breed club gives something for this award the second best dog in the breed gets nothing in recognition. Sydney Royal has a sash for both Challenge Winners, Reserve Challenge Winners, Best of Breed and Runner Up Best of Breed. All class winners receive a rosette and placegetters a ribbon. There used to be a sash for Puppy of the Day winner as well but since they don't do that now, there isn't one... LOL
Greater Western Show - Kelso This Weekend
Havasneeze replied to stonecutter's topic in General Dog Discussion
obviously said by someone who has no involvement in a club... -
Wow, nice to see a LH get up for a change...
Hillsborough 6 International Shows
Havasneeze replied to Elise+Hudson's topic in General Dog Discussion
Always remember my favourite line "One day a rooster, next day a feather duster" which can also be applied in reverse. Relax and have fun... we aren't playing for sheep stations
Hillsborough 6 International Shows
Havasneeze replied to Elise+Hudson's topic in General Dog Discussion
Breakdown: Fri AM Grp 1 - 153 Grp 2 - 71 Grp 3 - 125 Grp 4 - 116 Grp 5 - 134 Grp 6 - 88 Grp 7 - 124 Total: 811 Fri PM Grp 1 - 157 Grp 2 - 73 Grp 3 - 138 Grp 4 - 109 Grp 5 - 133 Grp 6 - 87 Grp 7 - 114 Total: 811 Sat AM Grp 1 - 204 Grp 2 - 99 Grp 3 - 178 Grp 4 - 145 Grp 5 - 157 Grp 6 - 109 Grp 7 - 155 Total: 1047 Sat PM Grp 1 - 165 Grp 2 - 96 Grp 3 - 174 Grp 4 - 137 Grp 5 - 156 Grp 6 - 105 Grp 7 - 150 Total: 983 Sun AM Grp 1 - 175 Grp 2 - 111 Grp 3 - 172 Grp 4 - 129 Grp 5 - 160 Grp 6 - 103 Grp 7 - 134 Total: 984 Sun PM Grp 1 - 131 Grp 2 - 81 Grp 3 - 140 Grp 4 - 110 Grp 5 - 142 Grp 6 - 87 Grp 7 - 109 Total: 800 -
I can't see the difference between being short-listed and a small number of assembled BOB winners being run for group. I personally would rather be retired from the ring so that I can spend more time getting my next class winner ready to go in. Do you also consider it rude if only a small number of dogs are run for group?
Molong results: BIS Jan Kirin's Dalmatian RUBIS Hession's PBGV
BIG & RUBIS Jonathan Nash's Peke RUBIG Karen Paul's Cav Saturday: BIG & RUBIS Julie Wardell's Peke and I dunno what got RUBIG cos I wasn't there LOL
BIG 3 @ Nowra today English Cocker BIG 4 was a lovely Norwegian Elkhound RUBIG Long haired standard Dachie (I think) BIS Besoff/Vernon Dalmatian RUBIS Jonathan Nash's Peke BIS yesterday Afghan RUBIS Julie Wardell's Peke
Betty's Chi also took Aus Bred in Show
think you might be right, just clarifying at the moment...
Adelaide Royal Group 1 1st Pug 2nd Pom 3rd Silky 4th Bichon Best Puppy: Cav
yes they are the same and I have wondered about that myself...
some results from the OzShow list: SHOW RESULTS Dogs NSW Purina International Spring Fair Date: August 26th, 2011 The number at the end of the Best In Group line is the Group entry number. Best In Show 878 Australian Shepherd GR CH Willabaa Silver Shadow 3100179535 M Brazier R/Up Best In Show 1155 Dalmatian GR CH Paceway Atrosemount 4100178893 F Matthews/R & D Besoff/G Vernon TOY JUDGE Mrs Sumiko Ikeda Japan Best In Group 85 Miniature Pinscher CH Karaitasilk Elroy 4100139152 M Waters 187 R/up Best in Group 20 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel CH Leiusreview Omar Sharif 2100312149 M Paul/Fox TERRIER JUDGE Dr Leif Ragnor Hjorth Norway Best In Group 217 Bedlington Terrier GR CH Piperdene Poleposition 7100018050 M Piperdene Kennels 119 R/up Best in Group 242 Fox Terrier Smooth Woodshack Tic Tac Toe 2100325184 M Howard/Rushforth GUNDOG JUDGE Mrs Erica Hoffman-Gatti BraZil Best In Group 336 English Springer Spaniel GR CH Auzdance On Broadway 2100197620 M Lauder 234 CH AM CAN CH Hunterspride The Canadian Way IMP CAN R/up Best in Group 357 German Shorthaired Pointer FDJJK UU266599 M Wright HOUND JUDGE Mrs Leyda Perez Colombia Best In Group 613 Dachshund Smooth Haired Miniature CH Cogglyn Margarite 2100260245 F Matwijow 178 R/up Best in Group 693 Rhodesian Ridgeback GR CH Elangeni Dream Run 2100242937 M Commerford WORKING DOG JUDGE Mr Karsten Kaemling Canada Best In Group 878 Australian Shepherd GR CH Willabaa Silver Shadow 3100179535 M Brazier 170 R/up Best in Group 843 Shetland Sheepdog AM CAN CH Winslow Good To Go IMP USA DN22850301 M Hill UTILITY JUDGE Mr Ronnie Tolson Ireland Best In Group 1033 Schnauzer Miniature GR AM CH Beauideal I Have A Dream (IMP USA) RN16961402 M Kelly 234 R/up Best in Group 1002 Samoyed CH Anaky I Don't Give A Dam 2100280653 M Hill NON-SPORTING JUDGE Mr Thomas R Burke Canada Best In Group 1155 Dalmatian GR CH Paceway Atrosemount 4100178893 M Matthews/BesoffNernon 232 R/up Best in Group 1253 Keeshond CH Calivale Calln The Shots 