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Love my Sonny and Neko

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Everything posted by Love my Sonny and Neko

  1. Hi all Made up a massive batch of barf on the weekend and used mushrooms. OH kept saying 'meat for vegetarians' and all that. Had a horrible feeling last night and just searched on DOL and found that they CAN be toxic. Does that apply to your store/market purchased mushrooms?
  2. Hi All I am searching for a trainer to come to my place and give us all some obidience training. Can anyone recommend a good company in Adelaide? Thanks Amy
  3. Hi All I am searching for a trainer to come to my place and give us all some obidience training. Can anyone recommend a good company in Adelaide? Thanks Amy
  4. They look fantastic! I have never seen them in Adelaide shops though. Sonny did rupture the coconut milk and they had a lick but were too lazy to continue on...
  5. Ane - thanks for that... will definitely look into the everlasting ball. I too have seen those bone things - did you get them at cheap as chips? I didn't bother getting one cause I thought he would just destroy it. Bad news though - the coconut was a dud. It is still sitting in the backyard completely unloved! A couple of people have mentioned the pipe so will give that a go. Cheers
  6. Lillysmum... you are a champ! It's like a lightbulb just went off in my head... thanks so much.
  7. Thanks Tollersowned. 600g per day broken into 2 meals doesn't seem like much though when including bones? Bones are heavy.... I am confused!!!
  8. Ok... an additional question... I have read that you feed approx 2 - 3% of body weight (dividing into 2 meals if appropriate). How do you factor in the bones though... are they included? Thanks
  9. That it is a nightmare to pick up the teeny tiny pieces of plastic...
  10. Thanks guys... love the coconut idea... will have to give that a go. Just give him the whole thing? How amusing that will be!!! Sonny has gone through 2 of those tyre things... he loves ripping the squeaker out and then ripping the plastic apart into tiny bits... really easy to pick up... not.
  11. Hi poodlefan - thanks for responding. Yes, Sonny is desexed. The dogs weren't exactly picking on the pup, just being overly dominant. And Sonny was with another group at that point. When the incident occured Sonny and the pup were well away from the other dogs and hadn't interacted up until that point. Will definitely see a behaviourist... I would hate to see him hurt another dog. If anyone can recommend a good one in SA, please let me know. Thanks again.
  12. I so knew Steve was a female... i read it in one of the forums then promptly forgot! Sorry Steve! Am feeding various chicken items and bones of all descriptions but have added beef mince to the veg mix. Neko has to have 300ml of water added to each of her 2 meals so the mince would be helpful to make a slurry.
  13. Thanks! Also - should clarify that Steve said 'no meat off the bone'. Not exactly no mince! I was looking to mix the raw mince in with the veg/fruit mix to freeze in addition to the meaty bones... will re think that now.
  14. Hi all Am making the move to BARF for my 2 puppies but an slightly confused about feeding raw mince. Seems 50% do and 50% don't. Steve seems to be the BARF gun and he says not... ;) I have made the effort to search through the 22 pages of info on this topic but would appreciate any advice. Thanks!
  15. Thanks. I appreciate your advice. Sonny is 9 months old and by attacked I mean - bit, growled and went round and round in a circle locked together. A guy was able to grab him by the collar and harness and lift him up - with the pup still in his mouth. And to clarify, he and the pup weren't around any dogs, it was just the 2 of them off the side at the time - from what I remember. Not that that makes much of a difference. Thanks again. A
  16. Hi all We had our first visit to the findon pooch park on Saturday and it was fantastic. The dogs played happily for about 1.5 hours and interacted well with all the other dogs. They came when called and all was well. All of a sudden Sonny attacked this puppy who all the other dogs were picking on. It was awful. The pup was ok thankfully, as was the owner, and I put Sonny straight on the lead for the rest of the trip. We returned yesterday but I wasn't too sure of the protocol or if Sonny would repeat this appalling behavior so he stayed on the lead for the duration of the visit. The problem was worse as he growls at other dogs when he is on the lead. What should I do? do I ever return to the park again? Is this something an animal behaviorist can help with? Thanks Amy
  17. Hi Deltron Just wanted you to know that I completely understand your frustrations.. My 2 pups (although at 8 months - hardly puppies!!!) decided that they liked peeing inside much more that out and I had to re-train them. It is getting freezing here in Adelaide and I would stand outside in my trackie, dressing gown, beanie and blanket for what felt like hours... and then suddenly, everything clicked again. I love Charlie... he is so adorable!!!
  18. Our girl Neko is broken too. The only things that she is interested in playing with is stones... Good idea re the paint rollers - I would never have thought of that.
  19. He is 8 months old and he has never chewed his puppy kong - despite me filling it with all sorts of treats. I think the rope is the best bet... he does love them. He seems to absolutely love ripping stuff apart. Funny little thing. Thanks for all the other suggestions guys... will check them out. :D
  20. Hi all just wondering if anyone has come across the perfect toy. Our pup chews through any toys and rips up soft toys yet he won't touch anything too hard or un-chewable - like a Kong. He loves loves loves to play and I am keen to find something to keep him entertained. So far the best things has been a leather gardening/work glove! Thanks
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