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Everything posted by MDL

  1. Thanks for that, have signed up and'will say G'day and post something on there. Thanks MDL
  2. I mean a rig with wheel, a Dog Scooter MDL
  3. Anywere know if you can pick up a new one for under $200? MDL
  4. Just wondering weather anyone know somewere that sells second hand dog scooter? I live in toowoomba QLD and i'm just looking for something to give my Husky some exercise. Anyone have any idea's ? Have done a google serch and haven't come up with anything much. Going to email the QLD group, but there's not much on there website. MDL EDIT - Changed wording from sled to scooter
  5. Just digging up this old thread. Well feed them some pasta and that. They liked it. And just to let you know, it happened again. Yet wasn't enough meat left in the freezer. Well someone call the RSPCA on me. I mean, i don't have enough food PLAINED for my pets. Well i'll just have to cook something up for them then. MDL
  6. Out of dog food for the night. What can i feed my husky? Rice, pasta with sauce or something? MDL
  7. Hey guys Just got some Eukanuba large Puppy for my Micky, Husky, we also feed him beef mince as well. I was just wondering on what your thought would be on how much we should be feeding him? At the moment we bag the meat into 300 gram bags. I am feeding him one bag of meat and biscuits in the morning and meat at night. We also have a 10 year old staffy and she get's her meat at night. On the Eukanuba bag it said about 3-4 cups per day (300grams) of biscus's. What would you think when you add meat as well? i was going to go meat and 3/4 a small cup in the morning and 1-1 1/2 at night? I mean he clean this up today and is still hungry. Also what's your thoughts on just pedregee biscuits as well since we are trying to feed both and puppy and a 10 year old. MDL
  8. MDL

    Puppy Palace

    LOL, i'm a bloke and wouldn't have a clue on how to make one. So the question is, how much to build one for my Husky? MDL
  9. Just wondering weather there is a web site with obedience command on there and pic's? I have mikey, my 3 month old husky which i am taking to puppy preschool and he's picking thing up quickly. The issues is that i don't want to use any wrong commands so he doesn't get confused down the track. The man reason is that i can't take him to obedience untill he's 6 months i have been told. MDL
  10. Doesn't seem to worry them that much but I think that i have some of that wandering dew MDL
  11. Hey, I have been in this new home for about 3 months now. I have been wondering weather any of the plants are making the dog ichi? Sam, the staffy has been licking her feet every night now as she didn't use to and i heard that this *may* be a side that she is allergic to something. More to the piont that i'm not a gardener so names of plants don't help me. Does anyone know a website or book that has pic's of plants that are bad for dog's. Matthew
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