2100265607 M Santas TOTAL ENTERED IN SHOW 1354 Classes In Show Baby Puppy 231 Cairn Terrier Joymont Rory Mcilroy 3100254959 M Scotton Minor Puppy 279 Skye Terrier Ashjay & Son of Deuce 2100331841 M Petchen Puppy 17 Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Lookingglass Once N Fture King 2100331559 M Humphries Junior 390 Irish Setter Tullane Might N Power 2100325580 M Paine Intermediate 357 German Shorthaired Pointer CH AM CAN CH Hunterspride The Canadian Way IMP CAN FDJ JK UU266599 M Wright Australian Bred 217 Bedlington Terrier GR CH Piperdene Poleposition 7100018050 M Piperdene Kennels Open & BIS 878 Australian Shepherd GR CH Willabaa Silver Shadow 3100179535 M Brazier Results from Saturday, 27th August, 2011 Best In Show 87 Maltese Ch Mermalt Merlins Apprentice 2100280730 RlUp Best In Show 1001 Puli CH Rustufarion Electric Shock 2100291979 TOY JUDGE Mrs Leyda Perez Colombia Best In Group 87 Maltese Ch Mermalt Merlins Apprentice 2100280730 Rlup Best in Group 148 Pug GR INT PORT MON DAN SWD NORD SER BOH CH Tangetoppens Gentleman IMP NWY N05215/06 TERRIER JUDGE Mr Karsten Kaemling -Canada Best In Group 267 Bedlington Terrier GR CH Piperdene Poleposition 7100018050 M R/up Best in Group 291 Cairn Terrier CH Joymont The Spy Who Loved Me 3100207014 GUNDOGJUDGE Mrs Sumiko Ikeda -Japan Best In Group 404 Cocker Spaniel GR CH Adjobi Time To Reflect 2100255197 Rlup Best in Group 556 Pointer GR AM CH Solivias Sun Thru The Clouds IMP USA SR44423407 HOUND JUDGE Mr Thomas R Burke -Canada Best In Group 675 Dachshund Smooth Haired CH Dachsford Gold Feenyx IMP NZ 01847-2009 Rlup Best in Group 791 Whippet CH Taejaan As Good As Gold 2100275593 WORKING DOG JUDGE Dr Leif Ragnor Hjorth -Norway Best In Group 1001 Puli CH Rustufarion Electric Shock 2100291979 Rlup Best in Group 908 Bouvier Des Flandres Rogues Frontier Lady of the Outback IMP USA DN24606706 UTILITY JUDGE Mrs Erica Hoffman-Gatti -Brazil Best In Group 1115 Akita CH Beaufleets Kansas Kelly At Redwitch IMP UK AF04784502 Rlup Best in Group 1278 Siberian Husky Utopialand Show Me 3100201393 NON-SPORTING JUDGE Mr Ronnie Tolson -Ireland Best In Group 1573 Poodle Standard CH AM CH Lake Cove Certain To Stop Traffic IMP USA PR12311503 Rlup Best in Group 1631 Shih Tzu GR CH Placky 1m Just It 2100277181 Baby Puppy 442 Cocker Spaniel American Ebonn Tis Keepn The Future At Ltrend IMP NZ 03612-2011 F Barnett/Hull Minor Puppy 324 Kerry Blue Terrier Olizure Hell On High Heels 4100195891 F WrighUFreshwater/Oliphant Puppy 1377 Dalmatian Paceaway Wild Oats 4100194002 M Grant Junior 381 Clumber Spaniel Benbowin Lieutenant Clumbo 2100324724 M Cannon Intermediate 1001 Puli CH Rustufarion Electric Shock 2100291979 M Valore Australian Bred 1579 Poodle Standard CH Picardy Magic Happens 2100312742 F Bailey Open 87 Maltese Ch Merimalt Merlins Apprentice 2100280730 M Cutler
Practise, practise, practise and remember to try and make it fun!!! :D
Coolaman/ganmain Kc 19/20/21 Aug 2011
Havasneeze replied to parrygirl's topic in General Dog Discussion
Thanks for the results.... Most appreciated!!! -
Will Tomorrow's Show At Castle Hill Go Ahead In This Rain?
Havasneeze replied to scolly's topic in General Dog Discussion
Dog showing is like the postman delivering mail.... rain, hail, snow or sunshine!!! The only thing that seems to slow us down is heat!!! -
Showing Breeds In Different Groups?
Havasneeze replied to Crazy Daisy's topic in General Dog Discussion
I show Schipperkes and Havanese. You would be amazed how many times these 2 breeds actually clash or go very close to clashing. It can be MOST stressful at times... -
Desexed Male Living With Non Desexed Bitch
Havasneeze replied to Rileys mum's topic in General Dog Discussion
Yes one of my bitches, when she is in season, harasses my neutered boy so much that I have to separate them... Poor buggar kept trying to mount her when she was no longer in season and she bit him!!! -
Be thankful you actually got your numbers. I have received nothing and had to ring the show secretary to find out if I was entered... Hi....I'm driving up early Friday morning for the show and haven't received my numbers yet? I was told when I rang that the numbers were posted on Monday. As Monday was a bank holiday and I think the post office doesn't work on bank holidays, I guess they didn't go anywhere till yesterday... I would think you will get yours tomorrow but as I am driving up tomorrow and my mail doesn't arrive till after 2pm, I will have to pick them up on the day...
Be thankful you actually got your numbers. I have received nothing and had to ring the show secretary to find out if I was entered...