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Lil Miss LeiLani

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Everything posted by Lil Miss LeiLani

  1. Have been playing with my camera this morning. Here are a couple - I was very happy with the first pic especially
  2. Wow you have done great!!! I've only got a basic entry level dslr so might not get pics as good as others with better cameras lol. But still hoping to get something good of course!
  3. Thanks so much Jimmay!!! I hope so! Its a lot harder than I thought, but will def keep playing around with it, and slowly getting an understanding of how it all works! lol
  4. I've got lots of reading to do, struggling to get anything decent lol. Playing around with different settings but need to know what settings work in what light etc and get more understanding. I'm dying to get something really special already and get my money's worth! Lol. Loving all the photos of course!
  5. I'm getting lots of white pictures All a part of learning
  6. Thanks raineth! So I'm taking it, thats the 'A' on the dial from what i have read. Lots of learning & playing I think!!! lol THanks for all the tips & help too guys, much appreciated! I Really want to take amazing photos
  7. What setting should you have your camera on if its not on auto?
  8. Thanks for all your tips!! Yes, I really want to get it off auto too and get some more practice shots! Goal for next weekend while hubby is watching the V8s, perfect for some quiet time for me
  9. Thanks Snook! Can't wait to get the hang of it eventually! lol.
  10. Thanks for the tips Kirislin! Def going to take a while getting used to the camera and trying to change the settings etc rather than always leaving it on auto too. How do you get the action shots?!? Some of them on here, esp the greyhounds, are sooo super clear! I was so excited to see the lens can do that - but alas, mine are still blurry Here are a few more I have taken today.
  11. I've been trying to play around with my lens a little bit today. Takes great shots in doors, just amazing. I just can't get the crispness you guys get, and would love some help. I'll go shrink some pics and then upload them. Some have turned out okay, but not all amazing or wow, like yours!
  12. Thanks Kirslin!! I always had this image of me doing a little jig while trying to take the photo! heheheeh
  13. So am I meant to be moving while taking the photo - or do they mean because they don't zoom - I have to physically walk up to the subject and 'move' to take the pic!! Apologies if this is a stupid question!
  14. Tick tock tick tock - few hours left to go - 4 hours and 8 mins to be exact!!! lol Great pics Ange!!! I've read you should 'move around' while taking a photo with this lens too, as I don't know where to start. its all apart of playing with it right!
  15. I'm at work, got the lens delivered here so reception can sign for it my camera is at home & needs to be charged! I've got hubby on battery charging duty for when he gets home - so then by the time I get home tonight after work I can have a play!!!! Wasn't due to arrive until Tuesday, but luckily for me that found a spot on the truck today for me! I knew I should have charged my camera last night... lol
  16. Its here!!!!!!!! Was scheduled for delivery for Tuesday - but I saw it arrived at Brissie airport this morning - so I called FedEx and asked them if it was possible to deliver it today for me - and its just arrived!!!! I am sooo excited and can't wait to start using it this weekend!!! Off to the Collie show on Sunday so I really wanted it in time for that! I know what I'll be doing all weekend!!!! Watch this space, lets hope its easy to use!! Eeeee excitement!!!
  17. Yay!! My lens was dispatched today!!! Countdown to ETA on Friday!!! Pls let it be here for the long weekend and dog show!!! Any tips on how to best use my new 50mm f1.4 nikkor lens???
  18. Well I've done it! I've just ordered my 50mm AF-S Nikkor f1.4 !!! Expect delivery in 2-3 days, bought it from eglobal!! So exciting!!!! Bit scary spending that much money on a lens, but going by all your pictures its going to be a worthwhile investment!! So hopefully this time next week I will be posting in here too
  19. Thanks so much ange!! hmmmm me thinks I will have to buy it soon! Best thing is quick delivery!! I took a couple of pics of the new pup today, although not with a 50mm lens - but if you would like to see them anyways I can post them tomorrow. He is so cute, looks just like my Lani when she was a pup!! Lovely photos too ange
  20. Ange - where did you buy your lens from? I think I've decided on a 50mm 1.4 AF-S - possibly from DWI Now I just have to wait to get it in a few more weeks! Its gonna kill me! lol Esp knowing I'm going with my sister tomorrow to pick up a new puppy for her, and that Í'll have to rely on my current lenses! lol. Hmmm....maybe thats a legitimite reason to buy it next week....after all - he's not gonna be a pup for much longer..... ;)
  21. Thats what I"m looking forward to the most - in low light. I was just saying to hubby as I've asked for it as an early b'day pressie Will do for the fur-babies now until the real ones come along! lol.
  22. Your photos are just amazing, so you are def doing something right! I can't wait to see what you will be able to do with an even better camera!
  23. Thanks so much Huga! I've been reading up lots today lol. I've just found a website thanks to DOL - DWI. They have a AF-S 50mm 1.4 for nearly the same price I was looking at on Dig Camera W/H but for the AF only. They don't have any 1.8 AF-S in stock at the moment though, but I'm thinking of just getting the 1.4 straight up rather than buying the 1.8 now and then upgrading anyways I think. Such a big decision!! lol Kinda makes me wish I had bought a better body straight away too, but of course in hindsight.... it was all i could afford at the time! But I still love my D3000 And think I will love it even more with a new lens! Do these lenses take good action shots as well - sometimes my pups are so fast, I want to be able to just click & capture without having to try and focus the camera. I've seen some great crisp action shots in this thread which I am so excited about getting Huga - what do you use?
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