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Love my Sonny and Neko

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Everything posted by Love my Sonny and Neko

  1. Hi there. My puppy continues to poo in the outside laundry and she is 6 months... please let me know if you come across anything that works!
  2. Hey. They usually get a handful of dry and a cup or so of homemade stew type stuff with blended up veggies and either cooked mince and rice or chicken mince and pasta. She has been eating this since we got her and has never had a problem. It started after desexing so has to be related? Cheers
  3. Hi all I am sure that answers are on here someone but I have been searching and can't find anything related... My 6 month old pups were desexed last Friday (5 days ago) and Neko (F) had had runny poo since Saturday afternoon. It is still runny too. What is worse is that she eats it, but I am on to the pineapple juice so that should be sorted out soon. Is runny poo after being desexed normal? I called the vet and they didn't seem too bothered. Any hints on how to bind her up? Also, my male LOVES to drink Neko's wee as she is doing it (gross I know) or straight away afterwards. Is this dangerous? I am in the processing of discouraging him, using a stern NO and then a treat when he comes and sits, but just wondering if it could be causing any damage. Thanks!
  4. Hi all. I am a new user and the proud owner of 2 six month of staffy pups. Our girl became quite sick after we got her and the vets could not work out what was wrong. she underwent all sorts of test and had them completely puzzled. They finally worked out that she suffers from a rare puppy disorder which causes her not to drink water. We had pointed this out to vet on several occasions but they thought little of it. She was displaying a limp, runny nose, puffy eyes and a cough. Because she wan't drinking any fluids the sodium levels in her body were dangerously high and she was being poisoned. She is on the road to recovery now as we add water to all of her meals and give her plenty of milk diluted with water. Just thought it would be worth sharing this info with others. If you notice that your pup isn't drinking and is displaying signs of illness - please talk to your vet!!! Thanks to everyone who has listed toilet training advice. We are still struggling but the advice provided has been invaluable! Thanks Amy
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