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  1. Am interested in this Osteocare, but it didnt say on the website that it had the same goodies as Joint Guard It mentions type II collegen but it doesnt say anywhere that there is Glucosamine & Chondroitin in it like the Joint Guard? Did your vet tell you how its the same as Joint Guard? I asked my vet for you and she said its the new thing for arthritis. There are all the goodies needed to build cartilage, which is what the glucosamine and chondroitin does, but the collagen actually makes it work even better! She explained it to be like the collagen in skin creams, which helps build strength and regenerate the skin - the same for joints with osteocare collagen. She also said it contained mixed GAGs - its the glucosamines etc. Its on the US product label but they cannot have it on the Australian label.
  2. Osteocare is a little different from these things as it has this collagen stuf plus the other goodies that Joint Guard etc. It has been unbelievably good for meg. I am so impressed. I agree, even the fussiest dog loves them Try either http://www.vetstop.com.au/shop/shopdisplay...;cat=Joint+Care or http://www.vetnpetdirect.com.au/product.ph...=303&page=1 Second option cheaper. Kaos is quite happy with the powder.
  3. HI There, my little meg has not really responded from the simple glucosamine products like Joint Guard and has just recently started on Osteocare and she is now bouncing around. My Vet told me that type II collagen is new thing for preventing Osteoarthritis and Osteocare is the only product. Plus, my dog loves them! Megmans owner Would you mind posting where you have found Joint Guard at a cheaper price? I'm currently using Osteocare biscuits for Coda, who is the fussiest eater on the planet. You can check them out here Being in a biscuit form it is quite convenient, but I'm not sure it has as many ingredients as Joint Guard.
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